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Daily E-Mail Alert
Aug. 31, 2000
8:00 AM ET.
Alert No. 10.

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News Briefs

8/30. Intel filed a complaint in U.S. District Court (Del.) against Broadcom alleging patent infringement. Earlier this year Intel filed a complaint in California Superior Court (San Jose) against Broadcom alleging unfair trade competition and misappropriation of trade secrets in connection with the hiring of several Intel employees.
8/30. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) gave its clearance to the wireless joint venture of SBC and BellSouth. The DOJ's consent decree calls for the resolution of overlapping wireless properties. No other conditions were imposed. See, SBC release.
8/30. The Gartner Group released a report that concluded that "34 percent of U.S. colleges and universities have banned Napster to Internet users surfing over campus servers." See, release. Napster has been sued by record companies for violation of copyright law.
8/30. Micromuse announced that it has received U.S. Patent No. 6,108,702 titled "Method And Apparatus For Determining Accurate Topology Features of a Network." This patent covers the Network Slice technology used in Micromuse’s Netcool/Precision root-cause analysis and auto-discovery software. The Network Slice technology determines the actual path through which data traverses the network and obtains detailed connection-related information on network devices. See, release.
8/30. The USPTO announced that it will hold three symposia in the states of Washington and California on patent examination practices in software and biotechnology. The software segment will focus on computer-related inventions, including business methods. See, release and locations. The one-day sessions are as follows:
 • Sept. 18 - Seattle WA
 • Sept. 20 - Millbrae CA
 • Sept. 21 - La Jolla CA
8/30. The Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism and Government Information held yet another hearing on identity theft. This hearing was conducted in Los Angeles, California, by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the ranking Democrat on the Subcommittee. Sen. Feinstein stated that "Identity theft, is perhaps, the signature crime of the new economy. Modern technology has made vast amounts of personal information obtainable at the click of a keyboard, leaving our personal information vulnerable to interception and misuse." Jeffrey Klurfeld, Director of the Western Regional Office of the FTC testified. See, prepared statement, and FTC release.
8/30. Clear Channel Communications and AMFM completed their merger, which is valued at $23.8 Billion. See, Clear Channel release of Aug. 28 [PDF] regarding divestiture of stations and Clear Channel release of Aug. 30 [PDF] regarding closing the merger. The combined operations will include more than 900 radio stations, 19 TV stations and over 700,000 outdoor advertising displays in 40 countries. AMFM's operations include Internet web sites, streaming online casts of AMFM's on-air programming and other media, and promoting emerging Internet and new media concerns. See, Clear Channel 10-K filing for 1999, at page 12. The Department of Justice (DOJ) required  Clear Channel and AMFM to sell AMFM's partial ownership interest in Lamar Advertising Company and to divest an additional 14 radio stations in 5 markets. To accomplish this, on Aug. 29 the DOJ filed a complaint, proposed consent decree, and related pleadings in U.S. District Court in Washington DC. See, Stipulation and Order and DOJ release. Clear Channel previously sold 122 radio stations to obtain FCC approval of license transfers. See, FCC release of Aug. 15.
8/29. The CompTel named three new members to its board: Frank Semple (President of Williams Network, a subsidiary of Williams Communications), John Barnett, (CEO of Data Network Operations of McLeodUSA, Inc.), and Richard Grange (President and CEO of New Global Telecom). See, CompTel release.
Editor's Note: This column includes all News Briefs added to Tech Law Journal since the last Daily E-Mail Alert. The dates indicate when the event occurred, not the date of posting to Tech Law Journal.
New Documents

8/30. Prepared Statement of the FTC on Identity Theft before a field hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee. [HTML, FTC web site.]
Quote of the Day

"I would not want to be the university president who neglected to update the school policy regarding music downloads this year ... Long legal battles can be costly, and one school could easily be singled out to set legal precedent this year." Robert Labatt, principal analyst for Gartner's e-Business Services Group, regarding universities that allow students to access Napster over university servers. Source.

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