Rep. Stearns and Rep. Boucher Introduce VOIP
and Internet Regulation Bill |
7/6. Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL) and
Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA) introduced
HR 4757,
the "Advanced Internet Communications Services Act of 2004".
Rep. Boucher (at right) stated that
"Our goal is to treat all advanced IP applications, including VoIP, with a light
regulatory touch. Since every Internet user who is equipped for advanced services will
have a broad choice of service providers, the services will be highly competitive.
Accordingly, the regulations which have governed monopoly telephone networks
should not apply to new competitive Internet-based technology." See,
transcript and
Rep. Boucher's
summary of the bill.
The bill defines two types of services. First, it creates the class of
"advanced Internet communications service", or AICS. It defines this as "an IP
network and the associated capabilities and functionalities, services, and
applications provided over an Internet protocol platform or for which an
Internet protocol capability is an integral component, and services and
applications that enable an end user to send or receive a communication in
Internet protocol format, regardless of whether the communication is voice,
data, video, or any other form."
Second, it creates the subclass of "advanced Internet communications voice
service", or AICVS. It defines this as "an advanced Internet communications
service that is offered to the public for a fee, and that provides real-time
voice communications, and in which that voice component is the primary function
of the service."
The bill then specifies the regulatory treatment of AICS and AICVS. First, it
provides that an AICS (and hence an AICVS) "shall be considered an interstate
service". This would have the effect of prevented states from regulating these
Second, the bill provides that an AICS "shall be considered neither a
telecommunications service nor an information service for purposes of the
Communications Act of 1934". Telecommunications services and information
services are existing regulatory categories that are addressed in the
Communications Act, FCC orders, and court opinions. The effect of this bill
would be to remove an AICS from these regulatory categories.
The bill then goes on to provide how an AICS is to be regulated. First, the
bill provides that, except as provided in the bill, neither the FCC nor any
state "may regulate the rates, charges, terms, or conditions for, or entry into,
or exit from, the provision of, any advanced Internet communications service."
The bill then limits the regulation of an AICS to four areas -- E–911
services, disabilities access, universal service taxation, and providing "just
and reasonable compensation for use of the public switched telephone network",
that is, intercarrier compensation.
This list notably omits reference to modification of technologies to
facilitate surveillance by law enforcement entities, or the Communications Assistance for
Law Enforcement Act (CALEA).
The bill also omits reference to privacy and consumer protection. However,
Rep. Boucher stated that "The bill does not prohibit the states or the federal
government from assuring consumer protections incident to the offering of
Internet-based communications services."
The bill further provides that the FCC, which is given rule making authority,
shall ensure that in applying these four types of regulation, that the
requirements and obligations "apply equally to all providers of advanced
Internet communications voice services".
The bill also provides that neither the FCC nor any state "may regulate the
underlying Internet Protocol transmission networks, facilities, or equipment
that support or transmit any advanced Internet communications voice service in a
manner that results in the unequal application of regulation to any Internet
Protocol network, facilities, or equipment as compared to any other such
network, facilities, or equipment."
Rep. Stearns stated in a
release that "In 2003, the State of Florida chose to allow VOIP to develop
free from unnecessary regulation. The Legislature felt that such action was in
the public interest and I believe it was the proper course of action ... This
bill goes a step further by removing Advanced Internet Communications Services
from debate that exists in whether to classify AICS as an information service or
telecommunications service. Furthermore, by establishing that AICS are
interstate services, we eliminate the regulatory uncertainty of a myriad of
different state regulatory approaches which would impede investment in these new
The bill was referred to the House
Commerce Committee. Both Rep. Stearns and Rep. Boucher are senior members of
the Committee.
The end of the current session of the Congress is near. It is highly unlikely that this bill, or
any related bill, would be enacted in the little remaining time of the 108th
Indeed, Rep. Boucher stated that "Mr. Stearns and I are seeking to frame the
debate on advanced Internet communications regulation, including VoIP
regulation, in anticipation of a broader telecommunications overhaul in the
Congress beginning in 2005. By suggesting basic ground rules today, we are
hoping to make a substantial contribution to the rewriting of the 1996
Telecommunications Act."
Other bills that would address some of the same issues addressed by this bill
include S 2281,
the "VOIP Regulatory Freedom Act of 2004", sponsored by
Sen. John Sununu (R-NH), and
HR 4129,
also titled the "VOIP Regulatory Freedom Act of 2004", sponsored by
Rep. Chip Pickering (R-MS).
story titled "Sununu and Pickering Introduce VOIP Regulatory Freedom Bills"
and story titled "Summary of VOIP Regulatory Freedom Bills", both published in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 872, April 8, 2004.
Michael Powell Starts a Web Log |
7/7. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman
Michael Powell commenced
the publication of a web log on July 7, 2004 on the
Always On web site.
In his first posting, Powell argued for minimal regulation of new technologies, and encouraged the
high tech community to become engaged in policy debates that affect it.
Powell's web log provides an opportunity for readers to post responses. The responses as
of July 10 were notably pro
regulatory, with most commentors urging the FCC to increase its regulation.
Powell (at right) wrote
that "Traditionally, the economic justification for government regulation of an
industry was market failure such as monopoly, negative externalities, or unmet
social goals. Government's role in the marketplace should be limited because
markets and entrepreneurs develop innovative solutions far more efficiently than
regulators can. This is the principle behind opening the communications sector
to competition. I am particularly mindful of this principle as new competitive
services -- VoIP, for example -- become viable alternatives for customers."
He continued that "Un- or less-regulated competition has been a hard pill
to swallow for most
incumbents (as well as many regulators) who legitimately question the regulatory
disparity between themselves and startups. But the correct answer is not to
regulate new firms the same way incumbents have traditionally been regulated.
The answer is to ``regulate down´´ as markets become competitive. Specific market
failures that arise, if any, should be addressed with targeted and specific
remedies. My policy toward regulating nascent communications services is thus
self-reinforcing: for example, a light regulatory touch can bring VoIP services
to market faster and the competitive effects, in turn, allow us to deregulate
traditional service providers."
Powell also wrote that "The high-tech community traditionally shied away from
regulatory debates at the FCC and state regulatory commissions", but that "it is
critical that the high-tech community understand the issues and engage them."
Powell also explained that "One reason I am participating in AlwaysOn
Network's blog is to hear from the
tech community directly and to try to get beyond the traditional inside the
Beltway Washington world where lobbyists filter the techies. I am looking
forward to an open, transparent and meritocracy-based communication -- attributes
that bloggers are famous for! Regulated interests have about an 80 year head
start on the entrepreneurial tech community when it comes to informing
regulators what they want and need, but if anyone can make up for that, Silicon
Valley can."
Numerous persons have posted comments on Powell's web log. These comments may
not be representative of the readers of his web log, or the high tech community
that Chairman Powell seeks to engage. Nevertheless, the comments are notable to
the extent that most urge the FCC to expand regulation.
For example, one person wrote that "Regulation is necessary to the
extent that we should protect the interests
of small business over big business, mainly because smaller companies need the
protection from larger more powerful companies."
Another wrote that "My diagnostic is that the USA is blindsighted by
this ideology of the
deregulated markets apparently opened to the benefits of the entrepreneurs. The
reality as you well know is money and lobbyes with deep pockets and lots of
lawyers. Spectrum bullies and likes. The myth of the entrepreneurs is just a
myth when you start dealing with real complex problems like deploying broadband,
VOIP or HDTV. I sincerely hope you have learnt your mistakes on this BPL crap in
regards to the dangers of deregulated markets." (All errors in spelling, syntax
and usage in original.)
Another person wrote about the Regional Bell Operating Companies. "Market
failure such as monopoly is the justification for government
regulation. Therefore, there was a need for government regulation in 1984, 1996
and still today."
Several commentors opposed spectrum markets and/or spectrum auctions. Wrote
one person, "Unregulated airways produce chaos."
There were numerous comments opposing relaxation of the regulation of media ownership.
Some argued that the FCC must prohibit broadband over powerline (BPL) services.
Several commentors expressed their distain for the property rights of service
providers and content producers. For example, one commentor wrote that "WiFi
is a God-given right, it should be free". Another wrote that the FCC should
"Create opportunities for independent broadcasting, tiny web radio stations
(without the crippling from CARP fees)". (Parentheses in original.)
Many of the suggestions transcended any proposals currently pending in
Washington DC. For example, one person suggested that the FCC regulate software.
He wrote that "There is high quality inovation, and then there is low
quality inovation. The FCC should set standards for the inovation process for
communications systems. Software for these inovations should be developed under
a process like RTCA DO-178B. The programs should have well written development
plans. Standards should be set for documentation of new inovation submittals.
Hardware should go through a formal development planning, design, and
qualification process with formal documentation. Without these steps, the
process is much less likely to be repeatable, and more likey to be error prone.
A formal safety analysis of the new system should be done as well."
The Department of Justice has proposed that the FCC pre-approve new
communications technologies in the FCC's CALEA proceeding. However, almost all
commentors in that proceeding that addressed this subject roundly criticized the
proposal, except companies that stand to profit from selling surveillance products.
Another commentor wrote that the FCC should " 'force' these telcos
into turning on their fiber and thereby lowering the costs of bandwidth."
Another commenter wrote that "Perhaps the FCC could come up with a formula
that rewards the established carriers based on service levels and pricing
advantages -- in other words, providers who meet or exceed meaningful thresholds
for affordability and customer service would have to subsidize new competitors
Very few commentors argued for minimal regulation. However, there was one area where
many commentors supported less regulation. They do not want the FCC to
fine Howard Stern.
FCC Settles With AT&T in Proceeding Regarding Do
Not Call Registry Violations |
7/9. The Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) released an Order and Consent Decree regarding AT&T's non-compliance with
the Do-Not-Call requirements of Section 227 of the Communications Act.
AT&T agreed to pay a fine (which is defined as a "voluntary payment") of
$490,000. AT&T also agreed to dismiss its related lawsuit against the FCC. AT&T
also agreed to inform its telemarketing employees, and the employees of its
vendors, of their legal obligations with respect to the Do Not Call Registry.
The FCC agreed to close its investigation of AT&T.
The FCC's November 3, 2003
Notice of Apparent Liability for Forefeiture [12 pages in PDF] had sought a
$780,000 fine. The FCC alleged that AT&T made telephone solicitation calls to 29
consumers on 78 separate occasions after those consumers had requested that AT&T
not call them again. See, story titled "FCC Fines AT&T For Violation of FCC Do
Not Call Rules" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 771, November 4, 2003.
AT&T contested the NAL. It denied placing
telemarketing calls to some of the named subscribers but admitted having placed
calls in error to many of the complaining customers. AT&T also filed a complaint
in the U.S. District Court (DC) against the FCC alleging violation of the Freedom of
Information Act, which is codified at
5 U.S.C. § 552. AT&T
had submitted a FOIA request for information about the consumer complaints. This
case is AT&T Corp. v. FCC, D.C. No. 1:04CV00249.
This Order and Consent Decree is FCC 04-169. See also, FCC
release [PDF].
FTC Charges Web Site Operator with Violation
of Privacy Policy |
7/7. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
filed an
administrative complaint [6 pages in PDF] against Gateway Learning
Corporation alleging violation Section 5(a) of the Federal Trade Commission Act
(FTCA) in connection with its alleged violation of a privacy policy that it
published in its web site. The FTC and Gateway also simultaneously entered into an
Agreement Containing Consent Order [7 pages in PDF].
While the FTC does have limited statutory authority to regulate privacy practices in the
context of the operation of web sites, such as that contained in the Children's
Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), there is no general statute regulating
the privacy practices all web site operators. The FTC, however, does consider it
to be an unfair and deceptive trade practice within the meaning of Section 5(a)
of the FTCA if a web site operator publishes a privacy policy in its web site,
and then violates that privacy policy.
Section 5(a) of the FTCA, which is codified at
15 U.S.C. § 45,
provides, in part, that "Unfair methods of competition in or affecting commerce,
and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce, are hereby
declared unlawful."
The complaint states that Gateway sells products under the name "Hooked on
Phonics". It also maintains a web site, in which it published a privacy policy.
This policy stated that "We do not sell, rent or
loan any personally identifiable information regarding our consumers with any
third party unless we receive a customer’s explicit consent. We do share
information with third parties that help us run our operations or provide
services to customers (e.g., credit card processing and shipping companies), but
only to the extent necessary to provide these services."
The complaint continues that subsequently
Gateway "began renting personal information provided by consumers on the Gateway
Learning Web site, including first and last name, address, phone number, and
purchase history, without seeking or receiving any form of consent from such
The complaint continues that still later Gateway
amended to privacy policy to disclose that it did share personal information,
and that web site users could opt out of this sharing by providing a request to
The FTC stated in a release
that "This is the first FTC case to challenge deceptive and unfair practices in
connection with a company's material change to its privacy policy."
FTC Reports on Marketing of Violent Games,
Movies and Music to Children |
7/8. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
released a
report [100 pages in PDF] to the Congress titled "Marketing Violent
Entertainment to Children" and subtitled "A Fourth Follow-up Review of Industry
Practices in the Motion Picture, Music Recording & Electronic Game Industries".
The FTC's original report, released in 2000, found that "these entertainment
industries had engaged in widespread marketing of violent movies, music, and electronic
games to children that was inconsistent with the cautionary messages of their own parental
advisories and that undermined parents’ attempts to make informed decisions about their
children’s exposure to violent content." It also found that "advertisements
for such products frequently failed to contain rating information."
This latest report states that "For the
electronic game industry, the Commission’s ongoing ad monitoring and its review
of company marketing documents found substantial, but not universal, compliance
with industry standards limiting ad placements for M-rated games where children
under 17 constitute a certain percentage of the audience – 35 percent for
television and 45 percent for print. Nonetheless, these standards do not prevent
the placement of ads in television programs and in game enthusiast magazines
with substantial teen audiences. Advertising for M-rated games continues to
appear in such media."
For the movie industry, the FTC's latest report states that the
FTC's "review of internal marketing documents and ad placements for selected
R-rated films showed that studios did not target advertising for those films at
children under 17, and, for the most part, did not advertise those films in
media with an under-17 audience share over 35%. The studios continue to
advertise violent, R-rated films and DVDs on programs with large teen viewership,
however. In addition, some studios have conducted promotions for R-rated films
in venues likely to attract significant numbers of young teens, an apparent
resurgence of a practice that previously had decreased."
For the music industry, the FTC's latest report states that the
FTC's "review of ad placements for parental advisory-labeled music showed that
the music industry has substantially curtailed advertising in print media
popular with teens but continues to place ads on television shows with
substantial teen audiences, primarily on cable music channels." It adds that the
FTC "found improvement in the music industry's disclosure of labeling
information in print and television advertising, the industry’s compliance with
labeling requirements for product packaging has improved only slightly since
September 2000."
See also, FTC release.
Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Monday, July 12 |
The House will meet at 12:30 PM for morning hour,
and at 2:00 PM for legislative business. It will consider several
non-technology related items. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 PM. See,
Republican Whip Notice.
The Senate will meet at 1:00 PM. It will
resume consideration of the motion to proceed to
SJRes 40,
the "Federal Marriage Amendment".
10:00 AM. The Heritage
Foundation will host two panel discussions titled "Scholars & Scribes
Review the Rulings: The Supreme Court's 2003-2004 Term". See,
notice and
registration page. Location: 214 Massachusetts Ave., NE.
6:00 - 8:15 PM. The
DC Bar Association's Intellectual Property
Law Section, and other sections, will host a continuing legal education (CLE) program
titled "Trade Secrets: The Next Level". The speaker will be Milton
Babirak of the law firm of Babirak Vangellow & Carr. Prices vary. See,
For more information, contact 202-626-3488. Location: D.C. Bar Conference
Center, B-1 Level, 1250 H Street, NW.
6:30 PM. The U.S. Telecom Association
(USTA) and the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet
Association (CTIA) will host an event titled "Communications
Good Scout Award Dinner". The dinner will honor
Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), the Chairman
of the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet. The price to attend ranges
from $250 to $20,000. Proceeds will go to the National Capital Area Council of the Boy
Scouts of America. Location: Renaissance Washington Hotel, 999 9th Street, NW.
Deadline to submit comments to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) in response to its further notice of proposed
rulemaking (FNPRM) regarding Aviation Radio Service. This FNPRM is FCC 03-238 in WT
Docket No. 01-289. See,
notice in the Federal Register, April 12, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 70, at Pages
19140 - 19147.
Tuesday, July 13 |
The House will meet at 9:00 AM for morning hour,
and at 10:00 AM for legislative business. It will consider HR 4766, the
agriculture appropriations bill. See,
Republican Whip
8:00 AM. The
Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) will host a press conference
to announce its inventor of the year award. Location:
National Press Club, Holeman Lounge, 529 14th
St. NW, 13th Floor. The IPO will also host an invitation only reception in the Caucus
Room of the Cannon House Office Building. For more information, contact Susan Lusk at or 202 466-2396.
9:30 AM. The
North American Numbering Council
(NANC) will meet. Location: Federal Communications
Commission (FCC), 445 12th Street, SW, Room TW-C305.
9:30 AM. The
Senate Commerce Committee will hold a hearings on the proposed reauthorization of the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting. See,
The hearing will be webcast. Location: Room 253, Russell Building.
Wednesday, July 14 |
The House will meet at 10:00 AM for legislative
business. The agenda for July 14 and 15 includes consideration of several technology
related items, including
HRes 705,
urging the President to resolve the disparate treatment of direct and indirect
taxes presently provided by the World Trade
Organization (WTO),
HRes 576,
urging People's Republic of China to improve its protection of intellectual
property rights, and
HR 4759,
the "United States-Australia Free Trade Implementation Act". See,
Republican Whip
8:30 AM - 12:00 NOON. The
DC Bar Association's Intellectual Property Law
Section will host a program titled "The ABC's Of Patent, Trademark And Copyright
Law". The speakers will be Steven Warner (Fitzpatrick Cella Harper & Scinto),
Gary Krugman (Sughrue Mion), John Hornick (Finnegan Henderson), and Aoi Nawashiro (Browdy
& Neimark). Prices vary. A breakfast buffet is included. See,
For more information, call 202 626-3463. Location: D.C. Bar Conference
Center, B-1 Level, 1250 H Street, NW.
9:00 AM - 1:30 PM. The
National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA) will host an event titled " Forum:
Developing a Safe Place on the Internet for Children". See, NTIA
notice and
in the Federal Register, June 4, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 108, at Pages 31590-31591. Location:
Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Ave., NW, Room 4830.
10:00 AM. The
House Commerce Committee's
Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet will hold a hearing titled
"Competition and Consumer Choice in the MVPD
Marketplace -- Including an Examination of Proposals to Expand Consumer
Choice, Such as A La Carte and Themed-Tiered Offerings". Press
contact: Jon Tripp (Barton) at 202 25-5735 or Sean Bonyun (Upton) at 202
225-3761. Location: Room 2123, Rayburn Building.
10:00 AM. The
House Armed Services Committee and the House International Relations
Committee will hold a joint hearing on the "Role of Arms Export Policy in the
Global War on Terror". The witnesses will be Lincoln Bloomfield (Assistant
Secretary of State, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs), Lisa Bronson
(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Technology Security Policy and
Counterproliferation), and Peter Lichtenbaum (Assistant Secretary for Export
Administration, Bureau of Industry and Securities, Department of Commerce).
The hearing notice does not disclose the extent to which the hearing might
focus on the export of items involving information and communications
technologies. Location: Room 2118, Rayburn Building.
Thursday, July 15 |
The House will meet at 10:00 AM for legislative
business. The agenda for July 14 and 15 includes consideration of several technology
related items, including
HRes 705,
urging the President to resolve the disparate treatment of direct and indirect
taxes presently provided by the World Trade
Organization (WTO),
HRes 576,
urging People's Republic of China to improve its protection of intellectual
property rights, and
HR 4759,
the "United States-Australia Free Trade Implementation Act". See,
Republican Whip
10:00 AM. The
Senate Commerce Committee's
Subcommittee on Communications will hold a hearing on implementation of the Nielsen
local people meter TV rating system.
notice. The hearing will be webcast. Location: Room 253, Russell
Congressional Internet Caucus' Advisory Committee
will host a panel discussion titled "The DMCA Revisited: What's Fair?".
Lunch will be served.
12:15 - 2:00 PM. The
Forum on Technology & Innovation (FTI) will
host a luncheon discussion titled "The Policy Implications of Open Source
Software". The speakers will be Andrew Morton (lead maintainer for the Linux
public production kernel), Bill Guidera (Microsoft), Cheryl Bruner (IBM), and Morgan
Reed (Association for Competitive Technology). See,
notice. Lunch is available at 12:15 PM. The event will be webcast by
the FTI. The program will begin at
12:30 PM. Register by 5:00 PM on July 13 by by fax at 202 682-5150 or at; provide your name, title,
office, and e-mail address. Location: Room 902, Hart Building, Capitol Hill.
2:00 PM. The
House Armed Services Committee's Tactical Air Land Forces Subcommittee will
hold a hearing on "Small Business Innovation and Technology". Location: Room
2118, Rayburn Building.
6:00 - 9:30 PM. The DC Bar Association
will host a continuing legal education (CLE) program titled "Antitrust
Investigations in the Era of Enron and WorldCom". The speakers will include
Ray Hartwell (Hunton & Williams), Scott Hammond (Director of Criminal Enforcement,
Antitrust Division, Department of Justice), and Donald Klawiter (Morgan Lewis &
Bockius). Prices vary. See,
For more information, call 202 626-3488. Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, B-1 Level,
1250 H Street, NW.
Extended deadline to submit comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in
response to its Public Notice (DA 04-1454) regarding a la carte and themed
programming and pricing options for programming distribution on cable TV
and direct broadcast satellite systems. This is MB Docket No. 04-207. See,
notice of extension [PDF].
Friday, July 16 |
10:30 AM. The Progress
and Freedom Foundation (PFF) will host a conference titled "Should the Net's
Physical Layer be Regulated?". Christopher Yoo (Vanderbilt Law School) will
give the opening address. There will be a panel discussion by Joe Waz (Comcast), Rick
Whitt (WorldCom), Adam Thierer (Cato Institute), and Randolph May (PFF). Kenneth Ferree
(Chief of the FCC's Media Bureau) will be the luncheon address. See,
notice and
pages. For more information, contact Brooke Emmerick at 202 289-8928 or Press contact: David Fish at
202 775-2644 or Location:
Washington Mandarin Oriental hotel, 1330 Maryland Ave., SW.
12:15 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association's (FCBA) Cable Practice Committee and Young Lawyers
Committee will host a brown bag lunch. The topic will be "The Basics of A La
Carte Cable Pricing". For more information, contact Natalie Roisman at, or Jason
Freidrich at
Location: Willkie Farr & Gallagher, 1875 K Street, NW, 2d Floor.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response
to its Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making (FNPRM) and Notice of Inquiry (NOI)
regarding digital audio broadcasting (DAB). This item is FCC 04-99 in MB Docket
No. 99-325. See,
story titled
"FCC Announces FNPRM and NOI Regarding Digital Audio Broadcasting" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No.
878, April 16, 2004, and
notice in the Federal Register, May 17, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 95, at Pages
27874 - 27885.
People and Appointments |
7/9. Paul Clement became the acting
Solicitor General, upon the
resignation of Ted Olson.
7/8. Derek Harrar was named VP of Business Development at Comcast Cable. See,
Comcast release. Alexandra Soumbeniotis was promoted to
National Director, Partnership Sales, at Comcast Cable. See,
Comcast release.
7/8. The Software & Information Industry
Association (SIIA) announced the election of new members of its Content
Division's Board of Directors. See,
release [PDF].
More News |
7/9. The AEI-Brookings Joint Center
for Regulatory Studies published a
[56 pages in PDF] titled "The Impact of Driver Cell Phone Use on Accidents".
It was written by Robert Hahn and James Prieger. See also,
7/9. Microsoft, the
Department of Justice (DOJ), and all of the state
plaintiffs (except Massachusetts and West Virginia) filed a
pleading [14 pages in PDF] titled "Joint Status Report on Microsoft's
Compliance with the Final Judgments" with the
U.S. District Court (DC) in the
government antitrust case against Microsoft.
7/9. President Bush gave a campaign
speech in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. One of the many topics that he covered
was the PATRIOT Act. He stated that "We've now got the FBI and the CIA
sharing information. We've got divisions within the FBI sharing information.
Before September the 11th, we couldn't have the criminal division and the
intelligence division of the FBI even talking to each other about certain cases.
No wonder information slipped through the net. That's why we passed what they
call the Patriot Act." He added, "let me say something about the Patriot Act.
Nothing happens without court order. The same rules that we're using to catch
drug lords is now -- we're finally starting to apply to terrorists. It's
essential that these tools stay in place if we expect to be safe."
7/8. The American Electronics Association
(AeA) wrote a
letter to members of the House urging them to vote for
HR 3574,
the "Stock Option Accounting Reform Act". The
Republican Whip Notice
for the week of July 12-16 does not list this bill. The
House Commerce Committee, which is seeking
jurisdiction over the bill, held a hearing on stock options accounting
on July 8, 2004. See,
titled "House Commerce Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Stock Options Bill" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 934, July 9, 2004. On June 15, 2004, the
House Financial Services Committee
approved the bill by a vote of 45-13. See, story titled "House Financial
Services Committee Approves Stock Options Bill" in TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No.
919, June 16, 2004. See also,
titled "Capital Markets Subcommittee Approves Stock Options Bill" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 897, May 13, 2004.
7/8. The Department of Justice (DOJ)
filed its
Plaintiffs' Proposed Findings of Fact [long download, redacted, PDF] and
Plaintiffs' Proposed
Conclusions of Law in the federal government's antitrust action against
Oracle to block its proposed acquisition of PeopleSoft. This case is U.S. v.
Oracle, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, San
Francisco Division, D.C. No. C 04-0807 VRW, Judge Vaughn Walker presiding.
7/6. The Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers (ICANN) filed a
motion to dismiss [32 pages in PDF]
VeriSign's amended complaint for failure to state a claim upon which relief
can be granted, and a renewed
motion to strike [7 pages in PDF]. This case is Verisign, Inc. v. ICANN,
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, D.C. No. CV 04-1292
AHM (CTx), Judge Howard Metz presiding. See also, stories titled "ICANN Demands
That VeriSign Cease Wildcard Feature" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 753, October 6, 2003; "VeriSign Refuses to Suspend Deployment of
Wildcard Service" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 744, September 23, 2003; "ICANN Asks VeriSign to Suspend Wildcard
Service" in TLJ
Daily E-Mail Alert No. 743, September 22, 2003; and "ICANN Moves to Dismiss
Most of VeriSign's Wildcard Complaint" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 871, April 7, 2004.
7/1. The Library of Congress published a
notice in the Federal Register that announces and publishes some additions
to its rules, and that lists deletions from its rules. The new rules cover, for
example, administration of the Library of Congress. See, Federal Register, July
1, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 126, at Pages 39837 - 39844.
6/30. The U.S. District Court (EDCal)
issued its
Memorandum and Order [PDF] in American Bankers Association v. Lockyer
granting summary judgment to Bill Lockyer. This case is a challenge to the
restrictions on the dissemination of personal information contained in the
California Financial Information Privacy Act, which is codified as
California Financial Code §§ 4050-4059. The District Court rejected the argument
of the American Bankers Association (ABA) and others that the California act is
preempted by the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which is codified at
15 U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq. It further held that limitations such as those
contained in the California act are permitted by the federal Gramm Leach Bliley
act. This case American Bankers Association, et al. v. Bill Lockyer, et al.,
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, D.C. No. Civ. S
04-0778 MCE KJM.
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