European Commission Takes Another
280.5 Million Euros From Microsoft |
7/12. The European Commission (EC) announced that it will take another 280.5
Million Euros from Microsoft. This confiscation, like the previous ones, are
associated with the EC's order of March 24, 2004. See, EC
The EC announced its original
Commission Decision [302 pages in PDF] on March 24, 2004, and released it on
April 22, 2004. In 2004, the EC took from Microsoft 497,196,304 Euros, and ordered it to
sell Windows without Media Player and make certain intellectual property
available to competitors. See also, story titled "European Commission Seeks 497
Million Euros and Code Removal from Microsoft" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 863, March 25, 2004; and story titled "European Commission
Releases Microsoft Decision" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 883, April 23, 2004.
Hewitt Pate, who was the chief U.S. antitrust enforcer at the time that the
EC made issued its original order, frequently criticized the EC's action. See for
example, stories titled "US Antitrust Chief Says EU's Microsoft Decision Could
Harm Innovation and Consumers" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 863, March 25, 2004; "Pate Criticizes EC Decision Regarding
Microsoft" in TLJ
Daily E-Mail Alert No. 869, April 5, 2004; and "Pate Addresses US EU
Differences on Antitrust, Microsoft, and IPR" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 913, June 8, 2004.
See also, story titled "EU Seeks More Money and Disclosures from Microsoft"
in TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 1,279, December 23, 2006
The EC asserted in its just announced action that Microsoft is not in compliance with
the 2004 order, and that the 2004 order is based upon principles of competition law.
Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith asserted in a
release that "We have great respect for the Commission and this process".
He elaborated that Microsoft disputes the legality of this latest EC action, and will
"ask the European courts to determine whether our compliance efforts have been
sufficient and whether the Commission's unprecedented fine is justified".
9th Circuit Affirms in FTC v. |
7/13. The U.S. Court of Appeals (9thCir)
issued its
opinion [11
pages in PDF] in FTC v., affirming the judgment of
the District Court in favor of the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC). This is a FTC Act deceptive practices action involving
deception of consumers regarding internet access service.
The Court of Appeals construed the meaning of Section 5 of the FTCA, which
serves as the basis for many of the FTC's actions to enjoin fraudulent internet
based commercial operations.
There are numerous defendants. There are two individuals (Ian Eisenberg and Chris
Hebard), a company that they formed (Electronic Publishing Ventures, LLC), four of its
subsidiaries (, LLC, Essex Enterprises, LLC, Surfnet Services, LLC, and, LLC), and two foreign entities owned or controlled by Eisenberg and Hebard
for the purpose of owning EPV.
While the defendants' ownership and control structure may have been complex, the
activities that are the subject of this litigation are simple. The defendants mailed out
4.4 Million checks in the amount of $3.50 each. Small print on the back of the checks
stated that by depositing the checks the recipients agreed to have charges added to their
monthly phone bills charging them $19.95 or $29.95 for dial internet access service. Other
material suggested that the check was a refund.
At least 225,000 recipients deposited these checks. However, less than one percent
logged on for service.
The FTC filed a civil
[7 pages in PDF], on October 20, 2000, in U.S.
District Court (WDWash) against the defendants alleging that this scheme violates
Section 5 of the FTCA, which is codified at
15 U.S.C. § 45(a).
This section, which serves as the basis for many FTC actions, provides, in part, that
"Unfair methods of competition in or affecting commerce, and unfair or deceptive acts
or practices in or affecting commerce, are hereby declared unlawful."
The District Court held that the defendants violated Section 5, and that the proper
amount of consumer redress was $17,676,897.
See also, the FTC's
web page for this case.
Defendants appealed. The Court of Appeals affirmed.
The Court of Appeals wrote that "a practice falls within this
prohibition (1) if it is likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably under the
circumstances (2) in a way that is material."
It added that "A solicitation may be likely to mislead by virtue of the net
impression it creates even though the solicitation also contains truthful
disclosures." Hence, the addition of the fine print disclosure
does not save the defendants in this case.
The Court of Appeals elaborated that "Hebard and EFO's mailing
created the deceptive impression that the $3.50 check was simply a refund or
rebate rather than an offer for services. The check was made out to the
individual or small business to whom it was sent, with the consumer's phone
number in the ``re´´ line. The portion of the document that resembled an invoice
included columns labeled ``invoice number,´´ ``account number,´´ and ``discount
taken,´´ implying a preexisting business relationship for which a refund check
was being offered. The front of the check and invoice lacked any indication that
by cashing the check, the consumer was contracting to pay a monthly fee."
It concluded that "no reasonable
factfinder could conclude that the solicitation was not likely to deceive
consumers acting reasonably under the circumstances."
The Court of Appeals added that this conclusion is also supported by consumers'
reactions. Over 99 percent of those who deposited the checks did not use the service,
indicating that they had been deceived.
The Court of Appeals concluded that "the district court properly granted summary
judgment to the FTC on the FTCA § 5 violation because no reasonable factfinder could
conclude that the solicitation was not likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably
under the circumstances in a way that is material."
The Court of Appeals also affirmed the District Court with respect to the
personal liability of of Eisenberg. It wrote that "An individual is personally
liable for a corporation's FTCA § 5 violations if he ``participated directly in
the acts or practices or had authority to control them´´ and `` `had actual
knowledge of material misrepresentations, was recklessly indifferent to the
truth or falsity of a misrepresentation, or had an awareness of a high
probability of fraud along with an intentional avoidance of the truth.´ ´´"
(Citing 9th Circuit precedent.)
This case is Federal Trade Commission v., LLC, et al., U.S.
Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, App. Ct. Nos. 04-35428 and 04-35431, appeals from the
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.
People and Appointments |
7/13. President Bush announced his intent to nominate Christopher Padilla to be
Assistant Secretary of Commerce (Export Administration). He is currently Chief of Staff
to Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, who was previously the U.S. Trade
Representative. Padilla was previously Assistant USTR for Intergovernmental Affairs and
Public Liaison. He has also worked for Eastman Kodak Company, Lucent Technologies, and
AT&T. See, White House
7/13. President Bush nominated Henry Paulson, who is the new Secretary
of the Treasury, to also be United States Governor of the International Monetary
Fund for a term of five years, United States Governor of the International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development for a term of five years, United States
Governor of the Inter-American Development Bank for a term of five years, United
States Governor of the African Development Bank for a term of five years, United
States Governor of the Asian Development Bank, United States Governor of the
African Development Fund, and United States Governor of the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development. See, White House
7/13. Robert Cresanti was named Chief Privacy Officer at the Department of
Commerce (DOC). He also remains the DOC's Under Secretary for Technology.
More News |
7/13. The Markle Foundation's (MF)
Task Force on National Security released a
report [100
pages in PDF] titled "Mobilizing Information to Prevent Terrorism: Accelerating
Development of a Trusted Information Sharing Environment". See also, MF
7/12. The House Commerce Committee (HCC)
amended and approved
HR 5337, the
"Reform of National Security Reviews of Foreign Direct Investments Act".
See, HCC
release and
statement by Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), the ranking Democrat on the HCC.
7/12. The National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA) published in its web site comments that it received in response
to its notice of inquiry (NOI) regarding "implementation of the Spectrum Sharing
Innovation Test-Bed (Test-Bed) where Federal and non-Federal users can study the
feasibility of increasing the efficient use of the spectrum". See,
notice in the Federal Register, June 8, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 110, at
Pages 33282-33284, and NTIA
page with hyperlinks to comments. July 10, 2006, was the deadline to submit comments.
7/11. The House approved
HR 5646 by
a vote of 417-4. See, Roll
Call No. 369. This bill requires the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a "study analyzing the
rapid growth and energy consumption of computer data centers by the Federal
Government and private enterprise". It also provides that "It is the sense of
Congress that it is in the best interest of the United States for purchasers of
computer servers to give high priority to energy efficiency as a factor in
determining best value and performance for purchases of computer servers".
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to the TLJ Daily E-Mail Alert is $250 per year. However, there
are discounts for subscribers with multiple recipients. Free one
month trial subscriptions are available. Also, free
subscriptions are available for journalists,
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published in the web site until one month after writing. See, subscription
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Copyright 1998 - 2006 David Carney, dba Tech Law Journal. All
rights reserved. |
Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Thursday, July 13 |
The House will meet at 10:00 AM for legislative business. See,
Republican Whip
The Senate will meet at 9:30 AM. It will resume consideration of resume
consideration of HR 5441,
the homeland security appropriations bill.
Senate Judiciary Committee (SJC) may hold an
executive business meeting. The agenda includes consideration of numerous judicial
nominations: Neil Gorsuch (to be a Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
10th Circuit), Jerome Holmes (10th Circuit), Kimberly Moore (Federal
Circuit), Bobby Shepherd (8th Circuit), Gustavo Antonio Gelpi (US District Court, Puerto
Rico), and Daniel Jordan (USDC, Southern District of Mississippi). The agenda also
includes consideration of several Department of Justice (DOJ) nominations: Steven
Bradbury (Assistant Attorney General in charge of the
Office of Legal Counsel), Alexander Acosta (U.S.
Attorney for the Southern District of Florida), Martin Jackley (U.S. Attorney for the
District of South Dakota), and Brett Tolman (US Attorney for the District of Utah). The
agenda also includes consideration of
S 2453, the "National Security Surveillance Act of 2006",
S 2455, the
"Terrorist Surveillance Act of 2006",
S 2468,
a bill to provide standing for civil actions for declaratory and injunctive relief to
persons who refrain from electronic communications through fear of being subject to
warrantless electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes,
S 3001, the
"Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Improvement and Enhancement Act of 2006",
S 2831, the
"Free Flow of Information Act of 2006",
HR 1036,
the "Copyright Royalty Judges Program Technical Corrections Act", and
S 1845, the
"Circuit Court of Appeals Restructuring and Modernization Act of 2005".
See, notice. Most of
the items have been on previous agendas. The SJC frequently cancels or postpones meetings
without notice. The SJC rarely follows its published agenda. Press contact: Courtney Boone
at 202-224-5225. Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
9:30 AM. The Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) will hold a meeting. See,
agenda [PDF]. The event will be webcast by the FCC.
Location: FCC, 445 12th Street, SW, Room TW-C05 (Commission Meeting Room).
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM. The
Antitrust Modernization Commission (AMC) will hold a meeting to deliberate
on possible recommendations regarding the antitrust laws to Congress and the
President. The meeting is open to the public, but registration is required. See,
notice in the Federal Register, June 23, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 121, at Page
36059. Location: Morgan Lewis, main conference room, 1111 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
9:30 - 11:00 AM. The
Markle Foundation's (MF)
Task Force on
National Security will host an event to release a report titled "Mobilizing
Information to Prevent Terrorism: Accelerating Development of a Trusted
Information Sharing Environment". Registration and check-in will begin at
8:30 AM. At 9:30 AM, the speakers will present the report, and then respond to
questions. Location: The Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW.
10:00 AM. The
Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on the nomination of Eric
Solomon to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy.
Location: Room 215, Dirksen Building.
10:00 AM. The Senate Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs will hold a hearing on the nomination of Eric
McMillin to be Deputy Director of the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB). See,
notice. Location: Room 342, Dirksen Building.
10:30 AM. The House Ways
and Means Committee's Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures will hold a hearing
titled "Issues Relating to the Patenting of Tax Advice". See,
notice. Location: Room B-318, Rayburn Building.
12:00 NOON - 2:00 PM. The Alliance for Public Technology (APT)
will host a brown bag lunch titled "Preemption of State Wireless Regulation:
Where Do Consumers Fit In?". The speakers will be Brian Fontes (Cingular) and
Dane Snowden (CTIA). RSVP to apt at apt dot org or 202-263-2970. Location: 919 18th St.,
NW, 10th Floor Conference Room.
2:00 - 5:00 PM. The
Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) and the Congressional E-9-1-1
Caucus will host a demonstration titled "Emergency Communications Services
Tech Fair". See,
notice. There will also be a reception at 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Location:
Rayburn Foyer, Rayburn Building, Capitol Hill.
2:30 PM. The Senate
Commerce Committee (SCC) will hold a hearing titled "Unmanned Aerial Systems
in Alaska: A Framework for the Nation". Sen.
Ted Stevens (R-AK) will preside. See,
notice. Location: Room 562, Dirksen Building.
TIME? The Board of Directors of the
American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) will meet.
Location: AIPLA, Headquarters Board Room, Arlington, VA.
6:00 - 9:15 PM. The DC Bar
Association will host a continuing legal education (CLE) seminar titled &
"Antitrust Investigations: Tactical and Ethical Issues". The speakers
will include Ray Hartwell (Hunton & Williams), Kathryn Fenton (Jones Day), Donald
Klawiter (Morgan Lewis & Bockius), Ann Marie O’Brien (Antitrust Division). The
price to attend ranges from $70-$125. For more information, call 202-626-3488. See,
Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, 1250 H Street NW, B-1 Level.
Friday, July 14 |
The Republican
Whip Notice states that there are no votes expected in the House.
5:00 PM. Deadline to submit comments to the
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR)
regarding its special provincial review (SPR) of intellectual property rights
(IPR) protection in Peoples Republic of China (PRC). See,
notice in the Federal Register, June 16, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 116, at Pages
Monday, July 17 |
6:00 PM. Deadline for upfront payments for the
Federal Communications Commission's (FCC)
Auction 66. This is the auction of Advance Wireless Services (AWS)
licenses in the 1710-1755 MHz and 2110-2155 MHz (AWS-1) bands. See also,
notice in the Federal Register, June 2, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 106, at Pages
Deadline to submit initial comments to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) in response to its Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(FNPRM) regarding whether and how an open global database of proxy numbers of Video
Relay Service (VRS) users may be created so that a hearing person may call a VRS user
through any VRS provider without having to ascertain the first VRS user's current
internet protocol address. See,
notice in the Federal Register, May 31, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 104, at Pages
30848-30856. This FNPRM is FCC 06-57 in CG Docket No. 03-123.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) in response to its further notice of proposed rulemaking (FNPRM) regarding
telecommunications relay services (TRS) and speech to speech services for individuals
with hearing and speech disabilities, and misuse of internet protocol relay service and
video relay service. This item is FCC 06-58 in CG Docket No. 03-123. See,
notice in the Federal Register, June 1, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 105, at Pages
Tuesday, July 18 |
8:30 - 10:00 AM. The
Progress and Freedom Foundation (PFF) will host a book launch for
Net Neutrality or Net Neutering: Should Broadband Internet Services be Regulated?
This book is a collection of essays. The speakers will be Thomas Lenard (PFF),
David Farber (University of Pennsylvania),
Randy May (Maryland Free State Foundation), and Adam Thierer (PFF). See,
notice and
registration page. A continental breakfast will be served. Location: Holeman Lounge,
National Press Club, 529 14th St., NW.
8:30 AM - 1:30 PM. The U.S.
Chamber of Commerce's National Chamber Foundation will host an event titled
"The State of the American Judiciary". The keynote speaker will be
Justice Antonin Scalia. See,
For more information, contact Danielle Walker at 202-463-5500 or ncfevents at
uschamber dot com. Location: U.S. Chamber, 1615 H Street, NW.
9:30 AM. The
Senate Judiciary Committee (SJC) may hold a
hearing titled "Department of Justice Oversight". Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales is scheduled to testify. Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) wrote in a
letter to Gonzales that the SJC is interested in surveillance of
communications and financial transaction, the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act Court, prosecution of journalists, and related issues.
Location: Room 216, Hart Building.
10:00 AM. The
House Financial Services Committee's
(HFSC) Subcommittee on Financial Institutions will hold a hearing titled "Hearing
entitled "ICANN and the Whois Database: Providing Access to Protect Consumers from
Phishing". Location: Room 2128, Rayburn Building.
12:00 NOON - 1:30 PM. The DC
Bar Association will host a panel discussion titled "Trademarks and the
Internet". The speakers will include David Kelly (Finnegan Henderson). The
price to attend ranges from $15-$30. For more information, call 202-626-3463. See,
Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, 1250 H Street NW, B-1 Level.
1:00 - 3:00 PM. The Department of State's (DOS)
International Telecommunication Advisory Committee will meet to prepare for
ITU Radiocommunication Sector's Special Committee on Regulatory/Procedural
Matters that will take place on December 4-8, 2006, in Geneva, Switzerland. See,
notice in the Federal Register, May 4, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 86, at Pages
26397-26398. Location: Boeing Company, 1200 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA.
1:30 - 5:00 PM. The Department of Justice's
(DOJ) Antitrust Division and the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will hold their third
joint public hearing on "whether and when specific types of single-firm conduct
may violate Section 2 of the Sherman Act by harming competition and consumer welfare and
when they are pro-competitive or benign". This hearing will focus on refusals to
deal. The presenters will be Stephen Donovan (International Paper), William Kolasky
(WilmerHale), Hewitt Pate (Hunton & Williams), Robert Pitofsky (Georgetown University
Law Center), Steven Salop (Georgetown University Law Center), and Mark Whitener (General
Electric). Location: Conference Room C, 601 New Jersey Ave., NW.
TIME? The Federal Communications
Commission's (FCC) North American Numbering
Council (NANC) will hold a meeting. Location: ___.
Day one of a two day conference hosted by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) ant the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) titled "Options
for Action Summit: Addressing U.S. Competitiveness in Global Standardization".
See, notice.
Location: NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD.
Day one of a two day closed meeting of the Defense Science
Board 2006 Summer Study on Information Management for Net-Centric Operations. See,
notice in the Federal Register, April 11, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 69, Page
18292. Location: 3601 Wilson Boulevard, 3rd Floor, Arlington, VA.
Wednesday, July 19 |
10:00 AM. The
Senate Commerce Committee's (SCC)
Subcommittee Technology, Innovation, and Competitiveness will hold a hearing
titled "High-Performance Computing". See,
notice. The hearing will be webcast by the SCC.
Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) will preside. Press
contact: Aaron Saunders (Stevens) at 202-224-3991 or Andy Davis (Inouye) at 202-224-4546.
Location: Room 562, Dirksen Building.
10:00 AM. The
Senate Banking Committee will hold a hearing titled "The Federal
Reserve's Second Monetary Policy Report to Congress for 2006". The witness
will be Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Chairman
Ben Bernanke. See,
notice. Location: Room 538, Dirksen Building.
12:00 NOON. The Cato
Institute will host a panel discussion titled "U.S.-China Trade,
Exchange Rates, and the U.S. Economy". The speakers will be Nicholas Lardy
(Institute for International Economics),
Frank Vargo (National Association of
Manufacturers), and Daniel Griswold (Cato). Lunch will follow the program.
See, notice.
Location: Cato, 1000 Massachusetts Ave., NW.
2:15 - 5:30 PM. The DC Bar
Association will host a continuing legal education (CLE) seminar titled
"Practical Law Office Technology for Solos and Small Firms". The speakers
will include Reid Trautz and Lisa Weatherspoon. The price to attend ranges from $50-$125.
For more information, call 202-626-3488. See,
Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, 1250 H Street NW, B-1 Level.
6:30 - 8:30 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association's (FCBA) Young Lawyers Committee will host an event
titled "Summer Associate Happy Hour". For more information, contact Chris
Fedeli at cfedeli at crblaw dot com or 202-828-9874. Location: Location: Helix Lounge,
1430 Rhode Island Ave., NW.
Day one of a two day conference hosted by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) ant the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) titled "Options
for Action Summit: Addressing U.S. Competitiveness in Global Standardization".
See, notice.
Location: NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD.
Day two of a two day closed meeting of the Defense Science
Board 2006 Summer Study on Information Management for Net-Centric Operations. See,
notice in the Federal Register, April 11, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 69, Page
18292. Location: 3601 Wilson Boulevard, 3rd Floor, Arlington, VA.
Thursday, July 20 |
10:00 AM. The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC)
Technological Advisory Council will hold a meeting. See,
[PDF]. Location: FCC, Commission Meeting Room, TW-C305 at 445 12th Street SW.