House Approves Copyright Royalty and
Distribution Act |
11/17. The House approved
HR 1417,
the "Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform Act of 2004", by a
vote of 407-4. See, Roll
Call No. 533. The House first approved the Senate's amendment, by a vote of
407-0. See, Roll Call No.
532. This bill replaces copyright arbitration royalty panels (CARPs) with a
Copyright Royalty Judge. The bill is now ready for President Bush's signature.
The bill was introduced on March 25, 2003 by
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX),
Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA), and
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI).
The House Judiciary Committee's
(HJC) Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property (CIIP)
held a hearing on CARPs on April 1, 2003. See,
prepared testimony
of Marybeth Peters, the
Register of Copyrights, and story titled "House Subcommittee Holds Hearing on
Bill to Replace CARPs" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 635, April 2, 2003. It also held a hearing on June 13, 2002.
The HJC found that CARP decisions are unpredictable and inconsistent, CARP
arbitrators lack appropriate expertise to render decisions and frequently
reflect either a content or user bias, and the CARP process is unnecessarily
expensive. See,
No. 108-408.
The House approved an earlier version of the bill on March 3, 2004. See,
story titled "House Passes Copyright Royalty and Distribution Act" in TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert
No. 849, March 4, 2004.
The Senate amended and approved the bill on October 6, 2004. See, story
titled "Senate Approves Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform Act" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 992, October 7, 2004.
Rep. Smith, the Chairman of the CIIP Subcommittee,
stated on November 17,
2004 that "My bill is necessary to ensure an efficient and effective system for
the distribution of copyright royalties." He added that "Today, we have finally
reached an agreement that reforms a process that has been too broken for too
long. We can look forward to greater creativity, innovation and success in
American life when this bill becomes law". See, Smith
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), the ranking
Democrat on the Senate Judiciary
Committee, spoke in the Senate on November 17. He said that this bill
"replaces arbitrators with full-time administrative judges, alleviating the
massive financial burden of taking part in a CARP proceeding, and providing the
process with continuity and stability. This bill also resolves long-standing
disputes over the availability of discovery. Because discovery is available
where it is needed, the Copyright Royalty Judges will have the information
necessary to render a correct determination, but the costs of discovery will be
kept to a minimum. Finally, this bill preserves the traditional role of the
Register of Copyrights." See, Congressional Record, November 17, 2004, at
Page S11422.
The main difference between the original House version, and the Senate
version, is discovery. Rep. James
Sensenbrenner (R-WI), the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, stated
during House debate on the bill on November 17 that "the original House version
created greater open-ended discovery of relevant material information over a
60-day period. The changes adopted by the other body make it more difficult for
a participant to acquire documents and materials other than statements made by
stakeholders and witnesses. In addition, another revision specifically limits
the number of interrogatories and depositions that each participant may seek.
Both of these changes are consistent with the current trend in administrative
law that pares the discovery process. This will save participants time and
money." See, Congressional Record, November 17, 2004, at
Page H9856.
House Approves DOE
Supercomputing Bill |
11/17. The House approved
HR 4516,
the "Department of Energy High-End Computing Revitalization Act of 2004",
by voice vote. This is the version of the bill that the Senate approved on
October 10, 2004. The bill is now ready for President Bush's signature.
Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL), sponsor
of the bill, stated during House debate that "H.R. 4516 does three things.
First, it requires the Secretary of Energy to establish and operate high-end
computing facilities involving leadership-class machines that are among the most
elite in the world. Second, this bill directs the Secretary to conduct advanced
scientific and engineering research and development using these leadership class
systems, and to continue to advance the capabilities of high-end computing
hardware and software. Finally, the bill requires that these computing
facilities be made available on a competitive, peer-reviewed basis to
researchers from U.S. industry, institutions of higher learning, national
laboratories and other Federal agencies."
Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY),
the Chairman of the House Science
Committee, stated in a release that "Supercomputing capability is
increasingly becoming a vital component of the efforts of industry and academia
to remain global leaders. By supporting the development of the world's fastest
computers, and ensuring U.S. researchers and engineers have access to them, H.R.
4516 will strengthen overall U.S. competitiveness and help ensure a healthy,
robust economy."
Rep. Boehlert added that "The Science Committee also intends to begin work
again early next year on a comprehensive supercomputing bill, like H.R. 4218,
the High-Performance Computing Revitalization Act of 2004, which the House
passed earlier this year."
The Committee approved
HR 4218
by a voice vote at its meeting of June 16, 2004. The Committee held a hearing on
HR 4218 on May 13, 2004. See, for example,
prepared testimony [PDF] of
John Marburger, Director
of the White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy (OSTP).
DOJ Closes Investigation of Merger of Paging
Companies |
11/16. The Department of Justice's (DOJ)
Antitrust Division announced in a
that it has closed its investigation of
Arch Wireless's proposed acquisition of
Metrocall. It concluded that paging
is a shrinking business, and that there is substantial competition from new and
forthcoming technologies.
Arch Wireless and Metrocall are the first and second largest providers of
paging services in the U.S., based upon number of customers.
The Antitrust Division stated that "The facts did not support a conclusion
that this merger will give a combined Arch/Metrocall market power in the markets
in which they compete. Purchasers of paging services will likely continue to
have a number of other choices after the merger, including other paging
carriers. Although this particular transaction should not threaten to harm
competition or consumers, we will continue to be vigilant in our enforcement of
the antitrust laws in this area."
The Antitrust Division elaborated that "There has been a substantial decrease
in the number of pager units in service over the past five years, declining from
more than 45 million units in1999 to under 12 million today. Therefore, the
Division focused its investigation on customers that may continue to need to use
pagers. None of the theories of competitive harm considered was supported by the
facts. The Division found neither likely harm from coordinated interaction nor
substantive proof of potential unilateral effects post-merger. The services of
other paging carriers and self-provisioning of pager services by customers
provide alternatives to the paging services of the merging parties. In addition,
new wireless technologies such as wi-fi should continue to broaden the
alternatives available to customers of the merging parties."
On November 9, 2004 the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) approved the transfer of licenses associated with this
merger. See, Arch Wireless
release of November 9, 2004. See also, FCC's
web page for
this merger review.
The two companies announced their proposed merger on March 29, 2004. See,
Arch Wireless
release of March 29.
The merged companies will be renamed USA Mobility, Inc. The merged
company will also provide wireless e-mail, instant text messaging, mobile
internet access, and other services.
People and Appointments |
11/17. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
announced that Bruce Hoffman, the Deputy Director of the FTC's Bureau of
Competition, will leave the FTC, effective November 24, 2004, to return to private
practice. See, FTC
11/17. President Bush announced his intent to nominate Margaret Spellings
to be Secretary of Education. She will replace Rod Paige. See,
transcript of White House event.
11/16. The Senate confirmed Francis Harvey to be Secretary of the Army by a
vote of 85-12. See,
Roll Call No. 212.
More News |
11/17. The Office of
the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that USTR
Robert Zoellick met with Australian
Trade Minister Mark Vaile. The Office of the USTR stated in a
release [PDF] that they "finalized arrangements to bring the
Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (FTA) into force on January 1,
2005." The USTR release further states, without elaboration, that "The United
States had raised concerns with Australia that its FTA implementing legislation,
which its Parliament passed in August 2004, did not fully implement a number of
the FTA commitments it made on intellectual property. Australia has committed to
take steps, including legislative and regulatory changes, to address these
Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Governor
Susan Bies gave a
speech in New York, New York titled "Fair Value Accounting". She stated,
among other things, that "consideration must be given to revenue-recognition
issues in a fair value regime. We must ensure that unearned revenue is not
recognized up front, as it inappropriately was by certain high-tech companies
not so long ago."
Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Thursday, November 18 |
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. The Department of Commerce's (DOC)
Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) will host an
event titled "U.S. India High Technology Cooperation Group Dialogue on
Defense Technology, Data Privacy, and Export Licensing". See,
invitation [PDF],
registration form, and
agenda. Location: DOC 1401 Constitution Ave., NW.
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM. Day one of a two day conference hosted
by the American Bar Association's (ABA) Section of Antitrust Law titled "Fall
Forum". See, event
web site. Location. National Press Club, 529 14th
St. NW, 13th Floor.
9:30 AM. The
Senate Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on pending nominations. The
agenda includes
Adelstein. Press contact:
David Wonnenberg at 202 224-2670 or
david_wonnenberg Location: Room 253, Russell Building.
9:30 AM. The U.S. Court of Appeals
(DCCir) will hear oral argument in USTA v. FCC, No. 03-1414. This is
petition for review of a final order of the FCC pertaining to number portability.
See, brief [47 pages
in PDF] of the FCC. Judges Sentelle, Randolph and Garland will preside. Location:
Courtroom 20, Prettyman Courthouse, 333 Constitution Ave., NW.
9:30 AM. The U.S. Court of Appeals
(DCCir) will hear oral argument in Ctrl TX Tele Coop v. FCC, No.
03-1405. Judges Sentelle, Randolph and Garland will preside. Location: Courtroom 20,
Prettyman Courthouse, 333 Constitution Ave., NW.
9:30 AM. The U.S. Court of Appeals
(DCCir) will hear oral argument in Covad Communications Co. v. Bell Atlantic
Corp., No. 02-7057. Judges Ginsburg, Rogers and Tatel will preside. Location:
Prettyman Courthouse, 333 Constitution Ave., NW.
11:00 AM. The Federal Communications Bar
Association's (FCBA) Legislation Committee will host an event. The speaker will
be Gregg Rothschild (Democratic Counsel, House Commerce Committee). He will
speak on legislative issues. RSVP to Helene Marshall at Location:
Wiley Rein & Fielding, 1776 K St., NW.
CANCELLED. The Federal
Communications Bar Association's (FCBA) will host a breakfast. The speaker will be
Jeff Carlisle, Chief of the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC)
Wireline Competition Bureau.
Friday, November 19 |
The House may meet at 10:00 AM. See,
Republican Whip Notice.
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The Federal
Communications Commission's (FCC) Consumer Advisory Committee will meet. The
[5 pages in PDF] includes presentations titled "Accessibility in Broadband
Content", "Wireless Solutions for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired",
"Navigating and Linking to the FCC Website", "Report & Recommendations of the
Competition Policy Working Group", "Report of Consumer Complaints, Outreach,
Education and Participation Working Group", "Report & Recommendations of
Homeland Security Working Group", and "Report & Recommendations of BroadBand
DTV Working Group". See also,
notice in the Federal Register, October 29, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 209, at
Pages 63152 - 63153. Location: FCC, 445 12th St. SW, Room TW-C305
(Commission Meeting Room).
9:30 -11:00 PM. The
Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) will host
a program titled "The Japanese Broadband Miracle: Are There Lessons for the
United States?". The speakers will be Yasu Taniwaki (Economic Counselor and
Telecommunications Attaché, Embassy of Japan) and Rob Atkinson (Director of the PPI's
Technology and New Economy Project). A light breakfast will be served. RSVP to 202
547-0001 or Location:
600 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Suite 400.
10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON. The Department of
State's (DOS) International Telecommunication Advisory Committee (ITAC) will meet to
advise the DOS on policy and technical issues with respect to the
International Telecommunication Union
(ITU), and in particular, the December 15-17, 2004 meeting of ITU's
Telecommunications Development Advisory
Group (TDAG) in Geneva, Switzerland. See,
notice in the Federal Register, November 5, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 214, at Page
64620. Location: DOS, Room 2533A.
TIME? Jonathan Zittrain
(Harvard Law School) will give a lecture titled "Free Software and the Future of
the Internet" as part of the
Georgetown Law
Colloquium on Intellectual Property & Technology Law. For more information,
contact Julie Cohen at 202 662-9871 or, or Jay Thomas at
202 662-9925. Location:
Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New
Jersey Ave., NW.
Monday, November 22 |
9:30 AM. The U.S. Court of Appeals
(DCCir) will hear oral argument in Minnesota Christian Broadcasters, Inc v.
FCC, No. 03-1439. This case pertains to an auction for a construction permit for
a new commercial FM station. Judges Edwards, Sentelle and Garland will preside. See,
brief [26 pages
in PDF] filed by the FCC on July 27, 2004. Location: Prettyman Courthouse, 333
Constitution Ave., NW.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the
Federal Communications Commission's (FCC)
Office of Engineering and Technology (OET)
in response to Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc.'s (GSSI) request for a waiver of Part
15 of the FCC's rules to permit the higher power operation of ultra-wideband (UWB)
non-contact ground penetrating radars (GPRs). See, FCC
notice [2 pages in PDF]. This is ET Docket No. 04-374.
Tuesday, November 23 |
8:30 AM - The National Science
Foundation's (NSF) President's Committee on the National Medal of Science will
hold a meeting that is closed to the public. See,
notice in the Federal Register, November 5, 2004, Vol. 69, No. 214, at
Page 64596. Location: Room 1235, NSF, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA.
Friday, November 26 |
There will be no issue of the TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert.
Highlights of ABA Antitrust Law Forum |
Thursday, November 18 |
9:15 - 9:45 AM. Speech by Deborah Majoras (FTC Chairman). |
9:45 - 11:15 PM. Panel on mergers. The speakers will include Thomas Barnett
(Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division), Bernard Nigro
(Deputy Director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition), and others. |
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Panel on remedies. The speakers will include Bruce
Hoffman (Deputy Director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition), Robert Kramer
(Director of Operations of the Antitrust Division), and others. |
12:30 - 2:00 PM. Luncheon address by Philip Lowe (Director General
Competition, European Commission). |
2:15 - 3:45 PM. Panel on economics. The speakers will include Luke Froeb
(Director of the FTC's Bureau of Economics), Lars-Hendrik Röller (Chief
Economist of the European Commission), David Sibley (Deputy Assistant
Attorney General, Antitrust Division), and others. |
4:00 - 5:30 PM. Panel on international antitrust policy. |
Friday, November 19 |
9:15 - 9:45 AM. Speech by Thomas Barnett (Deputy Assistant Attorney General,
Antitrust Division). |
9:45 - 11:00 AM. Panel on non-merger matters. The speakers will include
Susan Creighton (Director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition), Bruce
McDonald (Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division), and
others. |
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