DOJ Approves Cingular Acquisition of AT&T
Wireless, Subject to Divestitures |
10/25. The Department of Justice (DOJ)
approved Cingular Wireless's acquisition of AT&T Wireless, subject to
divestiture of assets in 13 markets. Cingular Wireless is a joint venture
between SBC Communications Inc. and
BellSouth Corporation.
To put this settlement into effect, the DOJ, and the states of Texas and
Connecticut, filed a
complaint [19 pages in PDF] in U.S.
District Court (DC) against Cingular,
SBC, BellSouth, and AT&T Wireless. It alleges that "The
effect of Cingular's proposed acquisition of AT&T Wireless, if it were to be
consummated, may be substantially to lessen competition in interstate trade and
commerce in the relevant geographic markets for mobile wireless
telecommunications services and mobile wireless broadband services, in violation
of Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. § 18."
The complaint adds that "Unless restrained, the transaction will likely have the
following effects in mobile wireless telecommunications services and mobile
wireless broadband services in the relevant geographic markets".
However, the DOJ and states simultaneously
filed a Proposed
Final Judgment [24 pages in PDF] that sets forth the required divestiture of
assets, including spectrum and customer contracts. See also,
Plaintiff United
States's Explanation of Consent Decree Procedure's [3 pages in PDF].
Pursuant to the Tunney Act, before the District Court may enter the proposed
consent decree, the proposed settlement and the DOJ's competitive impact
statement must be published in the Federal Register, and there must be a 60 day
public comment period.
Pate, Assistant Attorney
General in charge of the DOJ's Antitrust Division,
stated in a
that "Today's action by the Department ensures that consumers of
mobile wireless services will continue to benefit from competition ... Without these
divestitures, wireless customers in these markets would have had fewer choices
for their wireless telephone service and faced the risk of higher prices, lower
quality service, and fewer choices for the newest high-speed mobile wireless
data services."
Stan Sigman, P/CEO of Cingular Wireless, stated in a
release that "Today's decision by the Department of Justice is an important
step in the approval process ... We hope the merger process will continue to
progress in an orderly and expeditious fashion. This merger will create a
premiere provider that is very well equipped to meet the most demanding needs of
wireless customers today and in the future."
Meanwhile, the Consumers Union
and the Consumer Federation of America
stated in a joint
release that this merger approval "spells bad news for consumers, who
ultimately can expect higher prices and diminished service as fewer companies
compete for their business".
This case is U.S.A., State of Connecticut, and State of Texas v. Cingular
Wireless Corporation, SBC Communications, Inc., BellSouth Corporation, and AT&T
Wireless Services, Inc., U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, D.C. No.
1:04CV01850 (RBW).
FCC Approves Cingular's Acquisition of AT&T
Wireless |
10/26. The Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) completed its antitrust analysis of Cingular Wireless' acquisition of AT&T
Wireless. The FCC released a
Memorandum Opinion and Order [146 pages in PDF] in which it approved the
merger, with conditions. Two of the five Commissioners, Copps and Adelstein, criticized the
MOO's analysis of intermodal competition.
The order states that "the proposed AT&T Wireless-Cingular
transaction marks a watershed" for the FCC. First, it involves "the potential
consequences of a proposed merger between two large national wireless carriers
that is largely horizontal in nature. Many earlier combinations in this sector
were aimed at creating competing national systems, while what the Applicants
propose is to combine the largely, but not entirely, overlapping second and
third largest systems nationwide."
Second, "the proposed transaction marks a turning point because
it is the first large license-transfer proceeding since the removal of
prophylactic thresholds, including a Commercial Mobile Radio Services (“CMRS”)
spectrum aggregation limit, which the Commission had employed to encourage new
entry and prevent undue concentration of limited resources in the developing
mobile telephony sector."
This proceeding is nominally a license transfer proceeding to
which the FCC applies "public interest, convenience, and necessity" analysis.
However, the Memorandum Opinion and Order (MOO) is largely an
analysis of competition.
It concludes that "Competitive harm is unlikely in most mobile
telephony markets, primarily because of the presence of multiple other carriers
who have the capacity to add subscribers and the ability to supplement their
current capacity, as well. Thus, despite concentration that appears high in many
markets when measured based on firms’ current shares of subscribers, other
operators will nonetheless be an effective competitive constraint on the
behavior of the merged entity."
The MOO precludes the merger in 16 markets, and imposes
restrictions in other markets.
The MOO also conditions the approval of the merger on the divestment of
any post-transaction spectrum holding
in excess of 80 MHz. The MOO also conditions approval on the companies' not
applying to bid in Auction No. 58, the Broadband PCS scheduled for January, for
any licenses in any BTA in which Cingular controls, or has a 10-percent or
greater interest in, 70 MHz or more of cellular and/or PCS
spectrum. The MOO also conditions approval on Cingular's and T-Mobile's unwinding
of their joint venture.
The MOO also addresses the effects of this merger on competition
between wireline and wireless carriers. Cingular is a joint venture of BellSouth
and SBC.
The MOO states that "Because these applications result in the
acquisition of an independent mobile provider by a joint venture controlled by
two large wireline telephone companies, issues of intermodal competition arise
as well. We find that this transaction raises novel competitive issues
surrounding the differing incentives that wireless providers may have to engage
in robust competition against the wireline operations of incumbent local
exchange carriers. We consider whether this transaction diminishes intermodal
competition for mass market voice telecommunications services, and conclude that
any potential public interest harm arising from the loss of AT&T Wireless as an
independent competitor is mitigated by the limited level of wireless-wireline
competition at this point in time, and by the continued existence of a number of
independent national and regional wireless carriers in the markets relevant to
this transaction."
The MOO addresses intermodal competition between wireline and wireless carriers
at Paragraphs 237 through 250, at Pages 90 through 98.
Also in this Memorandum Opinion and Order, the FCC approved the
applications Cingular and T-Mobile USA in connection with the unwinding of their
GSM network infrastructure joint venture in portions of the states of
California, Nevada, and New York. The FCC also approved the applications of
Triton PCS and AT&T Wireless to exchange spectrum in portions of the states of
North Carolina and Georgia.
FCC Chairman Michael
Powell wrote in a
statement [PDF] that "Cingular will emerge a stronger competitor
with better coverage, improved customer service and a renewed commitment to
innovation. This will not only be true in the voice market but also increasingly
for data."
FCC Commissioner
Kathleen Abernathy wrote in a
statement [PDF] that
"consumers are likely to recognize many benefits in the forms of efficiencies
from this merger". Also, "even after the merger, 97 percent of the total U.S.
population will continue to live in a county with access to three or more
different operators offering mobile telephone service. In addition, populations
in many other counties will have access to 4, 5, 6 or even 7 or more different
mobile telephone operators."
FCC Commissioner Kevin
Martin wrote in a separate
statement [PDF] that
"The wireless industry is the poster child for the success of competition. ...
With this merger vigorous competition will remain."
FCC Commissioner Michael
Copps wrote in a
statement [5 pages in PDF] that
"I must dissent to those parts of the Order relating to the intermodal aspects
of the merger, however, because of the increased potential for discrimination by
the merged entities’ wireline parent companies and also because I find the lack
of rigorous competitive analysis troubling."
"But who will these intermodal
competitors be?" Copps (at right)
asked. "Someday broadband over powerline may offer real competition. But today
there are less than 10,000 BPL customers in the whole country. Maybe VoIP? I
have high hopes here. But we need always to remember that as end-users of
facilities-based carriers, VoIP competitors are beholden to the Bell and cable
companies. We can cross our fingers and hope that growing duopoly does not
discriminate so as to snuff out growing competition -- but absent any commitment
on the part of this Commission to insist on non-discrimination rules, I remain
concerned for independent VoIP providers. Additionally, all customers desiring
VoIP for their voice service must subscribe to expensive broadband services."
Similarly, FCC Commissioner
Jonathan Adelstein wrote in a
statement [3 pages in PDF] that "The majority declines to adopt any
condition to ensure that intermodal competition does not disproportionately
suffer as a result of our approval of the merger." He added that "For example,
we could have dug deeper into bundling issues and tried to determine how we can
minimize the competitive impact of the merger on this expanding market, as even
the item recognizes that wireless-wireline bundling may be a significant product
offering in the future."
See also, FCC
release [3 pages in PDF] summarizing this MOO.
This Memorandum Opinion and Order is FCC 04-255 in WT Docket No. 04-70 (Cingular
AT&T Wireless merger review), WT Docket No. 04-254 (Cingular T-Mobile applications),
and WT Docket No. 04-323 (Triton PCS and AT&T Wireless applications).
1st Circuit Rules in Export Administration
Act Case |
10/25. The U.S. Court of Appeals (1stCir) issued
its opinion
in U.S. v. Lachman, a criminal prosecution under the expired
Export Administration Act (EAA).
The EAA regulates the export of military items, including dual use items,
such as computers and software. The EAA has lapsed, but contains a provision
enabling the President to extend the implementing regulations, provided that he
declares that there exists a national emergency, and that the provisions of the
EAA must be continued. President Bush signs such an order every August. See, for
example, August 6, 2004
Walter Lachman, and the other
defendants, exported a control panel for a hot isostatic press (HIP) to the
government of India. They did not first obtain a license from the Department of
The U.S. prosecuted them on
charges of violating and conspiring to violate the expired Export Administration
Act of 1979, which was Public Law No. 96-72, and which was codified at 50 U.S.C.
app. §§ 2401-2420 (2000), as well as the regulations implementing the EAA. The
U.S. argued that the control panel exported by the defendants was "specially
designed", within the meaning of implementing regulations, for use with a HIP,
which the regulations provided could only be exported with a license.
The trial jury convicted, but the District Court granted the defendants' motion
for acquittal notwithstanding the verdict. The District Court held that the EAA
regulation and the term "specially designed" was unconstitutionally vague.
The Court of Appeals held that the applicable EAA regulation was not
unconstitutionally vague, and vacated the judgment of acquittal.
The defendants did not raise the issue of whether they could be prosecuted
under an expired statute. However, the Court of Appeals hinted in a
footnote that it might consider this issue, if properly raised. It wrote that
"The EAA expired in 1994, was briefly renewed by Congress in 2000, and expired
again in 2001. ... The defendants do not make any argument that the EAA and its
regulations are inapplicable due to the expiration of the original statute."
At least one Judge has opined on the inapplicability of the expired EAA.
Raymond Randolph wrote a dissenting opinion in Wisconsin Project on
Nuclear Arms Control v. Department of Commerce, a case involving a
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information contained in export
license applications. See, January 31, 2003
opinion of the U.S. Court of Appeals
The Appeals Court held that such information is exempt from disclosure under
FOIA Exemption 3, which pertains to records exempted by a federal statute. The
EAA exempts application information from disclosure. Randolph dissented that the
EAA no longer exists, and hence, its FOIA exemption provision no longer exists.
He ridiculed the majority's Alice in Wonderland logic. He suggested that
enforcing a statutory provision, when there is no statute, is like observing the
Cheshire Cat's grin, when there is no
Cheshire Cat.
See also, story titled "Court Holds Export License Application Information
is Exempt from FOIA Disclosure" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 598, February 5, 2003.
Many members of the House and Senate worked on passage of a new and updated
EAA, particularly in 2000 and 2001. The Senate passed
S 149 (107th
Congress), the Export Administration Act of 2001, sponsored by
Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY), on September 6,
2001 by a vote of 85 to 14. This bill would have modernized export control laws.
It would have eased restraints on most dual use products, but increased
penalties for violations. It would have also repealed provisions of the 1998
National Defense Authorization Act which require the President to use million
theoretical operations per second (MTOPS) to set restrictions on the export of
high performance computers (HPCs). The House had not yet
enacted this bill. When Al Qaeda terrorists struck five
days after Senate passage of its bill, they destroyed the bill's chances for
This case is U.S. v. Walter Lachman, Maurice Subilla, Jr., Fiber Materials,
Inc., and Materials International, Inc., App. Ct. Nos. 03-2274 & 03-2275, appeals
from the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Judge Douglas Woodlock
presiding. Judge Timothy Dyk, of the
Federal Circuit, sitting by designation, wrote the opinion of the Court of Appeals. Judges
Selya and Howard joined.
Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Tuesday, October 26 |
The House is in recess until November 16, 2004. See,
Republican Whip Notice.
The Senate is in recess until November 16, 2004.
9:30 AM. The Department of Commerce's (DOC)
Bureau of Industry and Security's (BIS/BXA)
Sensors and Instrumentation
Technical Advisory Committee (SITAC) will hold a partially closed meeting. The
agenda includes discussion of Wassenaar Export Group proposals on
semiconductor lasers and cameras. See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 8, 2004, Vol. 69, No.195, at Page
60352. Location: Room 3884, DOC, 14th Street between Constitution and
Pennsylvania Aves., NW.
12:00 NOON. The Cato
Institute will host a panel discussion titled "Would a National ID Make Us
Safer or Just Less Free?" The speakers will be
Jim Harper (Director of Information
Policy Studies at Cato) and former Rep. Bob Barr
(American Conservative Union). Lunch will follow the program. See, Cato
The Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Academies and Radio and Television News
Directors Foundation will host a workshop titled "News and Terrorism:
Communicating in a Crisis". This is the fourth in a series of ten workshops.
See, DHS release.
Secretary of Homeland Security
Tom Ridge will
speak. Press contact: Kristin Gossel at
202-282-8010 or
Location: WHYY-TV Station, 150 North Sixth St., Philadelphia, PA.
Day two of a five day conference hosted by the Office of the Secretary of
Defense (OSD) Networks and Information Integration (NII) and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff titled "7th Annual DoD Spectrum Management Conference". See,
notice. Location:
Radisson Hotel, Annapolis, MD.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the Library of Congress in response
to its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) regarding continuation, with a few
modifications, of the procedures adopted by the Copyright Office in 1995 that permit
copyright applicants to request reconsideration of decisions to refuse registration. See,
notice in the Federal Register, July 13, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 133, at Pages
42004 - 42007.
Wednesday, October 27 |
8:30 - 11:00 AM. The
New Millenium Research Council will
host an event titled "The End of Regulation? Reforming Telecom Policy and
Regulators' Roles to Meet New Market Realities". The speakers will include
Rob Atkinson (Progressive Policy Institute), Matt Brill (Advisor to
FCC Commissioner Abernathy), Jeff Carlisle (Chief of FCC's Wireline
Competition Bureau), Braden Cox (Competitive Enterprise Institute), Charles
Davidson (Commissioner of the Florida Public Service Commission), Susan
Kennedy (Commissioner of the California Public Utilities Commission),
Christopher Libertelli (Advisor to FCC Chairman Powell), Randy May (Progress
and Freedom Foundation), Connie Murray (Missouri Public Service Commission),
Harold Furtchgott-Roth (former FCC Commissioner), Bob Rowe (Chairman of the
Montana Public Service Commission), Adam Thierer (Cato Institute), and Paul
Vasington (Analysis Group). See,
RSVP to Ed Rovetto at 202 263-2922. Registration and breakfast begin at 8:00
AM. Location: Holeman Lounge,
National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW,
13th Floor.
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. The
Federal Communications Commission's (FCC)
Technology Advisory Council will meet. The topic will be ultrawideband
(UWB) technology. See, FCC
notice [PDF], and
notice in the Federal Register, September 28, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 187, at
Page 57915. Location: FCC, 445 12th St. SW., Room TW-C305.
12:15 - 1:45 PM. The
New America Foundation (NAF) will
host a brown bag lunch titled "Debating the Offshoring Debate: A Joust Between
Contending Views About What A Healthy Economy Looks Like". The speakers will
be Catherine Mann (Institute for International Economics) and Charles McMillion (MBG Information Services). See,
RSVP to Jennifer Buntman at 202 986-4901 or Location: NAF,
1630 Connecticut Ave, 7th Floor.
2:00 - 4:00 PM. The Department of State's
Telecommunication Advisory Committee (ITAC) will meet. See,
notice in the Federal Register, October 14, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 198, at
Page 61066.
Day three of a five day conference hosted by the Office of the Secretary
of Defense (OSD) Networks and Information Integration (NII) and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff titled "7th Annual DoD Spectrum Management Conference". See,
notice. Location: Radisson
Hotel, Annapolis, MD.
Deadline to submit comments to the Department of
Commerce's Technology Administration in response
to its request for comments regarding the recycling of electronics equipment, such as flat
panel monitors. See, TA
Thursday, October 28 |
Day four of a five day conference hosted by the Office of the Secretary
of Defense (OSD) Networks and Information Integration (NII) and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff titled "7th Annual DoD Spectrum Management Conference". See,
notice. Location:
Radisson Hotel, Annapolis, Maryland.
8:30 - 11:30 AM. The
Software and Information Industry
Association (SIIA) will host a seminar titled "Software Licensing
Best Practices Seminar Series: Licensing (and Other) Issues in Software
Distribution". See,
notice. Prices
vary. Location: Mintz Levin, 12010 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 900 Reston,
2:00 - 4:00 PM. The Federal
Communications Commission's (FCC) WRC 07
Advisory Committee's Informal Working Group 3: IMT-2000 and 2.5 GHz Sharing Issues,
will meet. See, FCC
notice [PDF]. Location: FCC, 445 12th Street, SW, South Conference Room (8th
Floor, Room 8-B516).
6:00 - 8:00 PM. The Federal Communications
Bar Association (FCBA) will host the second part of a two part continuing
legal education (CLE) seminar on Homeland Security. Prices vary. See,
notice. Location: FCC,
Commission Meeting Room, 445 12th St., SW.
Friday, October 29 |
Day five of a five day conference hosted by the Office of the Secretary
of Defense (OSD) Networks and Information Integration (NII) and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff titled "7th Annual DoD Spectrum Management Conference". See,
notice. Location:
Radisson Hotel, Annapolis, Maryland.
Deadline to submit comments to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) in response to its notice of proposed rulemaking
(NPRM) regarding the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The FCC adopted this NPRM at its
August 4, 2004 meeting, and released it on August 12, 2004. This NPRM is FCC 04-189 in
EB Docket No. 04-296. See,
notice in the Federal Register, August 30, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 167, at
Pages 52843 - 52847.
Sunday, October 31 |
Daylight Savings Time ends.
Monday, November 1 |
10:00 AM. The U.S. Court of
Appeals (FedCir),
Panel A, will hear oral argument in Nellcor Puritan v. Masimo Corporation
(04-1247). (The Court will decide Hoffer v. Microsoft, No. 04-1103, on the
briefs.) See, FedCir calendar. Location:
Courtroom 402, 717 Madison Place, NW.
10:00 AM. The U.S. Court of Appeals (FedCir),
Panel B, will hear oral argument in Harris Corp. v. Ericsson (No. 03-1625)
and Syntex USA v. Apotex (No. 04-1252). See,
FedCir calendar. Location: Courtroom
203, 717 Madison Place, NW.
2:00 PM. The U.S. Court of Appeals (FedCir),
Panel C, will hear oral argument in Evident Corp. v. Church & Dwight Co.
(No. 03-1541) and Lewis v. Agriculture Facilities (No. 04-1255).
See, FedCir calendar.
Location: Courtroom 402, 717 Madison Place, NW.
Deadline to submit comments to the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) regarding the first draft of
NIST Special
Publication 800-52 [33 pages in PDF], titled "Guidelines on the Selection and Use
of Transport Layer Security". Submit comments and questions to Matthew Fanto at
Deadline to submit comments to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) regarding the second public draft of
NIST Special
Publication 800-53 [94 pages in PDF], titled "Recommended Security Controls
for Federal Information Systems". Submit comments and
EU May Lift FSC/ETI Sanctions |
10/25. Pascal
Lamy, the EU Commissioner for Trade, announced that he will propose lifting the
sanctions that the EU imposed following the World Trade
Organization's (WTO) rulings that the United States' foreign sales corporation (FSC)
tax regime, and its replacement, the extraterritorial income (ETI) tax regime were illegal
export subsidies.
On October 22, President Bush signed
HR 4520,
the "American Jobs Creation Act of 2004", which repeals the ETI. See, White House
release. See
also, story titled "House and Senate Approve Tax Bill That Repeals FSC/ETI" in TLJ
Daily E-Mail Alert No. 995, October 13, 2004.
Lamy (at right) stated in a
release that "I
am extremely pleased that this Bill now
has become law. It is a victory for multilateralism and for the rule of law in
foreign affairs and I want to thank leaders of the US Congress and Bob Zoellick
for their efforts in this respect. Obviously, I am very satisfied that our
efforts have been rewarded after 5 years, right before the end of the mandate of
the current European Commission."
He continued that "In recognition of the progress that has been made,
I will now propose to the Council the lifting of the FSC sanctions currently in force. As
there remain some problems with the Bill, which we have previously discussed both with the
US Administration and Congress, we intend to resolve these issues in the WTO."
Lamy concluded, "We have been trying to put FSC to bed for a long time. It is
now in bed, but we need to just check before the lights go out."
On October 25, Rich Mills, spokesman for the
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) stated in a
release that "We
welcome the EU's lifting of sanctions so U.S. exports no longer will be burdened by higher
tariffs. Congressional action has clearly ended the FSC/ETI, bringing the U.S.
into compliance with WTO rules as the EU sought. We will continue to explain to
the EU and others how the new law brings the U.S. into compliance."
On October 22, Sen.
Charles Grassley (R-IA), the Chairman of the
Senate Finance Committee, stated
in a release that "We fulfilled our commitment to repeal FSC/ETI. I fully
expect the European Union to fulfill its commitment to lift these sanctions now."
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