House Judiciary Committee Approves Database
Protection Bill |
1/21. The House Judiciary Committee
amended and approved
HR 3261,
the "Database and Collections of Information Misappropriation Act" by a roll
call vote of 16-7. This bill codifies a cause of action for misappropriation of
certain databases.
Rep. Lamar
Smith (R-TX) and Rep. Howard Coble
(R-NC) (at right) led the debate in support of the bill.
Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA) led the opposition to
the bill. The final vote broke down largely along party lines, with Republicans
supporting the bill, and Democrats opposing the bill. However, the Southern
Californians, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)
and Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA), voted
for the bill.
Feist. The legislative activity involving database protection is in
part a reaction to the 1991
opinion of the Supreme Court in Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural
Telephone Service Co., also reported at 499 U.S. 340. The Court rejected the
"sweat of the brow" basis for protecting compilations of data under copyright
law, and held that some compilations of data are not protected under copyright law.
Feist involved telephone directories that collected and arranged names and
phone numbers. The Court reasoned that facts, such as phone numbers, are not
copyrightable, and that the compilation of names and numbers lacked sufficient
creativity to merit copyright protection.
Other recent cases in which courts have not extended copyright protection to
databases include Warren Publishing, Inc. v. Microdos Data Corp.,
115 F.3d 1509 (11th Cir. 1997), Mid America Title Co. v. Kirk, 59 F.3d
719 (7th Cir. 1995), and Skinder-Strauss Assocs. v. Massachusetts Continuing
Legal Edu., Inc., 914 F. Supp. 665 (D. Mass. 1995).
Various bills introduced in the Congress since then have sought to afford
greater protections to those who develop, maintain and own databases, but not
pursuant to copyright law.
Legislative History. Rep. Coble,
who was Chairman of the Courts, Internet, and Intellectual Property Subcommittee
(CIIP) in the 105th through the 107th Congresses, has been trying to pass a
database protection bill for years. He sponsored
HR 2652 in
the 105th Congress (1997-1998); it ultimately passed the House, but not the
He sponsored a similar bill in the 106th Congress (1999-2000),
HR 354,
the "Collections of Information Antipiracy Act", that was passed by the
Judiciary Committee. Although, it provided less protection to database
developers and owners than HR 2652.
The key language of HR 354 provided that "Any person who extracts,
or uses in commerce, all or a substantial part, measured either quantitatively or
qualitatively, of a collection of information gathered, organized, or maintained
by another person through the investment of substantial monetary or other
resources, so as to cause harm to the actual or potential market of that other
person, or a successor in interest of that other person, for a product or
service that incorporates that collection of information and is offered or
intended to be offered for sale or otherwise in commerce by that other person,
or a successor in interest of that person, shall be liable to that person ..."
The bill was in the nature of intellectual property law. However, the
protection afforded was different from that afforded under copyright law. The
content need not be original, and harm must be suffered by the appropriation. It
resembled unfair competition laws by allowing a remedy for harm committed by
Meanwhile, some internet companies, telecom companies, and educational
institutions lobbied against creating protections for databases. They found
support on the Commerce Committee. Former Rep. Tom Bliley (R-VA), who was also
the Chairman of the Commerce Committee, introduced a bill in the 106th Congress,
HR 1858,
the "Consumer and Investor Access to Information Act of 1999 ", that provided
very weak protections for database owners. It was passed by the Commerce Committee.
HR 1858 was designed to defeat passage of HR 354, rather than provide
protection to database developers. It prohibited the duplication of databases
only under certain very limited circumstances. And, except in the case of
databases of real time market information developed by the stock exchanges,
there is no way for the owners of pirated databases to enforce their rights. It
contained no general private right of action. Enforcement was left to the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which is a
consumer protection agency, without expertise in intellectual property matters,
and without substantial enforcement powers.
See, TLJ
web page titled "Summary of Bills Pertaining to Protecting Databases from
Piracy in the 106th Congress".
HR 354 had overwhelming support on the Judiciary Committee, while HR 1858 had
overwhelming support on the Commerce Committee. The two Committees were
deadlocked, and the House took no further action.
See also, TLJ
news analysis titled "House Commerce and Judiciary Committees Vie for High
Tech Leadership", June 15, 1999. The article examines the turf contest between
the two Committees on database legislation, and other technology related issues,
and offers explanations for why the two Committees tend to have different
perspectives on issues related to intellectual property rights.
See also, stories titled "Hearing on Database
Protection Bill", 2/12/98, "HR 2652 Passes
Subcommittee", 3/18/98, "Judiciary Committee
Approves HR 2652", 3/25/98, "House Passes Database
Protection Bill", 5/21/98, "Coble Re-introduces
Database Protection Bill", 1/22/99, "House Subcommittee
Holds Hearing on HR 354", 3/19/99, "Bliley Introduces
Database Bill", 5/23/99, and "House Telecom Subcommittee
Holds Hearing on Database Protection" (6/16/99).
At the beginning of the 107th Congress,
Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-LA) and
Rep. James Sensenbrenner
(R-WI), who had just become Chairmen of the Commerce and Judiciary Committees,
collaborated. They met with parties interested in the database protection issue,
and instructed them to develop consensus database protection legislation. See,
story titled "Database Protection" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 155, March 30, 2001, and
of March 29, 2001 press conference of Rep. Tauzin and Rep. Sensenbrenner.
HR 3261, introduced on October 8, 2003, is the product of that process.
Both Rep. Tauzin and Rep. Sensenbrenner are cosponsors. The extent of the protection
offered by HR 2652, HR 354, and HR 3261 can be characterized. HR 354
offered less protection than HR 2652, and HR 3261 offers less protection that
HR 354. Moreover, as each bill progressed, it was watered down through amendments.
Rep. Coble is the lead sponsor, and Rep. Smith is a cosponsor, of HR 3261. The
CIIP Subcommittee, now chaired by Rep. Smith, amended and approved the bill on
October 16, 2003 by a vote of 10-3. The full Committee amended and approved the
bill on January 21, 2004 by a vote of 16-7.
HR 3261. This bill is based upon the legal theory misappropriation.
The basic prohibition, which is found in Section 3, provides that "Any
person who makes available in commerce to others a quantitatively substantial part
of the information in a
database generated, gathered, or maintained by another person, knowing that such
making available in commerce is without the authorization of that other person
(including a successor in interest) or that other person's licensee, when acting
within the scope of its license, shall be liable for the remedies set for in
section 7 if (1) the database was generated, gathered, or maintained through a
substantial expenditure of financial resources or time; (2) the unauthorized
making available in commerce occurs in a time sensitive manner and inflicts
injury on the database or a product or service offering access to multiple
databases; and (3) the ability of other parties to free ride on the efforts of
the plaintiff would so reduce the incentive to produce or make available the
database or the product or service that its existence or quality would be
substantially threatened."
However, the bill also contains numerous exceptions, exclusions and
January 21, 2004 Markup. The Committee took up the bill as approved by the
CIIP on October 16, 2003. Rep. Coble and Rep. Smith led the debate in support of
the bill. At the outset, Rep. Coble offered an amendment that expands the
exclusion for educational institutions and research libraries. It clarifies that
the exclusion from liability under this bill also applies to certain students.
This amendment passed by voice vote.
Boucher (at left) led the efforts to further water down the bill, and to
defeat the bill. He argued that this bill is "simply not necessary" because there
are already a wide range of legal remedies available to the developers of
databases. He cited the availability of copyright infringement actions for the
copying of certain types of databases, the tort of trespass, the tort of
misappropriation, contract remedies (against parties to subscription license
agreements), and the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act (DMCA).
Rep. Boucher also argued that passage of this bill could inhibit scientific
research and reporting. He also argued that if this bill becomes law "there
is going to be lots of litigation".
Rep. Boucher, who is a senior member of both the Judiciary and Commerce Committees,
also argued that few members of the Commerce Committee "would say that they support
this bill". However, Rep. Billy Tauzin
(R-LA), the Chairman of the Commerce Committee, and
Rep. James Greenwood (R-PA), a
senior member of the Commerce Committee, are both cosponsors of the bill.
Also, the Commerce Committee does not now have jurisdiction over this bill.
Treatment of ISPs. The Committee considered a second amendment offered by
Rep. Coble that addressed the treatment of ISPs. However, Rep. Boucher offered an amendment
to this Coble amendment. The Boucher amendment, which basically tracks the ISP
immunity language of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), states that
"No provider of an interactive computer service shall be liable under section 3
for making available information that is provided by another information content
Rep. Smith spoke in opposition to the Boucher amendment, while
Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), spoke in
support. The Boucher amendment passed on a roll call vote of 17-7-1. The Committee
then approved by unanimous voice vote the Coble amendment, as amended by the
Boucher amendment.
Boucher Amendment to Preclude Protection for Existing Databases. Rep.
Boucher next offered another amendment to the base bill that provided that the
protection afforded by the bill would not apply to databases already in
existence. It failed on a roll call vote of 8-18.
This amendment provided that "This Act shall take effect on the date of the
enactment of this Act, and shall not apply to a database that is made available
in commerce before such date of enactment."
Rep. Sensenbrenner made the point that if this amendment were adopted it
would effectively put every database into the public domain.
Rep. Coble pointed out that some databases are continually updated. He argued
that one of the purposes of the bill is to give an incentive to maintain
existing databases. He stated that under this amendment, database owners would
not have an incentive to keep existing databases updated, and the public would
therefore suffer by not having access to up to date information.
Boucher Amendment Re Court and Legislative Records Databases. Rep.
Boucher then offered a third amendment that failed on a voice vote.
It provided and exception for "Any legal materials produced by a Federal
court, including opinions, judgments, and rules of practice, and any legislative materials
produced by the Congress, including bills and resolutions, committee reports,
and floor statements."
Rep. Coble argued that the Congress should protect database developers who
put in the effort to wade through enormous quantities of public records,
organize it, and make it accessible in a consumer friendly manner.
The Committee then approved the bill by voice vote, and voted to report the
bill by a vote of 16-7.
Disclosure. TLJ develops and maintains, but does not publish or sell,
various collections of data. Readers may wish to consider this in assessing the
objectivity of any TLJ stories about database protection legislation.
Abernathy Addresses VOIP Regulation |
1/22. Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) Commissioner Kathleen
Abernathy gave a
speech [6 pages in PDF] at a conference at Catholic University in Washington
DC. The speech was about the regulatory response to the convergence of
technologies. However, she focused in detail on one issue -- regulatory
treatment of voice over internet protocol (VOIP). She stated that this should be
considered a matter of federal, not state, jurisdiction. She argued for a "light
touch", meaning that the FCC should not engage in "economic" regulation of VOIP,
such as prices and service quality, but that the FCC should engage in "social
policy" regulation, such as E911 and universal service.

Abernathy (at right) began with an explanation of convergence. "Formerly
distinct categories of communications services are collapsing into one as voice,
data, and video are all transmitted via digital bits over packet-switching
She stated that "convergence demands fresh thinking by regulators". She
continued that "It no longer makes sense to place services into distinct
regulatory silos depending on the identity of the provider. In a world where
different platforms are used to provide functionally equivalent services,
regulators must harmonize distinct regulatory frameworks. The challenge is
formidable, however, because the statutory framework that guides the FCC was
written before this technological explosion."
Then, she referenced VOIP. She said that "In recent months, the most
talked-about convergence application
has undoubtedly been Voice Over Internet Protocol, or VOIP. VOIP allows anyone
with a broadband connection to enjoy a full suite of voice services, often with
greatly enhanced functionalities and at a lower cost than traditional
circuit-switched telephony. VOIP provided over cable platforms is increasingly
creating the robust, facilities-based voice competition that the framers of the
1996 Act envisioned."
She elaborated that "VOIP is simply an application that is provided over a
broadband network. So we shouldn’t put the cart before the horse: We should not
presuppose that broadband networks will be ubiquitous; in fact, we are not yet
close to achieving that goal. It is therefore critical for the FCC continue to
work on facilitating the deployment of broadband infrastructure."
She then reviewed recent actions taken by the FCC to promote broadband
deployment, such as the issuance of the
triennial review order [576 pages in PDF], in which the FCC "decided to
refrain from imposing unbundling obligations on next-generation fiber loop
facilities." See, stories titled "FCC Releases Triennial Review Order" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No.
724, August 22, 2003, and "Summary of FCC Triennial Review Order" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No.
725, August 25, 2003. See also, stories titled "FCC Announces UNE Report and
Order", "FCC Order Offers Broadband Regulatory Relief", "FCC
Announces Decision on Switching", "Commentary: Republicans Split On FCC
UNE Order", and "Congressional Reaction To FCC UNE Order" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 609, February 21, 2003.
She also cited actions taken by the FCC to promote wireless
broadband, including allocating 90 MHz of spectrum for Third Generation (3G)
wireless services, allocating additional unlicensed spectrum for Wi-Fi devices,
and "the FCC's efforts to develop secondary markets" for spectrum.
She also cited the FCC's broadband over powerline (BPL)
proceeding. She stated that "recognize that amateur radio licensees have raised
concerns about harmful interference, and that is something that will have to be
addressed before any mass market deployment can occur. But if the engineers can
find a technical solution that prevents harmful interference, BPL represents a
tremendous advance for consumers, because it could bring broadband to any home
that has electricity."
The FCC's BPL proceeding is ET Docket No. 03-104. The FCC adopted its
Notice of Inquiry [21 pages in PDF] at its April 23, 2003 meeting. See,
stories titled "FCC Announces NOI Regarding Broadband Over Powerlines" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 648, April 24, 2003; and "FCC Releases NOI on Broadband Over Power
Lines" in TLJ Daily
E-Mail Alert No. 656, May 7, 2003.
She also spoke in vague terms about the
[39 pages in PDF] of the U.S. Court of
Appeals (9thCir) in Brand X Internet Services v. FCC. The 9th
Circuit vacated the FCC's declaratory ruling that cable modem service is
an information service, and that there is no separate offering as a
telecommunications service.
She stated that "the
Commission has been considering the appropriate regulatory framework for
broadband Internet access services provided over cable and DSL networks. These
proceedings have been delayed temporarily as a result of litigation in the Ninth
Circuit, but the Commission will continue its efforts this year to harmonize the
disparate regulatory regimes and provide as much certainty as possible."
See, story titled "9th Circuit Vacates FCC
Declaratory Ruling That Cable Modem Service is an Information Service Without a
Separate Offering of a Telecommunications Service" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 754, October 7, 2003.
Finally, she discussed regulation of VOIP. She stated the FCC will initiate
a rule making proceeding. She argued that it is an interstate service.
She stated that she believes "that VOIP is an inherently interstate
service, and thus should be subject to regulation, if at all, primarily at the federal
level. Traditionally, regulatory authority was divided between the FCC and state
regulatory commissions depending on the jurisdictional nature of a telephone
call. The FCC regulated long-distance (or interstate) calls, and states
regulated local or (intrastate) calls. The FCC also set certain policies at the
national level where a unified approach was needed; for example, the FCC has
played a lead role in promoting universal service and assigning telephone
numbers, even though both policies touch heavily on local services. This joint
system has served us well, and it has usually been relatively clear which
services were subject to each jurisdiction."
"But when it comes to VOIP, concepts such as federal vs. state
jurisdiction may be obsolete", said Abernathy. "I believe that these
inherent technical characteristics of VOIP communications warrant classifying VOIP
service as interstate."
She added that "As providers gear up to roll out services
regionally or nationally, they should not be burdened with a patchwork of
disparate state regulations."
She then discussed how the federal government should regulate VOIP. She said
that "we should employ a light touch." She
distinguished between economic and social policy regulation.
She stated that she believes that "it is clear that we should avoid
imposing any kind of economic regulations. For example, I cannot discern
any rationale for regulating VOIP prices or service quality. Such regulations, which
we have traditionally imposed on local exchange carriers, have been employed to
restrain the market power of monopoly providers. Providers of VOIP services, on
the other hand, are new entrants. Rather than reflexively extending our legacy
regulations to VOIP providers, we need to take this opportunity to step back and
ascertain whether those rules still make sense for any providers, including
But, she said, "some regulatory intervention will be necessary ...
to achieve other social policy objectives". She hinted that this
would include E911 and universal service. However, she did not reference CALEA in
the prepared text of her speech.
And, she added this caveat: "we should not assume that any use
of IP technology necessarily transforms a circuit-switched service into VOIP.
When I talk about creating a new regulatory framework for VOIP, I have in mind
services that use Internet protocol over the last mile, at least on one end of
the call. By contrast, a call that starts on the PSTN and ends on the PSTN does
not necessarily warrant different regulatory treatment from other
circuit-switched calls simply because a long distance carrier chooses to use IP
technology at some mid-point in the network. Long distance carriers, local
carriers, and enhanced service providers all have raised questions about the
applicability of our intercarrier compensation rules and other requirements to
these phone-to-phone services, and I believe the Commission should provide
clarity as soon as possible."
AT&T filed a
petition [37 pages PDF] with the FCC on October 18, 2002 seeking a ruling
that access charges do not apply to its service in which calls originate and
terminate on circuit switched PSTN facilities, but are routed on internet backbone.
This is WC Docket No. 02-361. See, stories titled "Level 3 Files VOIP Petition
With FCC" and "Summary of Other VOIP Proceedings at the FCC" in TLJ
Daily E-Mail Alert No. 815, January 14, 2004.
Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Friday, January 23 |
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. The
Federal Communications Commission's (FCC)
Technological Advisory Council will meet. See,
notice in the Federal Register, December 19, 2003, Vol. 68, No. 244, at
Pages 70796 - 70797. Location: FCC, 445 12th St., SW, Room TW-C305.
10:00 AM. The
U.S. District Court (DC) will hold a status conference in United States
v. Microsoft, D.C. No. 98-1232 (CKK) and New York, et. al. v. Microsoft,
D.C. No. 98-1232 (CKK), Judge Colleen Kotelly presiding. Location: Courtroom
12:15 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association's (FCBA) Young Lawyers Committee will host a brown
bag lunch. The topic will be "Hot Communications Issues on the Hill". The
speakers will be Neil Fried (Republican Counsel,
House Commerce Committee), Gregg Rothschild (Democratic Counsel, House Commerce Committee),
Carosi (Republican Counsel,
Senate Commerce Committee), and Paul Nagle (Attorney-Advisor, FCC Office
of Legislative Affairs). For more information, contact Jason Friedrich at 202
354-1340 or
or Pam Slipakoff at 202 418-7705 or Location: Drinker Biddle & Reath,
1500 K Street, 11th Floor.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR)
regarding the operation and effectiveness of, and the implementation of and compliance
with, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Basic Telecommunications Agreement, other WTO
agreements affecting market opportunities for U.S. telecommunications products and
services, the telecommunications provisions of the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA), Chile FTA and Singapore FTA, and other telecommunications
trade agreements. See,
notice in the Federal Register, December 8, 2003, Vol. 68, No. 235, at Pages
68444 - 68445.
Extended deadline to submit comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response to
its Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking [35 pages in PDF] regarding unlicensed devices. See,
in the Federal Register, December 10, 2003, Vol. 68, No. 237, at Pages 68823 -
68831. The FCC adopted this NPRM on September 10, 2003. See, FCC
release [PDF]. The FCC released the
[35 pages in PDF] on September 17, 2003. This NPRM is FCC 03-223 in ET Docket No. 03-201.
See also, stories titled "FCC Announces NPRM Regarding Unlicensed Devices" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No.
739, September 15, 2003, and "FCC Announces Deadlines for Comments on Unlicensed
Devices NPRM" in TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 800, December 16, 2003. See also, FCC
[PDF] extending the deadline from January 9 to January 23.
Monday, January 26 |
The Supreme Court
will begin a recess. (It will return on February 23, 2004.)
12:00 NOON - 1:00 PM. The
New America Foundation will host a
brown bag lunch. The topic will be "Policy Watch: Making the Right Choices
about the Future of Communications". The speaker will be David Dorman,
Chairman and CEO of AT&T. RSVP to Jennifer
Buntman at 202-986-4901 or See,
Location: 1630 Connecticut Ave, NW, 7th Floor.
2:00 - 5:00 PM. The
Federal Communications Commission's
(FCC) Advisory Committee on Diversity for Communications in the Digital Age will
hold its second meeting. See, FCC
notice [PDF] and
notice in the Federal Register, January 5, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 2, at Page
345. Location: Commission Meeting Room, Room TW-C305, 445 12th St. SW.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding
its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) pertaining to promoting spectrum based
services in rural areas. See,
notice in the Federal Register summarizing this NPRM, and story titled
"FCC Announces NPRM Regarding Regulations Affecting the Use of Spectrum in
Rural Areas" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 739, September 15, 2003. This NPRM is FCC
03-222 in WT Docket Nos. 02-381, 01-14, and 03-202. The FCC adopted this NPRM
on September 10, 2003, and released it on October 6, 2003. See, Federal
Register, November 12, 2003, Vol. 68, No. 218, at Pages 64050-64072.
EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 7. Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response
to its
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [35 pages in PDF] regarding unlicensed devices. See,
in the Federal Register, December 10, 2003, Vol. 68, No. 237, at Pages 68823 -
68831. The FCC adopted this NPRM on September 10, 2003. See, FCC
release [PDF]. The FCC released the
NPRM [35 pages in PDF] on September 17, 2003. This NPRM is FCC 03-223 in ET Docket
No. 03-201. See also, stories titled "FCC Announces NPRM Regarding Unlicensed
Devices" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No.
739, September 15, 2003, and "FCC Announces Deadlines for Comments on Unlicensed
Devices NPRM" in TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 800, December 16, 2003.
Deadline to submit comments to the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in
response to its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that proposes changes to the
rules governing practice before the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences to
consolidate and simplify such rules and to reflect developments in case law, legislation,
and administrative practice. See,
notice in the Federal Register, November 26, 2003, Vol. 68, No. 228, at
Pages 66647 - 66691.
Tuesday, January 27 |
New Hampshire Presidential Primary.
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) will host an event titled "Satellite Rural
Forum". The agenda includes, among other topics, broadband access, information
and mass media entertainment, telemedicine and distance learning. See,
and agenda [5 pages in PDF]. Location: FCC, 455
12th Street, SW.
Wednesday, January 28 |
9:30 AM. The U.S.
Court of Appeals (DCCir) will hear oral argument in USTA v. FCC,
No. 00-1020. Judges Edwards, Randolph and Williams will preside. Location: 333
Constitution Ave., NW.
10:00 AM. The
House Commerce Committee's
Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet will hold a hearing titled
"Can you say that on TV?': An Examination of the FCC's Enforcement with
Respect to Broadcast Indecency". The hearing will be webcast. See,
notice. Location: Room 2123, Rayburn Building.
10:00 AM. The
House Judiciary Committee will
meet to mark up seven bills, including
HR 2824, the
"Internet Tobacco Sales Enforcement Act". Location: Room 2141, Rayburn
12:15 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association's (FCBA) Online Communications Practice Committee
will host a brown bag lunch titled "Legislative and Regulatory Update on Internet
and E-Commerce Privacy Issues". The speakers will be
Chris Hoofnagel
(EPIC) and Heidi Salow
(Nextel). For more information, contact Vincent
Paladini, Karlyn Stanley (CRB,
202 828-9835), or Amy Wolverton. Location: Cole
Raywid & Braverman, 1919 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 200.
6:00 - 8:15 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association (FCBA) Wireless Practice Committee will host a
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program titled "Implementing the
FCC's Secondary Markets Order". The prices to attend range from $50
to $125. Location:
Wiley Rein & Fielding, 1750 K Street, NW, 10th Floor.
Deadline to submit requests to participate in the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) public
round table meeting on the effectiveness of inter partes reexamination
proceedings, tentatively scheduled for February 17, 2004. See,
notice in the Federal Register, December 30, 2003, Vol. 68, No. 249, at
Pages 75217 - 75218.
Thursday, January 29 |
AM - 12:00 NOON. The
American Enterprise Institute (AEI) will
host a program titled "The Dynamics of Two-Sided Markets". The AEI
notice states nothing further about the program or its speakers. However,
economists use the term "two sided markets" to describe markets for products
that must be promoted to two groups to succeed, such as operating systems
(developers and users) and payment systems (merchants and consumers).
Location: AEI, 12th floor, 1150 17th St., NW.
11:00 AM. The Cato
Institute will host a panel discussion titled "Antitrust in the
High-Tech Marketplace: The Real Irrational Exuberance?". The speakers will be
Lawrence Lindsey (Lindsey Group), Fred Smith (Competitive Enterprise Institute),
Jonathan Zuck (Association for Competitive Technology), and Ed Black (Computer
and Communications Industry Association). See,
notice. The event will be webcast.
Lunch will follow the program. Location: Cato, 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW.
2:00 - 4:00 PM. The State Department's International Telecommunication
Advisory Committee --Radiocommunication Sector (ITAC-R) will hold a meeting
to discuss "matters related to the preparations for ITU-R study group meetings
taking place in 2004". See,
notice in the
Federal Register, January 15, 2004 Vol. 69, No. 10, at Page 2380. Location: The
Boeing Company, Harry C. Stonecipher Conference Center, 1200 Wilson Boulevard,
Arlington, VA.
TIME? Rosemary Coombe (York
University) will give a lecture titled "The Globalization of Intellectual
Property: Informational Capital and Its Cultures". This is a part of
Georgetown University Law Center's
(GULC) Colloquium on Intellectual Property & Technology Law Series. For more
information, contact
Julie Cohen at 202 662-9871. Location: GULC, 600 New Jersey Ave., NW.
6:00 - 8:15 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association (FCBA) Wireless Practice Committee will host a
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program titled "Political Broadcasting
Regulations". Bobby Baker (Assistant Chief of the FCC's Media Bureau's
Policy Division), Jack Goodman (General Counsel of the National Association of
Broadcasters), and Dawn Sciarrino. The prices to attend range from $50 to $125.
Location: 8th Floor Conference Room, Dow Lohnes &
Albertson, 1200 New Hampshire Ave., NW.
Friday, January 30 |
10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON. The
Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Advisory
Committee for the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference will hold its first meeting.
See, FCC
notice and agenda [PDF] and
notice in the Federal Register, December 22, 2003, Vol. 68, No. 245, at
Page 71106. See also, TLJ
titled "Powell Appoints Nancy Victory to WRC-07 Post". Location: FCC,
Commission Meeting Room (TW-C305), 445 12th Street, SW.
Extended deadline to submit comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding
BellSouth's request for a declaratory ruling
that the state commissions may not regulate broadband internet access services by
requiring BellSouth to provide wholesale or retail broadband services to voice service
customers of competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) using unbundled network
elements (UNEs). BellSouth submitted its 334 page filing on December 9, 2003. See,
"Emergency Request for Declaratory Ruling" (without attachments) [35 pages in PDF].
This is WC Docket No. 03-251. See,
FCC notice [PDF].
FTC Releases Report on Fraud and Identity Theft |
1/22. The Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) released a
[73 pages in PDF] titled "National and State Trends in Fraud & Identity Theft
January -- December 2003". See also, FTC
The report states that "The FTC received more than half a
million consumer complaints (516,740) during calendar year 2003, up from 404,000
in 2002. These include 301,835 complaints about fraud and 214,905 identity theft
It states that "Internet related fraud accounted for 55% of all
fraud reports, up from 45% 2002."
It also states that "42% of all complaints received by the FTC
related to ID theft, up from 40% in 2002."
Also, Internet auction fraud accounted for 15% of all
complaints. Internet services and computer products fraud accounted for another
6% of all complaints.
CDT Challenges President's Statement on
1/22. The Center for Democracy and Technology
(CDT) issued a statement in response to President Bush's comments in his January
20, 2003
of the Union address regarding the sections of the PATRIOT Act that are
scheduled to sunset on December 31, 2005.
Bush stated that "we must
continue to give our homeland security and law enforcement personnel every tool
they need to defend us. And one of those essential tools is the Patriot Act,
which allows federal law enforcement to better share information, to track
terrorists, to disrupt their cells, and to seize their assets. For years, we
have used similar provisions to catch embezzlers and drug traffickers. If these
methods are good for hunting criminals, they are even more important for hunting
terrorists. Key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year. The
terrorist threat will not expire on that schedule. Our law enforcement needs
this vital legislation to protect our citizens. You need to renew the Patriot
The CDT responded that "A dozen PATRIOT Act provisions sunset in December
2005, yet already the campaign to renew them is heating up. The President is
acting as if the PATRIOT Act is the centerpiece of the war on terrorism, but it
really isn't. Many of the most important aspects of the war against terrorism
and the most serious abuses of civil liberties post-9/11 have occurred outside
the scope of the Act, while the Act has been used to a large extent in ordinary
criminal cases having nothing to do with terrorism."
It added that "The PATRIOT Act, while enacted with the best intentions and in
response to a serious threat, passed under intense time pressure and without
serious debate. As a result, the Executive Branch was given broad discretionary
powers that, in many cases, are not needed in the fight against terrorism and
serve only to infringe on Americans' fundamental liberties, making it crucial
that Congress carefully re-evaluate the surveillance provisions that are set to
expire at the end of 2005. The question will not be about renewal of the
authorities -- it will be about checks and balances, oversight and
Some of the electronic surveillance related provisions of the PATRIOT Act
that are set to sunset are § 201
(regarding authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications
relating to terrorism), § 202 (authority to intercept wire, oral, and
electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses),
§ 203(b) (authority to share electronic, wire and oral interception
information), § 206 (roving surveillance authority under the FISA),
§ 209 (seizure of voice mail messages pursuant to warrants), § 212
(emergency disclosure of electronic communications), § 214 (pen register
and trap and trace authority under the FISA), § 215 (access to
records and other items under the FISA), § 217 (interception of computer
trespasser communications), and § 220 (nationwide service of search
warrants for electronic evidence).
However, some of the key technology related sections of the PATRIOT Act are
not set to sunset. These include § 216, which extended the existing pen
register and trap and trace devices authority to online communications.
See also, story titled "Sen. Leahy Responds to
President Bush's Comments on PATRIOT Act" in TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 821,
January 22, 2003.
People and Appointments |
Barshefsky (at right) was elected to the Board of
Directors of Intel. She was the
U.S. Trade
Representative (USTR) from 1997 through 2001. She is also currently a
partner in the law firm of Wilmer Cutler &
Pickering. See,
release and
Intel bio.
1/22. President Bush announced his intent to nominate John Young to be
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology. Young is
currently Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development, and
Acquisition). Prior to that, he worked for the Senate Appropriations Committee's
Subcommittee on Defense. See, White House
More News |
1/22. The Senate passed the conference report on
HR 2673,
the omnibus appropriations bill, by a vote of 65-28. See,
Roll Call No. 3. First, the Senate passed a motion
to invoke cloture (that is, end a Democratic filibuster) by a vote of 61-32. See,
Roll Call No. 2. The House passed this conference report on December 8, 2003.
1/21. Attorney General
John Ashcroft (at left) gave a
speech in
Davos, Switzerland in which he stated that "Information -- or transparency -- is
the enemy of corruption. Corruption feeds and breeds from secrecy and ignorance.
It cannot thrive under the light spread by an open, informed society." He added
that "Today, with the explosive growth of the Internet and 500-channel digital
satellite broadcasting, information has never moved more quickly, to more
people, with more purpose. As the various financial crises and our effort to
deal with the corporate scandals in the United States has confirmed, information
is the most therapeutic resource we have in achieving integrity in our markets
and in our government."
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