Sen. Burns Announces Tech Agenda |
1/15. Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT), the
incoming Chairman of the Senate Communications Subcommittee, announced his top
technology related priorities for the 108th Congress. He stated in a
release that his highest priorities are bills pertaining to spam, spectrum
reform, and E-911. His other priorities include broadband expensing, ICANN
reform, wireless privacy, online privacy, universal service reform, digital
democracy, and the US Asia Network.
He stated that "This is a robust agenda, but also very realistic. We are
already well underway in building a consensus within Committee that will lead to
swift passage of many of these priorities." Sen. Burns also sponsored a
collection of technology related bills in the 106th Congress, which he called
the "Digital Dozen". Many of those bills became law.

Spam. Sen. Burns (at right) said that "SPAM is the Trojan Horse
for E-Commerce. When consumers begin to feel their
personal information has become a commodity for out-of-control marketers they
will turn away from shopping online." See,
He sponsored a bill in the 107th Congress to
regulate spam. S 630,
titled the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and
Marketing Act of 2002, or the CANSPAM Act, was approved by the
Senate Commerce Committee, but
not by the full Senate. He has not yet introduced a spam bill in the 108th
His bill in the 107th Congress would have done two things. First, it
criminalized sending spam with false header information. Second, it required the
spam sender to provide a return e-mail address, and then criminalized sending
more spam to someone who opted out of receiving further messages.
Specifically, S 630 provided that "Any person who initiates the transmission, to a
protected computer in the United States, of an unsolicited commercial electronic
mail message, with knowledge and intent that the message contains or is
accompanied by header information that is materially false or materially
misleading shall be fined or imprisoned for not more than 1 year, or both, under
this title."
It also provided that "It is unlawful for any person to initiate the
transmission to a protected
computer of an unsolicited commercial electronic mail message that does not
contain a functioning return electronic mail address or other Internet-based
mechanism, clearly and conspicuously displayed, that (i) a recipient may use to
submit, in a manner specified by the sender, a reply electronic mail message or
other form of Internet-based communication requesting not to receive any future
unsolicited commercial electronic mail messages from that sender at the
electronic mail address where the message was received ..."
And finally, S 630 provided that "If a recipient makes a request to a
sender, using a mechanism provided
pursuant to paragraph (3), not to receive some or any unsolicited commercial
electronic mail messages from such sender, then it is unlawful (A) for the
sender to initiate the transmission to the recipient ..."
Sen. Burns stated that "I am confident America will see the SPAM bill leave
the Senate before the summer."
Spectrum Allocation. Sen. Burns stated that he "is committed to moving
away from the failed current auction model, which has resulted in numerous
bankruptcies at companies and failed promises for consumers", and "will examine
potentially revolutionary ideas, such as using a royalty based approach."
He has not yet introduced a spectrum reform bill. However, he added that he
"will work on a draft bill as soon as the second half of the GAO report is
released at the end of this month dealing with the experiences of other
The General Accounting Office (GAO)
released a report [77
pages in PDF] titled "Telecommunications: Better Coordination and Enhanced
Accountability Needed to Improve Spectrum Management", on September 30, 2002.
See, story titled "GAO Reports on Spectrum Management", in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 520, October 1, 2002.
E-911. Sen. Burns, who sponsored the original enhanced 911 bill, which
became law in 1999, stated that he plans to "ensure rapid deployment of E-911
technologies, addressing PSAP readiness, and the lack of a unified funding structure in
addition to carrier action on meeting E-911 mandates."
He also stated that a new E-911 Caucus is scheduled to begin on February 24.
He and Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) will
be the Co-Chairs.
Broadband Expensing. Sen. Burns,
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), and others, have already introduced S 160, the
Broadband Expensing Act. This bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code to
allow the expensing of certain broadband Internet access expenditures. It is
similar to
S 88
(107th), the bill introduced in the previous Congress by
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV).
However, Sen. Burns' bill would allow certain broadband deployment expenditures
to be expensed, rather than provide tax credits. See, story below.
Online Privacy. Sen. Burns has promoted -- unsuccessfully -- privacy
legislation in the past. He stated that in the current Congress he will "continue
to support strong protections for consumers in the digital environment."
He stated that his proposal, which has not yet been introduced, "adopts a
``two-tiered´´ approach,
requiring an opt-in consent for sensitive information and opt-out for everything
else. The bill also preempts inconsistent state laws or regulations."
Sen. Burns and Sen. Baucus Introduce Broadband
Expensing Bill |
1/14. Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT)
introduce S 160, the Broadband Expensing Act, a bill to amend the Internal
Revenue Code to allow the expensing of certain broadband Internet access
Sen. Burns is the incoming Chairman of the
Senate Commerce Committee's
Subcommittee on Communications. This is a tax bill. Hence, it was
referred to the Senate Finance
Committee. However, Sen. Max Baucus
(D-MT), who is a cosponsor of the bill, is the ranking Democrat on the Finance
Committee. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), a
senior Republican on the Finance Committee, is another cosponsor.
Sen. Burns stated in the Senate that his bill would "provide tax incentives
to accelerate the deployment of ``broadband´´ high-speed Internet access across
the country." See, Cong. Record, Jan. 14, 2003, at S 302-3.
He continued that "Although many urban and suburban areas now have access to
a broadband connection, many rural areas still do not. And that places rural
areas at a disadvantage in a number of ways in terms of economic development,
educational opportunities, health care and numerous other applications. By
creating a financial incentive to encourage broadband providers to extend their
networks into rural and other underserved areas, we can help overcome that
Sen. Burns also explained the expensing provision of his bill. "The bill
will create a temporary tax incentive for providers in the form
of ``expensing,´´ allowing an immediate deduction of a capital expenditure in
the first year of service rather than depreciating that investment over time. In
the case of ``current generation´´ broadband investments in rural and
underserved areas, the bill will allow 50 percent expensing of the investment,
with the rest to be depreciated according to normal depreciation schedules. And
where providers build out ``next generation´´ broadband networks, which are
typically more expensive, the bill will provide for 100 percent expensing."
He continued that "it provides 50 percent expensing for investments in rural
and underserved areas of ``current generation´´ broadband technologies, which
are defined as those delivering at least 1.0 megabits per second of information
downstream to the subscriber, and at least 128 kilobits per second upstream from
the subscriber."
"It provides 100 percent expensing for investments in ``next generation´´
broadband technologies, which are defined as those delivering at least 22
megabits per second of information downstream to the subscriber, and at least 5
megabits per second upstream from the subscriber. It is technology neutral, it
makes no difference if you are using as your medium copper wire, coaxial cable,
optical fiber, terrestrial wireless, satellite or something else. If you deliver
the threshold speeds, you are eligible for the benefit. And it sunsets in 5
years. The intent is not to provide a permanent benefit to the telecom sector,
but rather to provide incentive to build out new infrastructure within a short
time period", said Sen. Burns.
Sen. Burns also said that his bill "generally mirrors the broadband tax
credit legislation" that Sen. Jay
Rockefeller (D-WV) introduced in the 107th Congress. See,
S 88
(107th) and
HR 267
(107th). Sen. Burns added that "The only difference in that bill and the one we
are introducing today is the form of the incentive, expensing rather than tax
credits." Rep. Phil English
(R-PA), a member of the House Ways and
Means Committee, introduced HR 267
earlier this month. It is substantially identical to HR 267 in the 107th
Congress, and S 88 (107th).
Baucus (at right) also spoke in the Senate in support of the bill. He said that
"The Broadband Expensing Act will allow businesses to depreciate their capital
investment quicker, allowing them to deploy next generation networks at a faster
pace. In short, the benefits are two-fold: businesses will benefit by receiving
an incentive to roll out their network into rural areas. And customers will
benefit by being able to send and receive massive amounts of data much faster
than before." See, Cong. Record, Jan. 14, 2003, at S303.
Sen. Baucus also said that this bill will "help us move to the ``next
generation´´ of broadband state of the art systems that carry much greater
amounts of data than copper wire and coaxial cable."
Sen. Orrin Hatch also spoke in support of the bill. He said that "Our major
metropolitan areas, of course, have access to high-speed Internet services. But
the connections to most homes and many businesses have not been upgraded,
meaning that data signals hit a bottleneck there and slow down dramatically.
Consequently, many wonderful Internet applications, such as video
conferencing, large file sharing, telemedicine, and distance learning, are
ineffective or unavailable. And this is certainly true outside the metropolitan
areas of Utah, in the rural communities that are found all over the State."
See, Cong. Record, Jan. 14, 2003, at S303-4.
More News |
1/15. Qwest filed
Section 271 applications with the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) to provide in region interLATA services in
the states of South Dakota, Oregon and New Mexico. See,
1/16. Qwest filed
Section 271 applications with the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) to provide in region interLATA services in
the states of Michigan and Nevada. See, Michigan
and Nevada
1/16. The Association for Competitive
Technology (ACT) announced its agenda for 2003. It includes six issues: "1.
the protection of intellectual property 2. increased deployment of
broadband 3. the removal of barriers to e-commerce 4. 21st Century
competition policy 5. effective trade policy and fair 6.
growth-oriented fiscal policy". See,
People and Appointments |
1/20. Pete Yost of the Associated Press wrote a story about
Nancy Victory (at right), head
of the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA), which states that she "allowed
wireless phone company lobbyists to help pay for a private reception at her
home, and then 10 days later urged a policy change that benefited their
industry". See, for example,
story in Newsday,
story in the Washington Post and
story in the Wall Street Journal Online (requires subscription).
1/21. David Barron was named Assistant VP Federal
Relations / National Security in BellSouth's
Washington DC, Governmental Affairs office.
1/16. Dick Parsons was named Chairman and CEO of AOL Time Warner. See,
Sen. Edwards Introduces Federal Cyber
Security Bill |
1/16. Sen. John Edwards (D-NC)
introduced S 187, the National Cyber Security Leadership Act of 2003, a bill
pertaining to federal government cyber security.
Sen. Edwards
(at right) stated that this bill would "establish higher standards for
Federal Government computer safety. The National
Institute of Standards and
Technology would establish the standards after individual agencies conduct
comprehensive tests of their network systems and report on their weaknesses.
These procedures will strengthen our government's resistance to cyber attacks
and will demonstrate to the business community the tremendous value in
conducting comprehensive security tests and monitoring new developments." See,
Cong. Record, Jan. 16, 2003, at S1079.
He also elaborated on the need for the bill. He said that "I introduce this
bill because our Nation's computers and networks are increasingly vulnerable to
cyber attacks." He then discussed the Nimda and Code
Red attacks.
He then added that "According to cyber security experts, Federal computers
have already been used as weapons in large scale cyber attack. There aren't just
amateur teenage hackers. Terrorists, including al Qaeda
operatives, have browsed Internet sites offering software that would help them
take down power, water, transport and communications grids."
Finally, he stated that "One of the principal reasons that companies do not
act to secure their systems is that the Federal Government does not act to
secure its own systems. Unfortunately, Federal agencies continue to be among the
worst offenders failing to protect themselves against cyber attack."
The bill was referred to the Senate
Governmental Affairs Committee.
Tuesday, January 21 |
10:00 AM. The Senate will meet, and resume consideration of
HJRes 2, making further appropriations for FY 2003.
12:00 NOON. The Federalist Society
will host a press conference titled "Federalism, Preemption & the
Supreme Court". For more information, contact Julie Walker at 202 822-8138.
Location: Holeman Lounge, National Press Club,
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor.
12:30 PM. Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA)
will speak at a National Press Club (NPC)
luncheon. Location: Ballroom, NPC, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor.
Wednesday, January 22 |
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The North American Numbering Council will hold a
meeting. Location: FCC, 445 12th Street, SW.
11:00 AM. The Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) will hold a press conference to announce its Consumer Sentinel State
Trends Report, which includes the top ten fraud complaint categories and fraud
and identity theft complaint trends. See, FTC
notice. Location: FTC, 600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Room 432.
5:00 PM. The FCBA's
Diversity Committee and Young Lawyers Committee will host a Law School
Outreach Program at the University of Baltimore for law students interested in
practicing communications law.
6:00 - 8:00 PM. The FCBA
will host a CLE seminar titled "The Transition to Digital Television".
The price to attend is $60 for FCBA members, $50 for government/law student members,
and $80 for non-members. Registrations & cancellations are due by 5:00 PM on January
21. RSVP to Wendy Parish
Location: Wiley Rein & Fielding Conference
Center, 1750 K Street, NW, 10th Floor.
Thursday, January 23 |
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM. The American Enterprise
Institute (AEI) will host a half day conference titled "Have We
Overestimated the Importance of Audited Earnings?" The keynote speaker, at
9:15 AM, will be Peter Fisher, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic
Finance. There will be a panel at 9:45 AM titled "Cash versus Reported
Earnings". The participants will be Richard Bassett (Risktoolz), Robert Eccles
(Price Waterhouse Coopers), Alex Porter (Porter Felleman), James Glassman (AEI),
and Peter Wallison (AEI). There will be a second panel at 11:15 AM titled
"Policy Implications". The participants will be Kevin Hassett (AEI), Peter
Wallison, Pippa Malmgren (Canonbury Group), and James Glassman. See,
notice and registration page.
Location: AEI, 12th Floor, 1150 17th Street, NW.
Friday, January 24 |
Deadline to submit comments to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) regarding the Tier III Coalition's
petition to forbear, up to December 31, 2005, from enforcing the E911 accuracy
and reliability standards set forth in § 20.18(h) of the FCC’s Rules with
respect to Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) provided by Tier III
wireless carriers. See,
FCC notice [PDF]. This is WT Docket No. 02-377.
Monday, January 27 |
2:00 PM. The House will return from a two week adjournment.
12:30 PM. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and
Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) will speak at
a luncheon. Location: National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor.
The Supreme Court will be in recess from January 27 through February 23.
Day one of a two day conference titled "First
International Conference on the Economic
and Social Implications of Information Technology". The scheduled
speakers include Secretary of Commerce
Don Evans, John Marburger
(President’s Science Advisor), Floyd Kvamme (Co-Chairman of the President’s
Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, or PCAST),
Sam Bodman (Deputy
Secretary of Commerce),
Nancy Victory (NTIA Directory), Phil Bond (Under Secretary for
Technology), and Bruce Mehlman (Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy). See,
notice and
The price to attend is $100, and $60 for government, academic, and nonprofit
personnel. Location: Main Auditorium, Department of Commerce,
14th St. and Constitution Ave.
Day one of three day COMNET Conference & Expo. See,
conference web
site. Location: Washington Convention Center.
Extended deadline to submit comments to the Federal
Communications Commission's (FCC) regarding the
[73 pages in PDF] of the FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force
(SPTF). The report recommends that "spectrum policy must evolve towards more
flexible and market oriented regulatory models." See, original
[PDF] and
notice of extension [PDF].
Deadline to submit comments to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) in response to its Notice of Inquiry
regarding competition in the Commercial Mobile Services (CMRS) industry. The
FCC seeks data and information for its Eighth Annual Report and Analysis of
Competitive Market Conditions with Respect to Commercial Mobile Services. This
is WT Docket No. 02-379. See,
notice in the Federal Register, January 7, 2003, Vol. 68, No. 4, at Pages
730 - 740. For more information, contact Chelsea Fallon at 202 418-7991.
Notice |
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Summary of Tech Related
Bills In 108th Congress
(Bills Introduced 1/7/03-1/20/03) |
Subject |
No. |
Date |
Sponsor |
Title/Topic |
References |
107th Congress |
Taxation; Internet Tax Moratorium |
HR 49 |
1/7 |
Rep. Chris Cox
(R-CA) |
Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act, a bill to permanently extend the
moratorium enacted by the Internet Tax Freedom Act. |
See, TLJ story, "Rep. Cox and Sen. Wyden Introduce Bill to
Make Permanent Net Tax Ban", No.580, Jan. 10, 2003. |
The 107th Congress passed
HR 1552,
which extended the moratorium until Nov. 1, 2003. |
S 52 |
1/7 |
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) |
S 150 |
1/13 |
Sen. George Allen
(R-VA) |
Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act of 2003 |
Taxation; Credit for Contributions |
HR 120 |
1/7 |
Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) |
Voluntary Opportunities for Increasing Contributions to Education Act, a
bill to provide a tax credit for contributions to schools for the
acquisition of computer technology. |
Taxation; Software Royalties |
HR 22 |
1/7 |
Rep. Amo Houghton (R-NY) |
Individual and Small Business Tax Simplification Act of 2003. (This is a
large omnibus tax bill. See, Sec. 111 re active business computer software
royalties.) |
Taxation; Broadband Expensing |
S 160 |
1/14 |
Sen. Conrad Burns
(R-MT) |
Broadband Expensing Act |
See, TLJ story, "Sen. Burns and Sen. Baucus Introduce Broadband Expensing Bill",
No. 587, Jan. 21. |
This bill is similar to
88 (107th), aka the Rockefeller bill; however, it provides for
expensing, rather than tax credits. |
Taxation; Broadband Tax Credits |
HR 267 |
Rep. Phil English (R-PA) |
Broadband Internet Access Act of 2003 |
English summary. |
This bill is substantially identical to
HR 267 (107th) and
S 88 (107th). |
Unlicensed Spectrum; Broadband; WiFi |
S 159 |
1/14 |
Sen. Barbara Boxer
(D-CA) and Sen. George Allen (R-VA) |
Jumpstart Broadband Act |
See, TLJ story, "Sen. Boxer and Sen. Allen Introduce WiFi Spectrum Bill", No. 586,
Jan. 20. See also, TLJ copy of
bill |
Boxer & Allen circulated a
in Nov. of 2002, but no bill was introduced in the 107th Congress. |
IPR; Patents |
HR 242 |
1/8 |
Rep. Darrell Issa
(R-CA) |
Plant Breeders Equity Act |
See, TLJ story: "Rep. Issa Introduces Amendment to Plant Patent Act" No.
581, Jan 13. |
This bill is substantially similar to
HR 5119
(107th) |
IPR; Copyright; DMCA |
1/7 |
Rep. Rick Boucher
(D-VA) |
Digital Media Consumer Rights Act |
See, TLJ story: "Reps. Boucher and Doolittle Introduce
Digital Fair Use Bill, 582, Jan. 14. See also,
PDF copy of bill
and Boucher's
summary and
release. |
This bill is a re-introduction of
HR 5544
(107th). See also,
story titled "Reps. Boucher and Doolittle Introduce Digital Media
Consumer Rights Act", Oct. 3, 2002. |
Nanotech |
HR 283 |
1/8 |
Rep. Mike Honda
(D-CA) |
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Advisory Board Act of 2003
See, TLJ story: "Rep. Honda Introduces Nanotechnology
Bill", No. 582, Jan. 14. |
HR 5669 (107th). |
S 189? |
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-CA) |
HR 34 |
1/7 |
Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL) |
Energy and Science Research Investment Act of 2003, a bill to authorize
appropriations for the DOE Office of Science |
Trade; Export Administration Act |
HR 55 |
1/7 |
Rep. David Dreier
(R-CA) |
Export Administration Act of 2003 |
This is substantially similar to
S 149
(107th), which was passed by the Senate. This was the Enzi bill. |
S 113 |
1/9 |
Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) |
an untitled bill to exclude United States persons from the
definition of "foreign power" under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Act |
See, S
2586 (107th). |
Cyber Security |
S 187 |
1/16. |
Sen. John Edwards
(D-NC) |
National Cyber Security Leadership Act of 2003 |
See, TLJ story, "Sen. Edwards Introduces Federal Cyber Security Bill",
No. 587, Jan. 21. |
S 6 |
1/7 |
Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) |
Comprehensive Homeland Security Act of 2003. (This is a large omnibus bill.
See, Title XIII re information security and FOIA exemption.) |
Appropriations; Funding for USPTO, FCC, FTC, DOJ & SEC |
HR 247 |
1/8 |
Rep. Frank Wolf
(R-VA) |
Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary,
and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2003 |
Technology Grants |
S 196 |
1/17 |
Sen. George Allen
(R-VA) |
Digital & Wireless Network Technology Program Act of 2003 |
See, TLJ story, "Sen. Allen Introduces Bill to Create
Technology Grant Program for MSIs", No. 586, Jan. 20. See also,
copy of bill. |
This bill is similar to
S 414
(107th), which was approved by the Sen. Commerce Comm., and
HR 1034
(107th). |
S 8 |
1/7 |
Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) |
Educational Excellence for All Learners Act of 2003. (This is a large
omnibus education bill. See, Title III, Subtitle C.) |
Emergency Warning System |
S 118 |
1/9 |
Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) |
Emergency Warning Act of 2003 |
See, TLJ story: "Sen. Edwards Proposes Including Internet
in Emergency Warning System", No. 582, Jan. 14. |
This is a new bill. |
Cell Phones |
S 179 |
1/16 |
Sen. Jon Corzine
(D-NJ) |
Mobile Telephone Driving Safety Act of 2003 |
See, TLJ story, "Sen. Corzine Introduces Bill to Prohibit Use
of Cell Phones While Driving", No. 586, Jan. 20. |
See, S
927 (107th). |
Telephone Numbers |
HR 68 |
1/7 |
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) |
an untitled bill regarding the allocations of telephone numbers |
U.S. Navy ELF System |
S 47 |
1/7 |
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) |
an untitled bill to terminate the Extremely Low Frequency
Communication System of the U.S. Navy |
See, S
112 (107th) and
HR 1160
(107th). |
ID Theft |
HR 220 |
1/7 |
Rep. Ron Paul
(R-TX) |
Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2003, a bill to restrict
the use of SSNs, and to prohibit any government wide uniform identifying
number. |
S 153 |
1/14 |
Sen. Dianne Feinstein
(D-CA) |
Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act |
See, S
2541 (107th), which was approved by the Sen. Jud. Comm., and
HR 5588
(107th). |
S 22 |
1/7 |
Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) |
Justice Enhancement and Domestic Security Act of 2003. (This is a large
omnibus bill. See, Title III re ID theft.) |
Privacy; Data Mining |
S 188 |
1/16 |
Sen. Russ Feingold
(D-WI) |
Data-Mining Moratorium Act of 2003 |
See, TLJ story: "Sen. Feingold Introduces Data Mining Moratorium
Bill", No. 586, Jan. 20. See also,
TLJ copy of
bill |
Privacy; Medical Information |
S 16 |
1/7 |
Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) |
Equal Rights and Equal Dignity for Americans Act of 2003. (See, Title IX re
medical privacy, and Title V re racial profiling.) |
Vice; Internet Gambling |
HR 21 |
1/7 |
Rep. James Leach
(R-IA) |
Unlawful Internet Gambling Funding Prohibition Act |
See, TLJ story, "Rep. Leach Introduces Internet Gambling
Bill", No.579, Jan 9, 2003. |
HR 556 (107th), which the House passed. |
Vice; Virtual and Internet Pormography |
S 151 |
1/13 |
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) |
Prosecutorial Remedies and Tools Against the Exploitation of Children Today
Act of 2003 (aka PROTECT Act) |
See, various TLJ stories on virtual pormography and the
opinion [PDF] in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition:
No. 423,
May 2, 2002;
No. 454, June 19, 2002; and
No. 534,
Oct. 24, 2002. |
See, S
2520, which the Senate passed at the tail end of the 107th Congress. The
House passed a different bill,
HR 4623. |
Vice; Violent Programming |
S 161 |
1/14 |
Sen. Ernest Hollings
(D-SC) |
Children's Protection from Violent Programming Act (this
bill covers TV, cable, and MVPDs, but excludes interactive computer
services) |
See, S
341 (107th) and
HR 1005
(107th). |
Editor's Note: Feedback regarding this table would be appreciated. Is it useful, or useless?
What could be done to improve it?