4th Circuit Rules in Reciprocal Compensation
Case |
8/2. The U.S. Court of Appeals
(4thCir) issued its divided
opinion [61
pages in PDF] in Verizon Maryland v. Global Naps, a case regarding
interconnection agreements, reciprocal compensation, state public utilities
commissions, and federal jurisdiction.
Back in 1999, Verizon's Maryland subsidiary (then Bell Atlantic Maryland)
filed a complaint in U.S. District Court (DMd) against the
Maryland Public Service Commission
(Maryland PSC) seeking review of the Maryland PSC's order that required Verizon to
pay reciprocal compensation to competing local carriers for delivering ISP-bound
The present opinion is the second opinion of this Appeals Court in this case. The Supreme Court
issued its
opinion [22 pages in PDF] on May 20, 2002 reversing the previous opinion of the
Court of Appeals (240 F. 3d 279), and remanding. See, story titled "Supreme Court
Rules on Federal Jurisdiction In Suits Against State PUCs" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 435, May 21, 2002. This was Verizon Maryland v. Public Service
Commission of Maryland.
On remand, the District Court held that there
is no federal question jurisdiction over a local exchange carrier's (in this
case Verizon) claim that a state public utility commission (in this case the
Maryland PSC) misinterpreted the provisions of an interconnection agreement that
are based on federal law. The Court of Appeals reversed this holding, concluding
that there is federal question jurisdiction.
The Appeals Court wrote that "because (1) Verizon’s complaint alleges
that the PSC misinterpreted interconnection agreement provisions that incorporate
federal law, (2) the agreement interpreted is federally mandated, (3) the contractual
duty at issue is imposed by federal law, and (4) the purpose of the 1996 Act is best
served by allowing review of the PSC 's order in the district court, we hold that
Verizon’s contract claim in Count I raises a substantial question of federal law."
The District Court also held that the Maryland PSC had authority under federal
law to impose reciprocal compensation terms in arbitration proceedings. The Court of
Appeals affirmed this holding.
The Court of Appeals also rejected the
Maryland Commissioners' argument on appeal that the regulatory scheme of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996 violates the 10th Amendment of the Constitution,
which provides that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the Sates
respectively, or to the people."
The Appeals Court remanded the case to the District Court for further proceedings
on Verizon's contract misinterpretation claim.
Judge Michael wrote the opinion of the Court, in which Judge Gregory joined.
Judge Niemeyer wrote a lengthy opinion dissenting in part.
This case is Verizon Maryland, Inc. v. Global Naps, Inc. et al., Nos.
03-1448 and 03-1449, appeals from the U.S. District Court for the District of
Maryland, D.C. No. CA-99-2061-S, Judge Frederic Smalkin presiding.
President Bush Responds to 9-11 Report |
8/2. The National Commission on
Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, which is also known as the 9-11
Commission, released its report on
July 28.
National Intelligence Director. One of the recommendations of this
report is the creation of a National Intelligence Director.
On August 2, 2002, President Bush announced in a
that "Today I'm asking Congress to create the position of a National
Intelligence Director. That person -- the person in that office will be
appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and will
serve at the pleasure of the President. The National Intelligence Director will
serve as the President's principal intelligence advisor and will oversee and
coordinate the foreign and domestic activities of the intelligence committee.
Under this reorganization, the CIA will be managed by a separate Director. The
National Intelligence Director will assume the broader responsibility of leading
the intelligence community across our government. "
Bush also stated that "Today, I also announce that we will establish a
National Counter-Terrorism Center. This new center will build on the analytical
work, the really good analytical work of the Terrorist Threat Integration
Center, and will become our government's knowledge bank for information about
known and suspected terrorists. The new center will coordinate and monitor
counter-terrorism plans and activities of all government agencies and
departments to ensure effective joint action, and that our efforts are unified
in priority and purpose. The center will also be responsible for preparing the
daily terrorism threat report for the President and senior officials."
He added that "The Director of the National Counterterrorism Center will
report to the National Intelligence Director, once that position is created.
Until then, the center will report to the Director of the CIA."
Recommendations Related to Information Technologies. Several of the
recommendations of the 9-11 Commission involve use of information technologies,
as for example, in the use of computer databases in the Computer Assisted
Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS).
The report recommends that "Improved use of ``no-fly´´ and
``automatic selectee´´ lists should not be delayed while the argument about a
successor to CAPPS continues. This screening function should be performed by the
TSA, and it should utilize the larger set of watchlists maintained by the
federal government. Air carriers should be required to supply the information
needed to test and implement this new system."
The report also recommends a broader network of screening. It
states that "The U.S. border security system should be integrated into a larger
network of screening points that includes our transportation system and access
to vital facilities, such as nuclear reactors." It also recommends "Extending
those standards among other governments".
The report also recommends that the DHS complete "a biometric
entry-exit screening system, including a single system for speeding qualified
travelers. It should be integrated with the system that provides benefits to
foreigners seeking to stay in the United States. Linking biometric passports to
good data systems and decisionmaking is a fundamental goal. No one can hide his
or her debt by acquiring a credit card with a slightly different name. Yet
today, a terrorist can defeat the link to electronic records by tossing away an
old passport and slightly altering the name in the new one."
The report also recommends that "The federal government should
set standards for the issuance of birth certificates and sources of
identification, such as drivers licenses."
Finally, the report recommends allocating more spectrum for use by public
safety entities. It states that "Congress should support pending legislation
which provides for the expedited and increased assignment of radio spectrum for
public safety purposes. Furthermore, high-risk urban areas such as New York City
and Washington, D.C., should establish signal corps units to ensure
communications connectivity between and among civilian authorities, local first
responders, and the National Guard. Federal funding of such units should be
given high priority by Congress."
Congressional Hearings. Several Congressional Committees have scheduled hearings.
On August 3, the Senate Governmental
Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on the 9/11 Commission's recommendation to
establish a National Counterterrorism Center. Also on August 3, the
House Government Reform Committee
will hold a hearing titled "Moving from `Need to Know´ to `Need to Share´:
A Review of the 9-11 Commission’s Recommendations".
On August 23 the
House Financial Services
Committee will hold a hearing titled "The 9/11 Commission Report:
Identifying and Preventing Terrorist Financing".
In addition, the Senate
Commerce Committee scheduled for August 5, and then
postponed, a hearing on the 9/11 Commission's recommendations regarding
transportation security. It has not yet set a new date.
Rep. Crane Introduces Bill to Provide Tax Break for
Certain Spectrum Based and Information Technologies in Vehicles |
7/22. Rep. Phil Crane
(R-IL), Rep. Michael Rogers (R-MI),
and Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI)
HR 4931, the "Intelligent Vehicle Highway Safety Act of 2004". This bill
would amend the Internal Revenue Code to provide a limited itemized deduction
for expenditures for intelligent vehicle technology systems.
Rep. Crane (at right)
and Rep. Levin are both senior members of the
House Ways and Means Committee,
which has jurisdiction over this bill. This bill would give a tax break to
individuals and companies that purchase cars and other vehicles with certain spectrum
based or information
technologies. It primarily covers safety related technologies, but also covers
certain national security, property protection and inventory management
The bill would provide a deduction of up to $1,000 for purchasing vehicles
that include "a positional communications and tracking device", or a
technology that "assists in verification of driver identity, such as biometric
identifiers and electronic ignition locks".
The bill would also cover "a device that warns or informs a driver of
driving conditions or location, such as collision warning systems, automated
collision notification systems, vehicle rollover warning systems, lane
departure warning systems, and fatigue management systems". It would also
cover "a roll stability control system".
The bill would also cover "an electronic seal". The bill does not define this
term, but it may pertain to radio frequency devices affixed to containers that
track their movement past reader devices, and provide information as to whether
or not tampering has occurred.
While the bill clearly covers certain vehicular safety technologies, such as
vehicle collision avoidance technologies, it is not clear that it would cover
certain other public safety technologies, such as those that facilitate
emergency vehicle traffic signal preemption and traffic management.
The bill states that its purpose is to "encourage and accelerate the
nationwide production, retail sale, and consumer use of new commercial and
consumer motor vehicles with intelligent vehicle technology systems".
This bill would use tax policy to promote these technologies. In addition,
the Congress has appropriated money for the Department
of Transportation (DOT) to
develop and promote intelligent transportation systems (ITS). See, the DOT's
ITS website.
Moreover, the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) has long been involved in promulgating rules pertaining to the spectrum
based aspects of these technologies.
The FCC initiated a rulemaking proceeding in 1998. It adopted its
and Order on October 21, 1999 (which it released on October 22) allocating 75 megahertz
of spectrum at 5.850-5.925 GHz to the mobile service for use by Dedicated Short Range
Communications (DSRC) systems operating in the Intelligent Transportation System
(ITS) radio service. However, this R&O did not adopt licensing and service rules
or spectrum channelization plans. This R&O is FCC 99-305 in ET Docket
98-95 and RM-9096. See, also, the FCC's Office of
Engineering and Technology's (OET)
ITS webpage. The FCC adopted another NPRM on November 7, 2002. See, story
titled "FCC Adopts Intelligent
Transportation Systems NPRM" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No.
546, November 11, 2002. The FCC adopted its latest ITS
and Order [78 pages in PDF] on December 17, 2003. (However, it did not release
this R&O until February 10, 2004.) This R&O is FCC 03-324 in WT Docket No.
01-90, ET Docket 98-95 and RM-9096 This R&O adopted licensing and service rules for
DSRC operating in the ITS service. It also adopted the interoperability standard know as
ASTM E2213-02 or ASTM-DSRC. It also made possible licensing in the 5.9 GHz band for both
public safety and nonpublic safety uses. See also,
separate statement [PDF] of Chairman
Michael Powell, and
statement [PDF] of Commissioner
Jonathan Adelstein.
Rep. Hooley Introduces Children's
Listbroker Privacy Act |
7/22. Rep. Darlene Hooley (D-OR)
introduced HR 4955,
the "Children's Listbroker Privacy Act" a bill to restrict the sale of
personal information about children.
This is the House version of
S 2160,
also titled the "Children's Listbroker Privacy Act", which was introduced by
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) on March 3, 2004. See, story titled "Senators Introduce
Children's Listbroker Privacy Act" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 851, March 8, 2004. That bill was referred to the
Commerce Committee, of which Sen. Wyden is a member. The Committee has taken
no action on the bill.
The bill provides that, subject to exceptions, "It is unlawful -- (1) to
sell personal information about an individual the seller knows to be a child;
(2) to purchase personal information about an individual identified by the
seller as a child, for the purpose of marketing to that child ..."
The bill also creates exceptions to the general rule where there is
parental consent, and where the purchaser of the information certifies in
writing to the seller that the information will not be used for marketing, and
for what purpose the information will be used.
The bill would give civil enforcement authority to the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) under the unfair
or deceptive act or practice provision of the FTC Act. The bill would also give the
states authority to bring civil actions for damages.
HR 4955 was referred to the House Commerce Committee. There are no original
cosponsors. The Senate bill is cosponsored by
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and
Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK).
Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Wednesday, August 4 |
9:30 AM. The Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) will hold a meeting. The
agenda [PDF] includes The agenda includes a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(NPRM) and Declaratory Ruling (DR) regarding the Department
of Justice's (DOJ) request that the FCC administratively amend the CALEA statute to cover
information services, such as VOIP. It also includes consideration of various
applications for certification of digital output protection technologies and recording
methods under the FCC's broadcast flag rule. The event will be webcast. Location:
FCC, 445 12th Street, SW, Room TW-C05 (Commission Meeting Room).
Friday, August 6 |
10:00 AM. The U.S.
Court of Appeals (FedCir) will hear oral argument in Sony Electronics, Inc.,
et al. v. Soundview Technologies, Inc., a patent infringement and antitrust
case involving V-Chip parental television control technology. This is App. Ct. No.
04-1057, an appeal from the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, No.
3:00cv754(JBA), Judge Janet Arterton presiding. See, opinion published at 157 F. Supp.
2d 180 (2001), opinion granting summary judgment of non-infringement in favor of Sony
and other television manufacturers, published at 225 F. Supp. 2d 164 (2002), and August
28, 2003 opinion
[8 pages in PDF] granting plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment on Soundview's antitrust
and unfair trade practices counterclaims. Location: Courtroom
402, 717 Madison Place, NW.
2:30 PM. The U.S. Court of
Appeals (FedCir) will hear oral argument in Irdeto Access v. Echostar,
No. 04-1154. Location: Courtroom 402, 717 Madison Place, NW.
1:00 - 4:00 PM. The DC
Bar Association will host a continuing legal education (CLE) program titled
"USA PATRIOT Act Primer". The speakers will include
Brown (Foley & Lardner). See,
notice. Prices vary from $80 to $95. For more information, call 202 626-3488.
Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, B-1 Level, 1250 H Street, NW.
EXTENDED TO OCTOBER 8. Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response
to its public notice (DA 04-1690) requesting public comments on constitutionally
permissible ways for the FCC to identify and eliminate market entry barriers for small
telecommunications businesses and to further opportunities in the allocation of spectrum
based services for small businesses and businesses owned by women and minorities. See,
notice in the Federal Register, June 22, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 119, at Pages
34672 - 34673. See also,
notice of extension [PDF].
Deadline to submit comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in
response to its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) regarding the process for
designation of eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) and the FCC's rules
regarding high-cost universal service support. This NPRM is FCC 04-127 in
Docket No. 96-45. See,
notice in the Federal Register, July 7, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 129, at Pages
40839 - 40843.
Deadline to submit comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in
response to its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) regarding the
rechannelization of portions of the 17.7-19.7 GHz band. This NPRM is FCC 04-77
in WT Docket No. 04-143. See, notice in the Federal Register, July 7, 2004,
Vol. 69, No. 129, at Pages 40843 - 40850.
Deadline to submit comments to the
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR)
regarding its Special 301 out of cycle review of Israel and other nations.
Section 182 of the Trade Act of 1974, which is codified at
19 U.S.C. § 2242,
requires the USTR to identify countries that deny adequate and effective
protection of intellectual property rights or deny fair and equitable market
access to U.S. persons who rely on intellectual property protection. This is
also referred to as the Special 301 provision. See,
notice in the Federal Register, July 13, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 133, at Pages
Monday, August 9 |
10:00 AM. 2:30 PM. The U.S.
Court of Appeals (FedCir) will hear oral argument in Business Object v.
Microstrategy, No. 04-1009. Location: Courtroom 203, 717 Madison Place, NW.
Extended deadline to submit comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
regarding its proceeding titled "In the
Matter of Review of the Commission's Broadcast and Cable Equal Employment
Opportunity Rules and Policies". This is MM Docket No. 98-204. See,
notice of extension [PDF].
Tuesday, August 10 |
9:30 AM - 12:00 NOON. The Federal Communications
Commission's (FCC) WRC 07 Advisory
Committee, Informal Working Group 4: Broadcasting and Amateur Issues. See,
[PDF]. Location:
Shaw Pittman, 2300 N St., NW.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in
response to its further notice of proposed rulemaking (FNPRM) regarding
Aviation Radio Service. This FNPRM is FCC 03-238 in WT Docket No. 01-289. See,
notice in the Federal Register, April 12, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 70, at Pages
19140 - 19147.
Muris to Leave FTC on
August 15 |
8/2. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Chairman Timothy Muris released a
statement. He
wrote that "I have resigned as Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission,
effective August 15. By announcing his intention to
appoint Deborah P. Majoras as an FTC Commissioner and the next Chairman, the
President ensures the FTC’s ability to continue its strong record of competition
and consumer protection achievements."
President Bush gave both Majoras and Liebowitz recess
appointments on July 30, 2004, after Sen. Ron
Wyden (D-OR) successfully delayed Senate consideration of the nominations.
See, story titled "Muris Resigns, Majoras Nominated" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 896, May 12, 2004;
titled "Senate Commerce Committee Holds Hearing on FTC Nominees" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 910, June 3, 2004; and story titled "Bush Gives Majoras and Liebowitz Recess
Appointments to the FTC" in TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 950, August 2, 2004.
Muris added that "Debbie is a
highly talented and experienced lawyer, and will be an excellent Chairman. I am
confident that she will provide continuity to the FTC’s important missions.
Additionally, the President has announced his intention to
appoint Jonathan Leibowitz as a Commissioner. Jon brings many talents to the
FTC, including a legislative and antitrust background. He will be an impressive
More News |
7/31. 146 member countries of the
World Trade Organization (WTO) adopted a
document titled "Draft General Council Decision of 31 July 2004
" that pertains to the Doha round of trade negotiations. It states
that "The General Council reaffirms the Ministerial Declarations and
Decisions adopted at Doha and the full commitment of all Members to give effect
to them. The Council emphasizes Members' resolve to complete the Doha Work Programme
fully and to conclude successfully the negotiations launched at Doha.
" See also,
statement by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA),
release of
the EU,
statement by EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy, and US Chamber of Commerce
7/30. Kenneth Rice plead guilty in U.S. District Court (SDTex) to one count of
securities fraud in violation of 15 U.S.C. §§ 78j(b) and 78(ff) and 15 C.F.R. §§
240.10b-5 and 240.10b5-1. Rice was previously CEO of Enron Broadband Services (EBS),
a unit the former Enron Corp. See, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
8/2. The U.S. Court of Appeals
(9thCir) issued its
opinion [23 pages in PDF] in Focus Media v. NBC, an appeal in an
involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy case involving a company that booked and paid
for commercial spots from television and radio stations on behalf of advertising
clients. The Appeals Court affirmed the District Court. This case is Focus
Media, Inc. v. National Broadcasting Company, et al., No. 03-55808, an
appeal from the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, D.C.
No. CV-01-01146-AHS.
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Address |
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spam messages and malicious code messages. If your e-mail system does not
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