Senate Judiciary Committee Approves
Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform Act |
9/21. The Senate Judiciary Committee
approved, without amendment or discussion, by unanimous consent,
HR 1417,
the "Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform Act of 2004".
This bill replaces copyright arbitration royalty panels (CARPs) with
Copyright Royalty Judges (CRJs). The purpose of these CARPs and CRJs is to
set and adjust copyright royalty rates and distribute of royalties under various
compulsory licenses.
These compulsory licenses involve cable television signals, satellite
television signals, digital audio recording technology, and other technologies.
This bill gives CRJs authority to set and adjust reasonable terms and rates of
royalty payments under
17 U.S.C. § 112(e) (ephemeral recordings),
§ 114 (limited
performance rights under the Digital Performance in Sound Recording Act of
1995), § 115
(mechanical compulsory license for certain uses of copyrighted musical
compositions), § 116
(public performance of musical works embodied in coin operated phonorecord players),
§ 118 (published
nondramatic musical works and published pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works in
connection with noncommercial broadcasting),
§ 119
(retransmission of tv broadcast signals by satellite carriers), and
§ 1004
(devices set forth under the Audio Home Recordings Act) licenses.
The bill also sets criteria and factors to be applied by the CRJs in setting
and adjusting royalty rates. The bill also addresses procedure to be followed in
CRJ proceedings. The bill also addresses the appointment, tenure, compensation,
staffs and independence of these CRJs.
Proponents of this bill argue that the current CARP system is too expensive,
and since CARP members often lack expertise, its decisions are unpredictable and
The bill was introduced on March 25, 2003 by
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX),
Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA), and
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI). The
House Judiciary Committee approved
the bill on September 24, 2003. See,
No. 108-408.
On March 3, 2004, the full House passed HR 1417 by a vote of 406-0. See,
Roll Call No. 37.
Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Over Tech
and IP Bills |
9/21. The Senate Judiciary Committee
held a business meeting on Tuesday, September 21. The meeting agenda included
numerous bills and judicial nominees. However, the Committee took up only two bills,
S 1700, the
"Advancing Justice through DNA Technology Act of 2003",
and HR 1417,
the "Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform Act of 2004". See, above
Inducement Bill. The Committee's agenda included
S 2560, the
"Inducing Infringement of Copyrights Act of 2004". However, the
Committee did not debate, discuss or mark up this bill.
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-VT), the Chairman
of the Committee, and lead sponsor of the bill, stated briefly that the
Committee "held over" this bill. He referenced the ongoing consultations and
discussions conducted by the Copyright Office, and the latest draft version of
this bill. See, September 9
and explanatory memorandum.
Sen. Hatch concluded by stating that "I plan to expedite consideration of
this bill".
L1 Visa Bill. The agenda also included
S 1635
the "L-1 Visa (Intracompany Transferee) Reform Act of 2003". The Committee held
over consideration of this bill, without debate or discussion. This bill has been placed
on the Committee's agenda many times in the past, only to be held over every
Trademarks. The agenda also included
S 2373,
a bill to modify the prohibition on recognition by U.S. courts of certain rights
relating to certain marks, trade names, or commercial names. This bill, which is
sponsored by Sen. Pete Domenici
(R-NM), pertains to trademarks confiscated by the communist government of Cuba.
In 1998, the 105th Congress passed, and the President signed, HR 4328; it
became Public Law No. 105-277. Section 211 of this act prohibits enforcement of
U.S. rights to trademarks confiscated by the Cuban government, except with the
consent of the legitimate owner. The EU challenged this act before the
World Trade Organization (WTO), which ultimately
found in favor of the U.S. on most, but not all points. S 2373 would modify Section
211 to address the WTO's ruling.
Other Matters Held Over. The Committee also held over consideration of
S 2396, the
"Federal Courts Improvement Act of 2004", and
S 2204, the
"Stop Terrorist and Military Hoaxes Act of 2004". The Committee also held over
consideration of the nomination of
Claude Allen to be a Judge of the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit.
The Committee has scheduled another business meeting for Thursday, September
23, 2004, at 9:00 AM. This will not likely be a long meeting, since the House
and Senate are holding a joint session at 10:00 AM to receive Ayad Allawi, the
Interim Prime Minister of Iraq. Also, the Committee may not attain a voting quorum. At
its 10:00 AM meeting on Tuesday, September 21, it was nearly 11:00 AM before
the Committee attained a voting quorum.
House Approves Anti-counterfeiting
Amendments of 2003 and Fraudulent Online Identity Sanctions Act |
9/21. The House amended and approved
HR 3632, the
"Anti-counterfeiting Amendments of 2003" by a voice vote. This bill has become
the vehicle for numerous provisions, some of which are not related to counterfeiting. The
bill, as amended by the full House, also includes the language of
HR 3754, the
"Fraudulent Online Identity Sanctions Act", as well as two bills to provide
for additional meeting places of federal courts. The bill has been renamed the
"Intellectual Property Protection and Courts Improvements Act of 2004".
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and others
introduced HR 3632 on November 21, 2003. See, story titled "Rep. Smith
Introduces Bill to Strengthen Ban on Counterfeit Labeling of Software, Movies and
Music" in TLJ
Daily E-Mail Alert No. 787, November 26, 2003.
This bill revises and expands
18 U.S.C. § 2318,
which pertains to trafficking in counterfeit labels, documentation and packaging
of computer programs, phonorecords, and movies.
The House Judiciary Committee's
Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property (CIIP) held a
hearing on February 12, 2004. The CIIP Subcommittee amended and approved the
bill on March 31, 2004. The full Committee amended and approved the bill on June
23, 2004. See,
House Report
No. 108-600.
Rep. James Sensenbrenner
(R-WI), the Chairman of the full Committee, said on September 21 that "Efforts
to ensure that consumers are able to know whether they are buying legitimate
software, music, movies, and other forms of intellectual property are being
subverted by those who counterfeit authentication labels and steal legitimate
ones. These counterfeited and illicit labels are then attached to counterfeit
products defrauding consumers into thinking that they have purchased a
legitimate copy of the product, when they have not. The middleman who traffics
in illicit and counterfeit labels can walk away from his crime with no penalties. H.R.
3632 would close this loophole and ensure that everyone who undertakes a scheme to
defraud consumers faces criminal penalties."
Rep. Smith and Rep. Howard Berman
(D-CA) introduced
HR 3754,
the "Fraudulent Online Identity Sanctions Act", on February 3, 2004. This bill
provides additional civil and criminal remedies in actions that also involve
domain name fraud. The CIIP Subcommittee held a hearing on February 4, 2004.
See, story titled "Representatives Introduce Bill to Deter Domain Name Fraud" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No.830, February 5, 2004.
The CIIP Subcommittee amended and approved the bill on March 31, 2004. The full
Committee amended and approved the bill on May 12, 2004. See,
House Report
No. 108-536.
The bill addresses problems associated with the registration of domain names
with false information. For example, law enforcement authorities use the Whois
database of domain name registration information to identify and locate people
who use web sites to commit crimes. False registration information makes
identifying the fraud artists more difficult. Similarly, false registration
information makes it harder for trademark holders to pursue cybersquatters who
register domain names that infringe their trademarks. False registration
information also makes it harder for copyrights holders and manufacturers to
locate online infringers and online sellers of counterfeit goods.
The bill as approved by the House also includes the language of HR 112, a
bill to amend Title 28 to provide that the U.S. District Court for the District
of Colorado shall also meet in Colorado Springs.
The bill as approved by the House also includes the language of HR 4646, a
bill to amend Title 28 to provide that the U.S. District Court for the Northern
District of New York shall also meet in Plattsburgh.
House Approves Video Voyeurism Prevention
Act |
9/21. The House approved
S 1301, the
"Video Voyeurism Prevention Act", by a voice vote. It criminalizes conduct such
as surreptitious use of small digital cameras to capture and publish via the
internet privacy invasive images and video.
This bill amends Title 18, the Criminal Code, to provide that "Whoever, in
the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, has the
intent to capture an image of a private area of an individual without their
consent, and knowingly does so under circumstances in which the individual has a
reasonable expectation of privacy, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
not more than one year, or both."
Rep. James Sensenbrenner
(R-WI) stated that "With the development of smaller cameras and the
instantaneous distribution capability of the Internet, the issue of 'video
voyeurism' is a huge privacy concern. Unsuspecting adults, as well as high
school students and children have been targeted in school locker rooms,
department store dressing rooms, and even in their homes."
The bill is sponsored by Sen. Mike DeWine
(R-OH). The Senate approved the bill September 25, 2003.
This is a largely symbolic measure. It only applies in "the
special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States". That is, it
only applies on federal property, and within federal jurisdiction. However, many
states already have enacted similar or related laws. This bill may provide model
language for states to follow.
Senate Commerce Committee Holds Hearing on
Wireless Privacy |
9/21. The Senate Commerce
Committee held a hearing on
S 1963,
the "Wireless 411 Privacy Act". The Committee is scheduled to mark
up this bill on Wednesday, September 23.
Steve Largent, P/CEO of the
Cellular Telecommunications & Internet
Association, wrote in his
testimony that "I sincerely believe that this bill is a solution in
search of a problem and that S. 1963 is unnecessary. The wireless industry has
a proven track record of protecting our customers’ privacy, and we have made a
concerted effort while developing this directory assistance service to safeguard
our subscribers’ personal information. Moreover, the service is still in the
planning stages. It is extremely premature for Congress to issue a government
mandate on a service that has yet to be made available to our customers. If
there are wireless customers who have serious reservations about this service or
who just do not want to be bothered with the choice of opting-in, they have the
option to switch to a carrier that is not participating in the wireless 411
Marc Rotenberg, Executive Director of the Electronic
Privacy Information Center (EPIC), wrote in his
prepared testimony
that "The modern history of privacy protection is one where
Congress acts in advance to safeguard privacy while allowing emerging
technologies to develop. Enacting privacy protections for the wireless
directories is both consistent with Congress' prior actions on privacy issues,
and necessary in this case to ensure that consumers have substantive rights in
their personal information. The “Wireless 411 Privacy Act,” S. 1963, is a first
step toward addressing privacy issues presented by wireless directories.
However, we believe this Committee should strengthen the Wireless Privacy Act in
several aspects before it is presented to the full Senate. In particular, we
believe that the standard for enrollment should be a consumer friendly, opt-in
system that ensures adequate notice and requires affirmative consent."
Dennis Strigl, P/CEO of Verizon Wireless, wrote in his
prepared testimony that "we do not, and will not publish or make available
our customers' wireless phone numbers for a paper directory or a directory
He elaborated that "We at Verizon Wireless think a Wireless Telephone
Directory would be a terrible idea, and we will not publish our customers cell
phone numbers or otherwise participate in the plan you have heard about today.
Here's why we will not participate in a directory assistance program: Since we
started this business, we have not published our customers’ wireless phone
numbers. We did this consciously, for the sake of preserving customers' privacy
and control over their bill and discouraging interruptions from unwanted calls.
We do not believe those basic reasons have changed. In fact, we see more reason
today than ever to protect customers' privacy. The floodgates are open to spam,
viruses, telemarketing and other unwanted, unsolicited messages on landline
phones, computers and in mailboxes. We think our customers view their cell
phones as one place where they don't face these intrusions, where they have
control over their communications."
Patrick Cox, CEO of Qsent, Inc., wrote in his
prepared testimony that his company "was selected by 6 of the nation’s
leading wireless carriers to facilitate the delivery of wireless directory
assistance information through the existing 411 providers". He further stated
that wireless customers numbers would only be accessible if they opt in to the
service. See also,
prepared testimony of Kathleen Pierz of the
The Pierz Group, consultants to phone
companies and directory assistance providers.
TSA Requires Airlines to Provide Customer
Data |
9/21. The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
released several documents in which it states that
domestic airlines will be required to submit historic passenger name
record (PNR) about individuals who completed
domestic flight segments during the month of June, 2004.
PNR data includes full name, contact phone number, mailing address and travel
itinerary. These documents state that the TSA will compile this data in an electronic
database to test a new program, named Secure Flight, for screening domestic airline
Background. Before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the
airlines conducted passenger screening, and administered the Computer Assisted Passenger
Prescreening System (CAPPS), subject to federal guidelines. In late 2001, the Congress passed
the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, which created the TSA as a unit of the
Department of Transportation (DOT). This Act gave the TSA
responsibility for airport passenger screening. In late 2002, the Congress passed the Homeland
Security Act, which, among other things, created the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and
transferred the TSA from the DOT to the new DHS.
The TSA then embarked on developing a new passenger screening program, which
it named CAPPS II. The TSA states that this program no longer exists. It
further states that it now operates a "successor program" that it has named
"Secure Flight".
9-11 Commission
Stone (at right), Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for the TSA,
stated in a
release that "This is an important moment in aviation security; we are
advancing a vital tool to combat terrorism and checking off another
recommendation from the 9-11 Commission".
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon
the United States (9-11 Commission) released its
report in late July. Several of the
recommendations of the 9-11 Commission involve the use computer databases in airline
passenger screening.
The report recommended that "Improved use of ``no-fly´´ and
``automatic selectee´´ lists should not be delayed while the argument about a
successor to CAPPS continues. This screening function should be performed by the
TSA, and it should utilize the larger set of watchlists maintained by the
federal government. Air carriers should be required to supply the information
needed to test and implement this new system."
The report also recommended a broader network of screening. It
states that "The U.S. border security system should be integrated into a larger
network of screening points that includes our transportation system and access
to vital facilities, such as nuclear reactors." It also recommends "Extending
those standards among other governments".
Documents Released by TSA. First, the TSA released a
document [14 pages in PDF] titled "Privacy Impact Assessment; Secure Flight
Test Phase".
This privacy impact assessment (PIA) states that Secure Flight is a "new
program for screening domestic airline
passengers in order to enhance the security and safety of domestic airline
travel". It further states that the collected "historic PNR data also will
be used to conduct a limited test to determine if the use of commercial data is
effective in identifying passengers' information that is incorrect or
inaccurate. This test will involve commercial data aggregators who currently
provide services to the banking, home mortgage and credit industries."
This PIA states that the purpose of the Secure Flight program is
to compare PNR data to "watch lists held in the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB)
maintained by the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) to identify known or
suspected terrorists who would use the airways to inflict catastrophic damage on
the United States."
This PIA concedes that airline passengers are not afforded the opportunity to
consent to the collection of personal information by the government. However, it
states that "airline passengers are aware that by
engaging in air travel they have consented to certain screening protocols since
passenger prescreening is already in place".
This PIA further states that "by focusing solely on potential
terrorism and not other law enforcement purposes, Secure Flight addresses
concerns raised by privacy groups and others about the potential for ``mission
creep´´ by TSA." It adds that the "TSA envisions that carriers may be required to
collect full passenger name and possibly one other element of information under
a fully implemented operational Secure Flight program."
The TSA also released a
draft privacy
act notice [15 pages in PDF] titled "Privacy Act of 1974: System of Records;
Secure Flight Test Records".
The TSA also released a
notice of emergency clearance request [11 pages in PDF].
These documents will be published in the Federal Register. As of the
September 22, 2004 issue, the DHS/TSA had not yet published these items in the
Federal Register.
More News |
9/21. The U.S. Court of Appeals
(7thCir) issued its
[11 pages in PDF] in Toney v. L'Oreal, a case regarding preemption of
state causes of action by the Copyright Act. June Toney, a model, filed a complaint
in state court in Illinois against L'Oreal and others alleging that they used her likeness
beyond the authorized time, in violation of the Illinois Right of Publicity Act (IRPA)
and the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125, et seq. L'Oreal removed the action to the
U.S. District Court (NDIll). The District
Court held that the IRPA claim is preempted by the federal Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 101,
et seq. The Court of Appeals affirmed. This case is June Toney v. L'Oreal, U.S.A., Inc.,
et al., U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, App. Ct. No. 03-2184, an appeal
from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, D.C.
No. 02 C 3002. Judge Ronald Guzman presiding.
Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Wednesday, September 22 |
The House will meet at 10:00 AM. On Wednesday
and Thursday, the House will consider numerous non-controversial and non-technology
related items (such as HRes 761, congratulating Lance Armstrong for winning
the Tour de France) under suspension of the rules. See,
Republican Whip
The Senate will meet at 9:30 AM for morning business. It will then begin
consider the nomination of Porter Goss to be Director of the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Day three of a three day conference titled "Biometric
Consortium Conference BC2004". Under Secretary of Homeland Security
Hutchinson will speak at 11:45 AM in Ballroom E. See,
conference web site.
Location: Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 2799 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington,
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Day one of a two day
conference hosted by the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) titled "90th Anniversary Symposium". See,
agenda. Location:
FTC, 601 New Jersey Ave., NW.
9:30 AM. The
Senate Commerce
Committee will hold a business meeting. The agenda includes consideration
several bills, including
S 1963,
the "Wireless 411 Privacy Act",
S 1380,
the "Rural Universal Service Equity Act of 2003",
S 2145,
"The Spy Block Act", and S ___, a public safety spectrum bill.
The agenda also includes consideration of the nominations of Deborah Majoras
and Jonathan Liebowitz to be Commissioners of the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC); both
currently hold recess appointments. Press contact: David Wonnenberg at 202 224-2670 or
david_wonnenberg Location: Room 253, Russell building.
9:30 AM. The Department of Homeland
Security's (DHS) Homeland Security Advisory Council will hold a meeting, part
of which will be closed to the public. The open portion will be held from 9:30 -
11:15 AM. See,
notice in the Federal Register, September 8, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 173, at Pages
54299 - 54300. Location: U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100 Second Street, SW.
9:30 AM.
Black Box Voting, a group opposed
to the use of technology in tabulating votes in elections, will hold a press
conference. For more information, contact Vickie Karp at 512 775-3737.
Location: Zenger Room, National Press Club,
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor.
10:00 AM. The House Commerce
Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will hold a hearing
titled "Problems with the E-rate Program: Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Concerns in
the Wiring of Our Nation's Schools to the Internet". This is the third in a
series of hearings. Press contact: Larry Neal at 202 225-5735. See,
notice. This hearing will be webcast by the Committee. Location: Room 2123,
Rayburn Building.
10:00 AM. The Senate Judiciary
Committee will hold a hearing titled "A Review of Counter-Terrorism
Legislation and Proposals, including the USA PATRIOT Act and the SAFE Act". The
USA PATRIOT Act is the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate
Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001". It was passed by
the 107th Congress as
HR 3162.
It became Public Law 107-56 on October 26, 2001. The SAFE Act is
S 1709,
the "Security and Freedom Ensured Act of 2003". It was introduced by
Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID),
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), and others on October 2,
2003. See, story titled "Senators Craig and Durbin Introduce Bill to Modify
TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 753, October 6, 2003. The
witnesses will be Sen. Craig, Sen. Durbin, former Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA), James
Comey (Deputy Attorney General), and Daniel Collins (Munger Tolles & Olson).
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) will preside.
See, notice. Press
contact: Margarita Tapia (Hatch) at 202 224-5225 or David Carle (Leahy) at 202
224-4242. Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
10:00 AM.
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Administrative Law Judge Stephen McGuire
will hear oral argument in In Re Rambus Incorporated, Docket No. 9302.
Location: Room 532, FTC main building, 600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
12:00 NOON - 1:30 PM. The DC
Bar Association's Law Practice Management Section will host a presentation titled
"50 Hot Technology Tips And Web Sites: What Lawyers Should Know". The
speaker will be Reid Trautz (DC Bar Lawyer Practice Assistance Program). See,
Prices vary from $15 to $25. For more information, call 202 626-3463. Location: D.C. Bar
Conference Center, B-1 Level, 1250 H Street, NW.
12:15 PM. The Federal Communications Bar
Association's (FCBA) Young Lawyers Committee will host a brown bag lunch. The
topic will be "Universal Service Fund: A Primer". The speakers will
be Paul Garnett (CTIA), Tina Pidgeon
(GCI), Dan Mitchell
(NTCA), Tom Buckley (FCC), and Eric Einhorn
(SBC). For more information, contact Jason Friedrich at or Pam
Slipakoff at
Location: Drinker Biddle & Reath,1500 K Street
NW, 11th floor.
1:30 - 3:30 PM. The World
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07) Advisory Committee's
Informal Working Group 2:
Satellite Services and HAPS will meet. See,
notice [PDF] Location: Leventhal Senter &
Lerman, 2000 K Street, NW, 7th Floor.
2:00 PM. The
House Government Reform Committee's
Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations
and the Census will hold a hearing titled "Information Security".
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Commissioner Orson Swindle will testify. Location: Room 2167, Rayburn
3:30 PM. The Senate Judiciary
Committee will hold a hearing on judicial nominations,
including that of
Christopher Boyko to be a Judge of the U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of Ohio.
Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH) will preside.
See, notice. Press contact:
Margarita Tapia (Hatch) at 202 224-5225 or David Carle (Leahy)
at 202 224-4242. Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
4:00 - 5:30 PM. The
American Enterprise Institute (AEI) will
host a panel discussion titled "International Trade Policy and the 2004
Presidential Campaign". The speakers will be
Grant Aldonas (Under
Secretary for International Trade at the Department of Commerce) and Lael Brainard
(Brookings Institution). See,
notice. Location: AEI, 12th floor, 1150 17th St., NW.
6:00 PM. Reception (6:00 PM) and dinner (7:00 PM)
associated with the Federal Trade Commission's
(FTC) conference titled "90th Anniversary Symposium". The dinner
speaker will be Judge Richard Posner. See,
agenda. Location:
JW Marriott Hotel, 1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
Thursday, September 23 |
The House and Senate will hold a joint meeting at 10:00 AM to receive
Ayad Allawi, the Interim Prime Minister of Iraq. See,
Republican Whip
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Day one of a two day
conference hosted by the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) titled "90th Anniversary Symposium". See,
agenda. Location:
FTC, 601 New Jersey Ave., NW.
9:00 AM. The
Senate Judiciary Committee will hold an executive business meeting.
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) will preside.
See, notice.
Press contact: Margarita Tapia (Hatch) at 202 224-5225 or David Carle (Leahy)
at 202 224-4242. Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The
Executive Office of the President's (EOP)
Office of Science and Technology Policy's (OSTP)
National Science and Technology
Council's (NSTC) Committee on Technology's Interagency Working Group on Information
Technology Research & Development (ITR&D) will hold a meeting that is closed to
the public. For more information, contact Virginia Moore at or 703 292-4873. Location: National
Science Foundation (NSF), 4201 Wilson Blvd.
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. The Federal Communications
Commission's (FCC) Network Reliability and
Interoperability Council (NRIC) will hold a meeting. The agenda includes E911
issues. FCC Chairman Michael Powell
is scheduled to participate. See,
notice and agenda [PDF] and
notice in the Federal Register, September 1, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 169, at Page
53446. Location: FCC, Commission Meeting Room (TW-C305), 445 12th Street, SW.
10:00 AM. The
House Education and Workforce
Committee's Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness will hold a
hearing titled "Are Current Safeguards Protecting Taxpayers Against Diploma
Mills". The hearing will be webcast by the Committee. Location: Room 2175,
Rayburn Building.
TIME? The Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) and the
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR)
will hold a public hearing to assist the USTR in preparing its annual report to the
Congress on China's compliance with the commitments that it made in connection with
its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Persons wishing to testify orally at the hearing must provide written notification
and a copy of their written testimony by 12:00 NOON on September 10, 2004. Written
comments are due by 12:00 NOON on September 15, 2004. See,
notice in the Federal Register, July 29, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 145, at Pages
45369 - 45370. Location: ?
12:30 PM. The Federal Communications Bar
Association (FCBA) will host a luncheon. The speaker will be
Michael Gallagher, Director of the
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). Prices
to attend vary. See,
registration form [PDF]. Registrations and cancellations are due by 5:00
PM on September 20.
Location: J.W. Marriot Hotel, 1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) in response to its further notice of proposed rulemaking (FNPRM) to
determine whether mobile satellite service (MSS) operators using different
technologies could share additional spectrum in the 1610-1626.5 MHz band (L-band).
This FNPRM is FCC 04-134 in IB Docket No. 02-364 and ET Docket No. 00-258. See,
notice in the Federal Register, August 9, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 152, at Pages
48192 - 48194.
Friday, September 24 |
The House will meet at 9:00 AM. See,
Republican Whip Notice.
10:00 AM -12:00 PM. The Federal Communications
Commission's (FCC) Office of Engineering and
Technology (OET) will host a tutorial titled "Optical Network
Interoperability". Location: FCC, Commission Meeting Room (TWC-305), 445
12th Street, SW.
Saturday, September 25 |
Yom Kippur.
Monday, September 27 |
The Supreme Court will hold the opening conference of the October 2004
Term. This is not open to the public.
9:30 AM. The
U.S. Court of Appeals (DCCir) will
hear oral argument in EMR Network v. FCC, No. 03-1336. This is a petition
for review of a final order of the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) promulgating regulations designed to protect individuals from exposure
to potentially harmful levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation. See, FCC
[PDF]. Judges Edwards, Garland and Williams will preside. Location: Prettyman
Courthouse, 333 Constitution Ave., NW.
Communications Commission's (FCC) Advisory Committee for the 2007 World
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07 Advisory Committee) will meet. See,
notice in the Federal Register, July 6, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 128, at Pages
40637 - 40638. Location: FCC, 445 12th Street, SW., Room TW-C305.
See, FCC
notice of rescheduling.
6:00 - 9:15 PM. The DC Bar Association's
Intellectual Property Law Section and Litigation Section will host a continuing legal
education (CLE) program titled "Patent Damages: Discovery, Pre-trial and
Litigation Strategies". The speakers will be
David Sellinger
(Venable), Clifton McCann
(Venable), and Charles Fish (AOL Time Warner). See,
Prices vary. For more information, call 202 626-3463. Location: D.C. Bar Conference
Center, B-1 Level, 1250 H Street, NW.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the Federal
Communications Commission FCC) in response to its
of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) [11 pages in PDF] that proposes to require that
television and radio broadcasters retain program recordings for a period of time for
purposes of enforcing the statutory prohibition, codified at
18 U.S.C. § 1464, against
obscene, indecent, or profane programming. This NPRM is FCC 04-145 MM Docket No. 04-232.
See, story titled "FCC Proposes That Broadcasters Retain Recordings To Facilitate
Enforcement of Smut Ban" in TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert No. 933, July 8, 2004. See,
notice in the Federal Register, July 30, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 146, at Pages
45665 - 45668.
Tuesday, September 28 |
8:30 AM. The
Department of Defense's (DOD) Advisory
Group on Electron Devices (AGED) will hold a meeting that is closed to the public.
The agenda includes discussion of microwave technology, microelectronics, electro-optics,
and electronics materials. The AGED provides advice to the Under Secretary of Defense
for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the Director of Defense Research and
Engineering, and the Director of the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA). See,
notice in the Federal Register, September 7, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 172, at
Pages 54137 - 54138. Location: Palisades Institute for Research Services, 241
18th Street, Crystal Square 4, Suite 500, Arlington, VA.
Wednesday, September 29 |
12:00 NOON - 1:30 PM. The Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) will hold a meeting on common carriers issues
and proceedings. Jeffrey Carlisle (acting Bureau Chief of the FCC's Wireline
Communications Bureau), Carol Mattey (Deputy Bureau Chief of the FCC's WCB),
and Jane Jackson (Deputy Bureau Chief of the FCC's WCB) will preside. The agenda is
"Common carrier ``hot topics´´ and upcoming FCC proceedings". RSVP to Monica
Desai at or 202
418-7419 by Monday, September 27. The Federal
Communications Bar Association (FCBA) states in its web site that this is a brown
bag lunch hosted by its Common Carrier Practice Committee. Location: FCC, 8th floor,
Conference Room No. 5.
Deadline to submit comments to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) in response to its
Public Notice [PDF] requesting interested parties to provide comments on the
Multi-band OFDM Alliance Special Interest Group's (MBOASIG) request for a waiver of
Part 15 of the FCC's rules regarding ultra-wideband (UWB) systems that employ
multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (MBOFDM) modulation techniques.
Notice of Change of E-Mail
Address |
The e-mail address for Tech Law Journal has changed. The new address is
as follows:

All previous e-mail addresses no longer operate. This new address is
published as a graphic to avoid e-mail address harvesting, and the associated
spam messages and malicious code messages. If your e-mail system does not
display graphics, see notice in TLJ website.
About Tech Law Journal |
Tech Law Journal publishes a free access web site and
subscription e-mail alert. The basic rate for a subscription
to the TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert is $250 per year. However, there
are discounts for subscribers with multiple recipients. Free one
month trial subscriptions are available. Also, free
subscriptions are available for journalists,
federal elected officials, and employees of the Congress, courts, and
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published in the web site until one month after writing. See, subscription
information page.
Contact: 202-364-8882.
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