Tech Law Journal Daily E-Mail Alert
April 11, 2002, 9:00 AM ET, Alert No. 408.
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House Commerce Committee Approves Dot Kids Bill
4/10. The House Commerce Committee approved HR 3833, the Dot Kids Implementation and Efficiency Act of 2002. The Committee approved an amendment in the nature of a substitute [PDF] by a unanimous voice vote, and then approved the bill as amended by a unanimous voice vote. The bill is sponsored by Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL), Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), and others.
The bill would require the Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to operate a .kids second level domain within the .us country code domain. Currently, the NTIA has contracted with NeuStar to act as the registry of the .us country code. The amendment adds new language to ensure that the new domain will in fact be safe for children. For example, it prohibits interactive services, such as chat, instant messaging and e-mail, in the new domain, unless the web site operator can certify that such services can be offered in a manner that is consistent with the content standards of the new domain.
Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), the ranking Democrat on the Committee, said in his opening statement that "In recent years there were several unsuccessful attempts to create a kid friendly top level domain similar to what we are considering today. Unfortunately, these attempts were rebuffed by ICANN, the international group responsible for assigning top level domain names. HR 3833 takes an innovative approach to dealing with ICANN's recalcitrance. It simply sidesteps the ICANN process by creating a second level domain name under the "dot US" country code which will be entirely under the United States' control."
The bill, as amended, would amend the NTIA Organization Act, 47 U.S.C. § 902, by assigning to the NTIA "responsibility for providing for the establishment, and overseeing operation, of a second- level Internet domain within the United States country code domain in accordance with" the provisions of the bill.
The bill further provides that "The NTIA shall require the registry selected to operate and maintain the United States country code Internet domain to establish, operate, and maintain a second-level domain within the United States country code domain that provides access only to material that is suitable for minors and not harmful to minors".
The bill further provides a series of requirements for the contract between the NTIA and the registry that maintains the new domain. It requires "Rules and procedures for enforcement and oversight that minimize the possibility that the new domain provides access to content that is not in accordance with the standards and requirements of the registry" and "A process for removing from the new domain any content that is not in accordance with the standards and requirements of the registry."
The bill also requires that the registrar to enter into written agreements with registrants "to prohibit two-way and multiuser interactive services in the new domain, unless the registrant certifies to the registrar that such service will be offered in compliance with the content standards ... and does not compromise the safety or security of minors."
However, some of the requirements imposed by the bill would not only tend to assure that the new domain is safe for children, but also would tend to deter potential web hosts from using the new domain. For example, registrars would be required to enter into written agreements with all users of the new domain "to prohibit hyperlinks in the new domain that take new domain users outside of the new domain." Thus, a web site in the new domain could not hyperlink to children's web sites in the .com domain.
Secondly, the bill requires "Procedures and mechanisms to promote the accuracy of contact information submitted by registrants and retained by registrars in the new domain." Thus, parents creating web sites might be deterred from using the new domain, for fear that it would require them to publish their (and their children's) home phone number and address.
House Commerce Committee to Hold Hearing on Digital TV
4/10. Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-LA), the Chairman of the House Commerce Committee, announced that the Telecom Subcommittee will hold a hearing on digital television -- probably on April 25. He added that it would be an "educational hearing". He made this announcement at the conclusion of the Committee's mark up of HR 3833, the Dot Kids Implementation and Efficiency Act.
Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) stated that, "it takes both sides. It takes supply, and it takes demand. And, we do have to deal with this very tough issue of how to protect intellectual property rights, as we think about how to expand supply as well. And getting the balance right is hard. This Committee is good at dealing with hard things. Maybe that too could be the subject of one of these briefings or interactive events."
Rep. Tauzin responded. "There has been discussions -- extensive, bipartisan, round table discussions." He added that "we may end up having to follow up the agreement made by the industry with legislation, both to enforce the agreements, and even to authorize the FCC in some aspects."
House CJS Subcommittee Holds Hearing on FTC Budget
4/10. The House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary (CJS) held a hearing on the proposed budget for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for FY2003. FTC Chairman Timothy Muris said in his prepared testimony that the FTC requests $176,599,000 and 1,074 full time employees.
This is an an increase over FY2002 of $20,617,000, but no additional full time employees. Muris' testimony outlines the activities of the FTC in both consumer protection and antitrust enforcement.
Privacy. With respect to privacy, Muris stated that "The FTC will pursue law enforcement efforts in the following areas: Enforcing privacy promises, focusing on cases involving sensitive information, transfers of information as part of a bankruptcy proceeding, and the failure of companies to meet commitments made under the Safe Harbor Program to comply with the European Commission's Directive on Data Protection. ... Enforcing the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which prohibits the collection of personally identifiable information from young children without their parents' consent. ... Bringing actions against fraudulent or deceptive spammers. ... Challenging ``pretexting,´´ the practice of fraudulently obtaining personal financial information, often by calling banks under the pretense of being a customer. ... Enforcing the privacy protections of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which ensures the integrity and accuracy of consumer credit reports and limits the disclosure of such information to entities that have ``permissible purposes´´ to use the information."
Muris also stated that the FTC is involved in two privacy related rulemaking proceedings -- one involving proposed amendments to the Telemarketing Sale Rule, and the other pertaining to safeguarding consumers' financial information pursuant to the Gramm Leach Bliley Act.
He also stated that the FTC will conduct workshops and other educational activities, including the training of law enforcement officials about identity theft, collecting information about identity theft with the FTC's new ID Theft Affidavit, and continuing "to explore and monitor the privacy implications of new and emerging technologies through workshops, reports, and other public meetings."
Finally, he testified that the FTC "will continue aggressively to monitor the Internet to ferret out frauds and schemes." He added that "A growing number of these high tech schemes exploit the design and architecture of the Internet."
Antitrust: merger enforcement. With respect to the FTC's competition authority, Muris stated in his prepared testimony that "Merger enforcement will continue as a major focus of the competition agenda for FY 2003. Stopping mergers that lessen competition ensures that consumers will have the benefit of lower prices and greater choice in their selections of goods and services." He added that the recently increased Hart Scott Rodino Act (HSR) filing threshold, coupled with economic conditions, have reduced the number of HSR filings by approximately two thirds from their peak.
Antitrust: agreement with Antitrust Division. Muris also stated that the FTC "has been working with the Antitrust Division at the Department of Justice to establish procedures to make the HSR merger review process more efficient and transparent. The FTC has focused on several areas for streamlining". He cited the agreement reached by Muris and Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust Charles James to allocate matters between the two agencies.
Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-SC), the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee's CJS Subcommittee, has opposed this agreement. In addition, two FTC Commissioners submitted testimony criticizing the deal. Commissioner Sheila Anthony stated in her prepared testimony that "I support the Commission's testimony before this Subcommittee, except that part which discusses the clearance procedures for merger investigations. While ``streamlining the merger review process´´ is a laudable goal that deserves our attention, I am not convinced that the approach agreed to by Chairman Muris and Assistant Attorney General Charles James fully maximizes the unique makeup, experience, and institutional assets of the Commission." See also, Commissioner Mozelle Thompson's prepared testimony.
Antitrust: nonmerger enforcement. Muris continued that "The FTC will continue the trend, begun last year, to devote more resources to nonmerger enforcement. In FY 2001, the agency opened 56 nonmerger investigations, more than double the number of such investigations begun in the previous year, when deadline sensitive HSR merger investigations siphoned away resources allocated for nonmerger work. Thus far in FY 2002, the agency has opened 15 nonmerger investigations. The major focus of our nonmerger work will concern activities among competitors, reflecting the broad consensus in antitrust policy that horizontal arrangements that fix prices or restrict output are the ones most likely to harm consumers."
Antitrust: intellectual property. Muris also addressed the FTC's current review of antitrust law and intellectual property. He stated that "Our economy increasingly has become more knowledge based; for some companies, patent portfolios represent far more valuable assets than manufacturing or other physical facilities. Thus, an increasing number of the FTC's competition matters require the application of antitrust law to conduct relating to intellectual property. Both antitrust and intellectual property law share the common purposes of promoting innovation and enhancing consumer welfare. On occasion, however, there have been tensions in how to manage the intersection between the doctrines, as well as questions about how best to spur innovation through competition and intellectual property law and policy. The FTC and DOJ currently are holding a series of hearings on competition and intellectual property law and policy to help understand the interplay between intellectual property and antitrust law. Issues to be addressed in the hearings include standard setting, cross licensing and patent pools, unilateral refusals to deal, proliferation of patents, and the changing scope of patents. In addition to the hearings, we continue to pursue antitrust investigations involving issues concerning intellectual property."
Panel Discusses E-Learning
4/10. The Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee hosted a luncheon panel discussion on the use of e-learning. The participants included Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT) and Rep. Johnny Isakson (R-GA), who focused on the use of e-learning for educational purposes.
Rep. Isakson was the Vice Chairman of the Web-based Education Commission, which issued a report titled "The Power of the Internet for Learning: Moving from Promise to Practice" in December 2000. Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE) was the Chairman.
Rep. Isakson is also the sponsor of HR 1992, the Internet Equity and Education Act of 2001, a bill that would make it easier to obtain federal financial aid for web based education programs. This bill was approved by the House Education Committee on August 1, 2001. Rep. Isakson is a member of the Committee.
He said that "Most of the insolvable problems of public education in America are within reach of solution by the use of the web and the Internet." He cited examples of Internet based education in Ethiopia, in Bosnia, and in rural Georgia.
"So, the promise of e-learning is great. We in Congress have a lot to do," said Rep. Isakson. "We have got to deliver on database protection. We have got to deliver on copyright laws in a digital world. We have got to deliver on protection of intellectual property, or you won't have anything on the Internet worth a damn, because anything that is worthwhile, without protection for intellectual property rights, would not be rapidly disseminated. But the web offers great promise to us upon the single most important thing for the future of our country and our children, and that is the advancement of education of every single American citizen."
Sen. Burns stated that "Distance learning was my motivation for becoming involved in communications in the first place. Through distance learning, Americans in Manhattan, Montana have the same opportunities available to them as Americans in Manhattan, New York."
A panel of industry speakers focused on the use of e-learning by corporations and the government to train workers. This panel included Rich Moran (Accenture), Daniel Hamburger (Indeliq), Greg Priest (SmartForce), and retired Brig. Gen. Frank Anderson (Defense Acquisition University).
Greg Priest stated that "there are things that could be done that would be very helpful." He cited legislation that provides "for more tax incentives for companies to do learning activities." He also said that Department of Education Title IV regulations with respect to eligibility for federal funds is an issue. He stated that "There are limitations on the ability to get Pell Grants, and those kinds of funds, based on your physical presence on campus." He stated that that "puts inhibitions in the way of degree related material."
Rep. Isakson Addresses E-Learning, IPR and Broadband
4/10. Tech Law Journal spoke with Rep. Isakson following the Congressional Internet Caucus panel discussion on e-learning. He stated that, currently, "the courts are having to interpret laws written for a paper and pencil world in a digital age." Hence, Congress should step in and pass legislation to provide "adequate protection, for maximum dissemination, of quality content. Otherwise, the Internet, and all of its promise, is going to be relegated in large part to pormography, games, office pools on athletic events, and stuff like that." He stated that "until we deal with the intellectual property, and the copyright, and the database protection, you are inhibiting the dissemination of information. And you are inhibiting the full promise of web based learning."
He discussed efforts to date to pass a distance learning bill, such as that sponsored by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and supported by Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC), as well as efforts to pass various database protection bills. He stated that "there is a school of thought that we need to deal with this in a comprehensive, rather than a piecemeal manner. And, that may be the reason, but I can't particularly address why the Leahy bill hasn't come up in the House. I can tell you, and this is not a criticism of my colleagues, but this is a general statement, the level of understanding of the importance of dealing with this expeditiously does not exist. Until we deal with the intellectual property, and the copyright, and the database protection, you are inhibiting the dissemination of information. And you are inhibiting the full promise of web based learning."
Sen. Leahy's bill is S 487, the Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2001, also known as the TEACH Act. This bill, which passed the Senate on June 7, 2001, by unanimous consent, would extend the distance learning exemption to infringement contained in Section 110 of the Copyright Act to Internet technologies. It was approved by the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property on July 11 of last year. The full House has not yet voted on it.
Rep. Isakson also elaborated on the need for database protection. He said that "when people currently can transfer data off the web and re-label it and put it on their own site, it is the same thing as breaking in your office and stealing your files. And, in a digital world, we have to be able to provide reasonable protection on the re-use, or the conversion, of information, and the re-branding of it."
Rep. Isakson stated that he has been working with Rep. Coble in an effort to pass a database protection bill. He added that "there are those that think that everything ought to be on the Internet, and everything ought to be free. Well, in the absence of protection right now, about the only protection that an institution like Riverside Publishing, or one of the major educational publishing companies has, is by selling site licenses, a very cumbersome process. There are a number of lawsuits right now ... and law will be established through cases, but I think Congress really ought to move as quickly as it can to put down a framework in law that passes with good debate and good insight."
He said that it would probably be impossible to pass a single comprehensive bill, "because it creates too many opportunities to loose the whole thing over one thing. But, I certainly think we need to have a comprehensive approach. Database protection, copyright, and intellectual property rights are all closely linked, in one way or another."
Rep. Isakson also stated that the absence of widespread broadband Internet access holding back e-learning. He discussed the current regulatory framework affecting cable and phone companies, and then launched into a discussion of broadband via satellite. He stated that "satellite broadband to me is going to be a major solution once they are launched, because that it is wireless broadband, so you don't have the heavy cost of infrastructure. It is cheaper to provide satellite access, as expensive as a satellite and a launch is, than it is to lay cable. And in a state like Montana, or in rural Georgia, you can't get enough subscribers in the rural areas to pay for the cost, or amortize the cost of the cable. But with wireless access, wireless broadband by satellite ... you can take broadband access to the most remote village in Africa. And, I think is a major part of the broadband solution."
FRB Governor Addresses Banking and Technology
4/8. Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Governor Edward Gramlich gave a speech titled "Community Reinvestment Act at Twenty Five" at the Consumer Bankers' Association Community Reinvestment Act Conference, in Arlington, Virginia.
"The financial services landscape has altered dramatically over the past twenty five years," said Gramlich. In particular, "advances in technology have redefined nearly every aspect of the industry -- from loan underwriting to product delivery -- with computers revising the role of staff and facilities in ways that were unimaginable two decades ago. Credit scoring models have provided a mechanism for realizing loan processing and production efficiencies as well as for engaging in systematic risk based pricing. The Internet has enabled the collection of deposits and the disbursement of loans without bricks and mortar premises."
Martin and Copps Criticize FCC Media Bureau's EchoStar Two Dish Order
4/10. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioners Kevin Martin and Michael Copps issued a joint statement criticizing the FCC Media Bureau's April 4 Declaratory Ruling and Order [21 pages in PDF], which declared that EchoStar's two dish plan violates the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999 (SHIVA). They stated, "We fear that the Bureau Order will allow EchoStar to continue its two-dish policy – albeit with better notice – in a manner that continues to make some local broadcast signals inaccessible to consumers as a practical matter."
EchoStar, which is also known as the Dish Network, provides direct broadcast satellite (DBS) television service. EchoStar has placed some local stations in particular markets on "wing slot" satellites. As a result, some EchoStar subscribers are required to use a second satellite dish antenna to receive and view these local stations.
The SHVIA grants EchoStar, and other DBS carriers, a royalty free copyright license that enables them to make secondary transmissions of a broadcast station's signals into that station's local designated market area (DMA) without obtaining authorization from copyright holders. In exchange, the SHIVA requires that if a satellite carrier carries one local broadcast station in a local market pursuant to this license, it must carry all qualified local broadcast stations in the market upon request. This is the "carry one, carry all" rule.
The SHIVA also provides, at 47 U.S.C. § 338(d), that "the satellite carrier shall retransmit the signal of the local television broadcast stations to subscribers in the stations' local market on contiguous channels and provide access to such station's signals at a nondiscriminatory price and in a nondiscriminatory manner on any navigational device, on-screen program guide, or menu."
Martin and Copps wrote that "In passing SHVIA, Congress ensured that a satellite carrier choosing to offer any local broadcaster would be required to carry all local stations in a nondiscriminatory fashion. The Bureau Order found that EchoStar’s actions discriminated against some signals, in violation of the statutory nondiscrimination requirement. Yet the Bureau Order also found that more effective notice of this discrimination would be sufficient to remedy EchoStar’s actions and bring its two-dish plan into compliance.  We believe the nondiscrimination requirements of the statute, Congressional intent, and Commission rules all demand more."
Gateway to Campaign Against Hollings Bill
4/10. Computer maker Gateway announced that it will wage a publicity campaign against S 2048, the Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act, a copy protection bill sponsored by Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-SC) and others. Gateway stated that it will "take a stand with consumers on the digital music debate, launching the first mainstream marketing campaign by a technology company supporting consumers' right to enjoy digital music legally." Gateway added that is will employ TV, radio, web and in store advertising. See, Gateway release.
AT&T Appoints New Directors
4/10. AT&T announced the election of Frank Herringer and Tony White to its board of directors. Herringer is Chairman of Transamerica Corporation, a financial services company. White is Chairman, President and CEO of Applera Corporation, formerly PE Corporation, a provider of products, services and information in life sciences. See, AT&T release.
House Passes Digital Technology Corps Act
4/10. The House amended and passed HR 3925, the Digital Technology Corps Act of 2002, on a voice vote. This bill, which is sponsored by Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), would create an information technology worker exchange program between the federal government and the private sector to promote the development of expertise in IT management.
The bill provides that "On request from or with the agreement of a private sector organization, and with the consent of the employee concerned, the head of an agency may arrange for the assignment of an employee of the agency to a private sector organization or an employee of a private sector organization to the agency".
The House approved approved by voice vote an amendment offered by Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY) to provide that of assignments made under bill from agencies to private sector organizations in each year, at least 20% are to small businesses. The House also approved by voice vote an amendment offered by Rep. Davis to insert clarifying provisions, and to add reporting requirements.
However, the House rejected an amendment offered by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) by a vote of 204-219. this amendment would have inserted provisions providing for protection of trade secrets, and provisions for a Federal Information Technology Training Program. It was rejected on an almost straight party line vote, with all but one Republican, only four Democrats voting to defeat the amendment. See, Roll Call No. 83. Two of the votes against came from Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA), both from the Silicon Valley area. A third came from Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA).
Thursday, April 11
The Supreme Court of the U.S. is on recess until Monday, April 15.
The House will meet at 10:00 AM for legislative business.
9:30 AM. The House Financial Services Committee will hold a meeting to mark up several bills, including HR 3763, the Corporate and Auditing Accountability, Responsibility, and Transparency Act of 2002, and HR 3764, a bill to authorize appropriations for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Location: Room 2128, Rayburn Building.
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice will continue their joint hearings titled Competition and Intellectual Property Law and Policy in the Knowledge Based Economy. See, agenda. Location: Room 432, FTC, 600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
10:00 AM. The House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property will hold an oversight hearing titled The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: Operations and Fiscal Year 2003 Budget. Location: Room 2141, Rayburn Building.
10:00 AM. The House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary will hold a hearing on the proposed budget for FY 2003 for the Office of Homeland Security. Location: Room 2359, Rayburn Building.
10:00 AM. The House Ways and Means Committee's Subcommittee on Trade will hold a hearing on normal trade relations with Russia. Location: Room 1100, Longworth Building.
10:00 AM. The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled an executive business meeting. Location: room 226, Dirksen Building.
11:00 AM. The Cato Institute will host a book forum on Free Trade under Fire [Amazon], by Douglas Irwin, Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College. The speakers will be Irwin, Robert Litan (Brookings) and Steve Clemons (New America Foundation). Lunch will follow. See, CATO notice. Location: 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW.
12:00 NOON - 1:30 PM. The Business Software Alliance will host its 5th Annual "Talking Technology" forum luncheon and technology exhibition. Mark Forman, Associate Director for Information Technology and E-Government with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), will speak. RSVP to Jeri Clausing at 202 530-5127 or jeric Location: Reserve Officers Association, One Constitution Avenue, NE.
2:30 PM. The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on several pending judicial nominations, including Jeffrey Howard (to be a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit), Percy Anderson (C.D. Calif.), Michael Baylson (E.D. Penn.), William Griesbach (D. Wisc.), Joan Lancaster (D. Minn.), Cynthia Rufe (E.D. Penn.), and John Walter (C.D. Calif.). Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
Friday, April 12
The House will not be in session.
10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON. The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) will hold a panel discussion titled Is Open Source the Future of Software? The participants will be Robert Hahn (AEI Brookings), James Bessen (Research on Innovation), David Evans (NERA), Lawrence Lessig (Stanford University), and Brad Smith (Microsoft). See, AEI online registration page. Location: 1150 17th St., NW.
10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON. The National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) will hold an open business meeting. See, notice in Federal Register. Location: Conference Room, NCLIS Office, 1110 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 820.
The Federal Communications Bar Association (FCBA) will host a luncheon. The speaker will be Nancy Victory, Director of the NTIA. April 9 was the deadline to RSVP to Wendy Parish at wendy
Deadline to submit comments to the FCC regarding its annual report to Congress regarding progress made in achieving the objectives of the Open Market Reorganization for the Betterment of International Telecommunications Act (ORBIT Act), 47 U.S.C. § 646. The next FCC Orbit Act report is due to Congress on June 15, 2002. See, FCC notice [PDF].
Monday, April 15
Extended deadline to submit comments to the FTC regarding proposed changes to its Telemarketing Sales Rule. See, notice in Federal Register. See also, FTC release.
Tuesday, April 16
9:30 AM. The Senate Commerce Committee will hold a hearing to examine the Technology Administration and the NIST, including the Advanced Technology Program. Location: Room 253, Russell Building.
10:00 AM. The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will hold a hearing to examine medical privacy issues. Location: Room 216, Hart Building.
6:00 - 8:15 PM. The FCBA will host a CLE seminar titled U.S. Spectrum Policy: Convergence or Co-Existence? This is Part II of a two part series.
6:30 - 8:30 PM. The IP Law Forum of the Women's Bar Association of DC and the IP Section of the District of Columbia Bar will host a panel discussion and reception titled "What Judges Want: Effective Advocacy in Technology Cases". The speakers will be Judge Paul Michel of the U.S. Court of Appeals (FedCir), Judge Yvette Kane of the U.S. District Court (WDPenn), and Judge Marvin Garbis of the U.S. District Court (DMd). The price to attend is $40. For more information, contact the WBA at 202 639-8880. Location: Auditorium, The Hirshhorn Museum, 7th Street and Independence Ave., SW.
Wednesday, April 17
10:00 AM. The House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary will hold a hearing on the proposed budget for FY 2003 for the SEC. Location: Room H-309, The Capitol.
9:00 AM. Oral argument on cross motions for summary judgment in Swedenburg v. Kelly, a constitutional challenge by a Virginia winery and wine consumers to New York State's liquor control law, which prohibits out of state wineries from selling directly to New York residents, including via the Internet. Location: U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, New York, NY.
9:30 AM - 12:00 NOON. The U.S. International Telecommunication Advisory Committee (ITAC), which advises the Department of State on policy and technical issues with respect to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), will meet to prepare for the June 2002 meeting of the Telecommunication Sector Advisory Group (TSAG). Location: Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), 1200 G Street NW, Suite 350.
10:00 AM. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) will hold a hearing regarding voting system standards. See, notice in Federal Register.
12:15 PM. The FCBA's Mass Media Committee will host a brown bag lunch. The speaker will be Jane Mago, FCC General Counsel. RSVP to: kdole Location: 1st Floor, NPR, 635 Mass Ave., NW.
12:15 PM. The FCBA's Online Communications Committee will host a brown bag lunch. The speaker will be Scott Marcus, Senior Advisor for Internet Technology at the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Office of Plans and Policy. The title will be "Broadband, When? -- A View from OPP". RSVP to Scott Harris at sharris Location: Wiley Rein & Fielding, 1776 K St., NW, 4th Floor Conference Room.
2:00 PM. The House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary will hold a hearing on the proposed budget for FY 2003 for the FCC. Location: Room H-309, The Capitol.
2:00 - 3:00 PM. The FCBA's International Practice Committee will host an event titled "Today's International Issues". The speaker will be Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Michael Copps. RSVP to Scott Harris. Location: FCC, 445 12th Street, SW.
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