Antitrust Modernization Commission
Releases Report |
4/3. The Antitrust Modernization Commission (AMC)
released its report titled "Antitrust Modernization Commission: Report and
Recommendations: April
2007". See,
entire report [540 pages in PDF, 2.1 MB] and AMC
[3 pages in PDF].
The Antitrust Modernization Commission Act of 2002, which is now Public Law No.
107-273, created the AMC, and mandated this report.
The report finds that the antitrust laws are basically sound, but offers some
recommendations for change.
The AMC also published the report in its web site, broken down by components
and chapters. See,
The AMC wrote in a letter to the President and Congress that its
report "is fundamentally an endorsement of free-market
principles. These principles have driven the success of the U.S. economy and
will continue to fuel the investment and innovation that are essential to
ensuring our continued welfare. They remain as applicable today as they ever
have been. Free trade, unfettered by either private or governmental restraints,
promotes the most efficient allocation of resources and greatest consumer welfare."
The report recommends against changing key antitrust statutes. It recommends
that "No statutory change is recommended with respect to Section 7 of the
Clayton Act", which governs merger reviews. Moreover, "Congress should not amend
Section 2 of the Sherman Act", which addresses single firm conduct. It adds that
"Standards currently employed by U.S. courts for determining whether single-firm
conduct is unlawfully exclusionary are generally appropriate."
The report also addresses innovation and patents. It states that "There is no need
to revise the antitrust laws to apply different rules to industries in which innovation,
intellectual property, and technological change are central features". See, related
story in this issue titled "AMC Addresses Innovation".
The report does criticize those sectoral regulatory agencies, such as the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), that
unnecessarily conduct duplicative and dilatory antitrust merger reviews. It recommends
Congressional action. See, related story in this issue titled "AMC Seeks End to
Duplicative FCC Antitrust Merger Reviews".
The report also recommends that the "Congress should evaluate whether the filed-rate
doctrine should continue to apply in regulated industries and consider whether to
overrule it legislatively where the regulatory agency no longer specifically
reviews proposed rates."
The Department of Justice's (DOJ) Antitrust Division
and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are also conducting
their own joint review of one aspect of antitrust law -- single firm conduct.
The DOJ stated in a
that the AMC's "review process has been exemplary and that its report contains
valuable analyses of U.S. antitrust laws and enforcement procedures". The
DOJ praises the AMC for making free market competition the basis of economic policy.
The DOJ added that "The core antitrust laws -- Sherman Act sections 1 and 2 and
Clayton Act section 7 --and their application by the courts and federal enforcement
agencies are sound and appropriately safeguard the competitiveness of the U.S.
AMC Addresses
Innovation |
4/3. The Antitrust Modernization Commission (AMC)
released its report titled "Antitrust Modernization Commission: Report and
Recommendations: April 2007". Much of this report focuses on the application of
antitrust principles to innovation, patents, and new technologies -- especially
information technologies. The report recommends that there is no need to revise
antitrust law for new technologies.
See, entire
report [540 pages in PDF, 2.1 MB] and AMC
[3 pages in PDF].
The report states that "competition in the twenty-first century increasingly
involves innovation, intellectual property, technological change, and global trade."
"In many high-tech sectors of the economy, firms must constantly innovate to
keep pace in markets in which product life cycles are counted in months, not
years. To protect their innovations, firms may rely on intellectual property. In
some cases, intellectual property assets may be more important to businesses
than specialized manufacturing facilities." (Footnote omitted.)
The report continues that "As the nature of competition evolves, so must antitrust
law." However, the report recommends few changes to antitrust law in the context of
innovation, technology, and IPR.
First, the AMC report recommends that "There is no need to
revise the antitrust laws to apply different rules to industries in which
innovation, intellectual property, and technological change are central
It adds that "In industries in which innovation, intellectual
property, and technological change are central features, just as in other
industries, antitrust enforcers should carefully consider market dynamics in
assessing competitive effects and should ensure proper attention to economic and
other characteristics of particular industries that may, depending on the facts
at issue, have an important bearing on a valid antitrust analysis."
Moreover, the AMC recommends that "No substantial changes to
merger enforcement policy are necessary to account for industries in which
innovation, intellectual property, and technological change are central
However, it does recommend that "the agencies and courts should
give greater credit for certain fixed-cost efficiencies, such as research and
development expenses, in dynamic, innovation-driven industries where marginal
costs are low relative to typical prices." It also recommends that the antitrust
agencies "should give substantial weight to evidence demonstrating that a merger
will enhance consumer welfare by enabling the companies to increase innovation".
Finally, it recommends that the agencies "should update the
Merger Guidelines to explain more extensively how they evaluate the potential
impact of a merger on innovation."
With respect to single firm conduct, the report recommends that "Standards
currently employed by U.S. courts for determining whether single-firm conduct is
unlawfully exclusionary are generally appropriate. Although it is possible to
disagree with the decisions in particular cases, in general the courts have
appropriately recognized that vigorous competition, the aggressive pursuit of
business objectives, and the realization of efficiencies not available to
competitors are generally not improper, even for a ``dominant´´ firm and even
where competitors might be disadvantaged.
The Department of Justice's (DOJ) Antitrust
Division issued a
that praises the AMC report. It states that "New or different rules are not needed
for industries in which innovation, intellectual property, and technological innovation
are central features. Unlike some other areas of the law, the core antitrust laws are
general in nature and have been applied to many different industries to protect free-market
competition successfully over a long period of time despite changes in the economy and the
increasing pace of technological advancement. One of the great benefits of the Sherman
and Clayton Acts is their adaptability to new economic conditions without sacrificing their
ability to protect competition."
AMC Seeks End to Duplicative FCC
Antitrust Merger Reviews |
4/3. The Antitrust Modernization Commission (AMC)
released its report titled "Antitrust Modernization Commission: Report and
Recommendations: April 2007". The report argues that there should not be duplicative
antitrust merger reviews at sectoral regulatory agencies. See,
entire report
[540 pages in PDF, 2.1 MB] and AMC
[3 pages in PDF].
The report does not single out the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC), or its antitrust merger reviews, which often duplicate reviews
conducted by the FTC or DOJ, impose substantial delays, and allow the FCC to pursue a wide
variety of policy objectives.
Financial regulators have merger authority with respect to banks, the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission has merger authority with respect to electricity,
and the Surface Transportation Board has merger authority with respect to rails.
However, the history of recent FCC merger reviews presents the strongest case for
limiting duplication of reviews. Also, the reports' emphasis on new technologies
suggests that the AMC had FCC mergers more in mind than railroad mergers.
The report recommends that "For mergers in
regulated industries, the relevant antitrust agency should perform the
competition analysis. The relevant regulatory authority should not re-do the
competition analysis of the antitrust agency." (See, page 23.)
The report explains that "Merger review by two federal agencies
can impose significant and duplicative costs on both the merging parties and the
agencies", and that "The antitrust agencies have unique expertise in evaluating
the likely competitive effects of mergers. Therefore, the antitrust agencies
should be responsible for analysis of the likely competitive effects of mergers
in regulated industries." (See, pages 364-5.)
The report argues that "The recommended approach would ensure competition
policy and enforcement consistency, limit inefficiencies and delays associated
with overlapping enforcement, align competition policy assessments across
industries regardless of the existence of different regulatory agencies,
facilitate transparency in decision-making, and allow the antitrust agencies to
act where they have a comparative advantage. It would also limit duplicative
expenditure of resources and an inefficient allocation of scarce government
resources, particularly where an industry regulator disregards the antitrust
agency’s analysis." (Footnote omitted.)
The report also recommends that the "Congress should periodically review all
instances in which a regulatory agency reviews proposed mergers or acquisitions under the
agency’s ``public interest´´ standard to determine whether in fact such regulatory review
is necessary." (See, page 23.)
The report also states that "In its reevaluation, Congress should consider whether
particular, identified interests exist that an antitrust agency’s review of the
proposed transaction's likely competitive effects under Section 7 of the Clayton
Act would not adequately protect. Such ``particular, identified interests´´ would
be interests other than those consumers' interests -- such as lower prices, higher
quality, and desired product choices -- served by maintaining competition."
The Congress is unlikely to stop the FCC from conducting
duplicative antitrust merger reviews. First, shortly after the FCC invented its
antitrust merger review process after enactment of the Telecommunications Act of
1996, there were efforts in the Congress to limit this activity. The efforts
gained no traction, and no legislation was enacted.
Secondly, many in Congress find it in their self-interest for
there to be antitrust merger reviews at the FCC. The Congress has more influence
over the actions of the FCC than over the antitrust activities of the FTC and
DOJ. The FCC is a more political and manipulable entity. The FCC's merger
reviews enhance the ability of members of Congress to pursue their goals.
For example, at the March 14, 2007, hearing of the
House Commerce Committee's (HCC)
Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet
Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), the
Chairman of the HCC, stated that the FCC is an arm of the Congress. Commissioner
Jonathan Adelstein affirmatively stated that the FCC is an arm of the Congress.
The FCC's invention of antitrust merger review authority also worked a shift
of power within the Congress. It increased the power of the FCC's oversight
committees, the HCC and the Senate
Commerce Committee (SCC). Many HCC and SCC members would be opponents of any
legislative proposals to end FCC antitrust merger review authority.
The AMC's report does not stop at duplicative antitrust merger reviews. It
addresses all industry specific economic regulation. The report recommends that
"Public policy should favor free-market competition over industry-specific
regulation of prices, costs, and entry. Such economic regulation should be
reserved for the relatively rare cases of market failure, such as the existence
of natural monopoly characteristics in certain segments of an industry, or where
economic regulation can address an important societal interest that competition
cannot address."
The AMC states that "In general, Congress should be skeptical of claims that
economic regulation can achieve an important societal interest that competition
cannot achieve."
The AMC's recommendations do not use the words "network neutrality
IRS Reports Loss of Another 490
Computers |
4/4. The Senate Finance Committee
announced that it will hold a hearing "next week" on identity theft and
fraudulent tax returns.
This follows the March 23, 2007,
of the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration's
(TIGTA) titled "The Internal Revenue Service Is Not Adequately Protecting Taxpayer
Data on Laptop Computers and Other Portable Electronic Media Devices".
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) (at right),
the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, stated in a release that
"Thieves are very good at mining sensitive data for their own end. One stolen
IRS laptop could put thousands of taxpayers in jeopardy. It’s hard to see why
this is still a problem when the IRS knew about it more than three years ago. A
Finance Committee hearing next week will look at identity theft and fraudulent
tax returns. I plan to ask what the IRS is doing to fix this problem for good."
This report states that it "presents the results of our review to determine whether
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is adequately protecting sensitive data on laptop
computers and portable electronic media devices."
It finds that "IRS employees reported the loss or theft of at least 490
computers between January 2, 2003, and June 13, 2006."
Moreover, the report states that "111 incidents occurred within IRS
facilities". This implies that there is widespread criminal activity by IRS
employees that also threatens the data confidentiality and individual privacy.
There is little new in this report, other than that historic trends at the
IRS have continued in recent years. See, story titled "Sen. Grassley Condemns
IRS for 2,300 Missing Computers" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 342, January 9, 2002; story titled "IRS Loses More Computers,
Jeopardizes Taxpayer Info" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 493, August 16, 2002; story titled "GAO Report Finds That Computer
Weaknesses At IRS Put Taxpayer Data At Risk" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 673, June 4, 2003; and story titled "IRS Data Vulnerable" in
TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 145, March 16, 2001.
The TIGTA report continues that "We found limited definitive information on the
lost or stolen computers, such as the number of taxpayers affected, when we conducted
our review. However, we conducted a separate test on 100 laptop computers
currently in use by employees and determined 44 laptop computers contained
unencrypted sensitive data, including taxpayer data and employee personnel
data. As a result, we believe it is very likely a large number of the lost or
stolen IRS computers contained similar unencrypted data."
The report elaborates that "Employees did not follow encryption procedures because
they were either unaware of security requirements, did so for their own convenience, or
did not know their own personal data were considered sensitive. We also found other computer
devices, such as flash drives, CDs, and DVDs, on which sensitive data were not always
The TIGTA also found security weaknesses at offsite facilities used for storage of
backup data. It states that "Backup data were not encrypted and adequately protected
at the four sites. For example, at one site, non-IRS employees had full access to the
storage area and the IRS backup media."
Rep. Markey Writes FCC Chairman Martin
Regarding Universal Service |
4/2. Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), the
Chairman of the House Commerce
Committee's Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, sent a
letter [PDF] to Kevin
Martin, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), regarding
the FCC's universal service tax and subsidy programs.
Rep. Markey (at right) expressed
his support for the e-rate program, but questioned the way the
FCC is implementing subsidies in high cost areas. He submitted numerous
He wrote, "I am concerned, however, that rules adopted several years ago by
the Commission to implement the 1996 Act's universal service provisions seem
less focused on the best interests of consumers than on ensuring the financial
well-being of particular companies operating in certain geographic markets.
He added that "the central purpose of the universal service provisions of
the 1996 Act is to benefit consumers, not telecommunications carriers."
"Yet", wrote Rep. Markey, the FCC's "implementation of the 1996 Act appears
to have allowed a certain class of carriers to use high cost support as a shield
against the positive effects of competition. The net result is a universal
service fund that has grown, not shrunk, from $1.8 billion in 1997 to $7.2
billion in 2007. This explosive growth is largely attributed to an expansion of
the high cost program, which unlike the other federal funding mechanisms for the
``E-rate´´ and rural health care, is not subject to a cap."
Rep. Markey also propounded six pages of written interrogatories to be
answered by May 4, 2007. These questions, which are appended to the letter,
request information about universal service taxes, universal service subsidies,
reverse auctions, and the e-rate program.
Washington Tech Calendar
New items are highlighted in red. |
Wednesday, April 4 |
The House will not meet on April 2-6 or 9-13. See, House 2007
calendar. The
next meeting will be at 2:00 PM on April 16.
The Senate will not meet on April 2-6 or 9. See, Senate 2007
calendar. The next meeting will be at 10:00 AM on April 10.
9:00 - 10:30 AM. The
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF)
will host a breakfast forum titled "Understanding the Japanese Broadband
Miracle". The speaker will be Takashi Ebihara, Senior Director of the
Corporate Strategy Department at NTT East Corporation. RSVP to Torey Liepa at
tliepa at itif dot org. Location: ITIF, Suite 200, 1250 I Street, NW.
10:00 AM. The
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will hold a meeting to discuss
the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board's (PCAOB) proposed auditing
standard for Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the coordination of
that proposed standard with the SEC's related pending proposal to provide
guidance for management of public companies implementing Section 404. See, SEC
release and
Location: SEC, Auditorium, Room L-002, 100 F St., NW.
Thursday, April 5 |
2:00 PM. The U.S. Court of Appeals
(FedCir) will hear oral argument in E-Pass Technologies v. Microsoft,
App. Ct. No. 2006-1604. Location: Courtroom 201, 717 Madison Place, NW.
Deadline to submit initial comments to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) regarding its Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
pertaining to aviation radio. The FCC adopted this item on October 4, 2006, and
released it on October 10, 2006. This item is FCC 06-148 in WT Docket No. 01-289. See,
notice in the Federal Register, December 6, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 234, at
Pages 70710-70715.
Friday, April 6 |
Good Friday.
9:00 AM - 12:00 NOON. The National
Science Foundation's (NSF) Mathematical and Physical Sciences Advisory Committee
will meet. The event will also be teleconferenced. See,
notice in the Federal Register, March 9, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 46, at Page
10792. Location: NSF, Room 1235, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA.
5:00 PM. Deadline to submit applications to the
Department of Commerce's (DOC) National
Telecommunications and Information Administration's (NTIA) Public Telecommunications
Facilities Program (PTFP) for FY 2007 PTFP grants. See, NTIA
and notice in the Federal Register, March 7, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 44, at Pages
Monday, April 9 |
Deadline to submit affidavits to the
Copyright Office (CO) to assist it in compiling
a new specialty station list "to identify commercial television broadcast
stations which, according to their owners, qualify as specialty stations for purposes of
the former distant signal carriage rules" of the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This list is relevant to the cable
compulsory license, which is codified at
17 U.S.C. § 111. The CO requests that "all interested owners of television
broadcast stations that qualify as specialty stations, including those that
previously filed affidavits, to submit sworn affidavits to the Copyright
Office stating that the programming of their stations meets the requirements
specified under the FCC regulations in effect on June 24, 1981." See,
notice in the Federal Register, February 8, 2007, Vol. 72,
No. 26, at Pages 6008-6010.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) regarding AT&T's petition for forbearance
from enforcement of certain FCC cost assignment rules. See,
Notice [3 pages in PDF] (DA 07-731). This proceeding is WC Docket No. 07-21.
Deadline to submit reply comments to the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) regarding the license transfer application filed by News Corporation,
Directv Group, Inc., and Liberty Media Corporation. News Corps seeks to divest its interest
in Directv, and Liberty Media seeks to divest its interest in News Corp. See, FCC
Public Notice [PDF]. This is DA 07-637 in MB Docket No. 07-18.
Tuesday, April 10 |
The Senate will return from recess at 10:00 AM.
10:00 AM. The
Senate Commerce Committee will hold an oversight hearing on the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC). See,
notice. Location: Room 253, Russell Building.
1:30 - 4:30 PM. The
Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) National Infrastructure Advisory
Council (NIAC) will hold a meeting. The agenda includes "The Insider Threat
to Critical Infrastructure Control Systems". The
speakers include Thomas Noonan (General Manager, IBM Internet Security
Systems). See,
notice in the Federal Register, March 16, 2007, Vol. 72, No.
51, Pages 12625-12626. Location: National Press Club, 529 14th St., NW.
4:00 - 6:00 PM. The DC Chapter of the
Copyright Society of the USA will host a panel discussion titled
"User Generated Content: The Copyright Conundrum". The
speakers will be Sarah Deutsche (Verizon), Alec French (NBC
Universal), Peter Jaszi (American University law school), Mike
Remington (Drinker Biddle & Reath), Steve Tapia (Microsoft),
Fred von Lohmann (Electronic Frontier Foundation). Rob Kasunic
(American Univ. and Copyright Office) will moderate. Location:
American University Washington College of Law, 4801
Massachusetts Ave., NW.
6:00 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association (FCBA) will host a dinner. The speaker will be FCC
Chairman Kevin Martin. The
reception begins at 6:00 PM. Dinner is at 7:30 PM. Prices range from $100 to
$275. See,
registration form
[PDF]. Location: Hilton Hotel, 1919 Connecticut Ave., NW.
Wednesday, April 11 |
Day one of a two day meeting of the Department of
Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) Business Research Advisory Council.
The agenda for the 1:00 PM session includes "Internet data collection". See,
notice in the Federal Register, March 27, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 58, at Pages
14299-14300. Location: Conference Center of the Postal Square Building, 2
Massachusetts Ave., NE.
12:00 NOON - 3:00 PM. The Federal
Communications Bar Association (FCBA) and the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy
Research (SIEPR) will host a continuing legal education (CLE) seminar titled
"Economic Analysis and FCC Decision-making". See,
registration form [PDF].
Prices vary. This is a brown bag lunch. The deadline to register is 5:00 PM on
April 6. Location: Hogan & Hartson, 13th floor, 555 13th St., NW.
12:00 NOON - 2:00 PM. The DC
Bar Association's Intellectual Property Law Section will host a panel discussion
titled "The Patent Office Speaks". The speakers will be John Doll
(Commissioner of Patents, USPTO), Peggy Focarino (Deputy Commissioner for Patent
Operations, USPTO), John Love (Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy, USPTO),
and Maureen Browne (moderator, Heller Ehrman). See,
The price to attend ranges from $15-$35. For more information, call 202-626-4363. Location:
Jurys Washington Hotel, 1500 New Hampshire Ave., NW.
2:30 PM. The
Senate Judiciary Committee's (SJC) Subcommittee on the Constitution will
hold a hearing titled "Responding to The Inspector General's Findings of
Improper Use of National Security Letters by the FBI".
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) will
preside. Location: Room 226, Dirksen Building.
Deadline to submit requests to the Department of Commerce's (DOC)
Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) to make
presentations at the May 2, 2007 meeting of the BIS's Deemed Export Advisory
Committee (DEAC) in Atlanta, Georgia. See,
notice in the Federal Register: March 7, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 44, at Page 10141.
Grand Jury Indicts Four For Exporting
Microprocessors to India |
4/3. The Department of Justice (DOJ) disclosed that
a grand jury of the U.S. District Court (DC)
returned a 15 count indictment that charges Parthasarathy Sudarsham, Mythili Gopal, Akn
Prasad, and Sampath Sundar with criminal violation of various export related laws in
connection with the exportation of microprocessors to India.
The indictment alleges that the items exported in violation of law were all
"electronic components". The indictment further describes these items as
"Static Random Access Memory computer chips", "capacitor",
"semi-conductor", "rectifier", "resistor", and
"microprocessors". The indictment alleges that the ultimate destination of these
items was the government of India.
The indictment alleges that the unlicensed export of these
electronic components "posed a risk to the foreign policy and national security
of the United States because of their significance for nuclear explosive
purposes and for the delivery of nuclear devices."
The indictment alleges, among other things, violation of the
federal export administration regulations (15 C.F.R. Parts 730-774), which
implement the Export Administration Act, as expired.
Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), stated in a
release that "If the Indian government has attempted to circumvent U.S.
export controls over sensitive missile technology, as is alleged in the
indictment, then it has violated its explicit agreements to become a responsible
international actor in the context of nonproliferation."
He added that "India has also long touted its strong military and
space-launch cooperation with Iran, which raises the possibility that the
sensitive U.S. missile technologies India has misappropriated may wind up
benefiting Tehran. This would be absolutely unacceptable, and it would be
treated as such by the Congress."
Rep. Markey is a co-chair of the
House Bipartisan Task Force on Nonproliferation. Most of the members are
More News |
4/3. The U.S. Court of Appeals (FedCir)
issued an order in In Re Advanced Micro Devices, denying AMD's and
others' petition for writ of mandamus to direct the
U.S. District Court (NDCal) to issue
a protective order conditionally staying depositions of their CEOs. The
underlying action in the District Court is Tessera's suit against AMD and the
others alleging patent infringement and breach of license agreements. The Court
of Appeals wrote that mandamus is only available only in extraordinary
situations. This proceeding is In Re Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., et al.,
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, App. Ct. Miscellaneous Docket No.
847, a petition for writ of certiorari to the U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of California.
3/29. Eight federal regulatory agencies published a
notice in the Federal Register that proposes to amend their rules implementing the
privacy provisions of the Gramm Leach Bliley Act. This notice of proposed
rulemaking contains a safe harbor model privacy form that financial
institutions may use to provide disclosures under the privacy rules. The eight
agencies are the Department of the Treasury's Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC), Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), Federal Reserve System
(FRS), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), National Credit Union
Administration (NCUA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Comments are
due by May 29, 2007. See, Federal Register, March 29, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 60, at
Pages 14939-15000.
3/29. The Department of State announced that it has
renewed the charter of the Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy. See,
notice in the Federal Register, March 29, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 60 at Page 14848.
3/28. Hill Wellford, Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Department
of Justice's (DOJ) Antitrust Division, gave a
speech in
Beijing, China, titled "Antitrust Issues in Standard Setting". He
discussed how the DOJ applies antitrust law to ex ante patent policies within
standards development organizations (SDOs), including the DOJ's October 30, 2006
business review
letter to the VMEbus International Trade
Association (VITA). See also, story titled "DOJ Approves VITA Patent Policy"
in TLJ Daily E-Mail
Alert No. 1,479, October 31, 2006.
3/28. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) published a notice in the Federal
Register that sets comment deadlines for its request to update the
record in its equal access and nondiscrimination proceeding. The FCC
issued its original Notice of Inquiry (NOI) in February of 2002. The FCC
released a
Public Notice (DA 07-1071) [PDF] on March 7, 2007. See,
notice in the Federal Register, March 28, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 59, at Pages 14554-14555.
This proceeding is CC Docket No. 02-39. The notice states that "there have been a
number of intervening developments that may have rendered the record developed in this
proceeding stale. In particular, the market appears to be shifting from competition between
stand-alone long distance services to competition between service bundles
including both local exchange and long distance services. The industry structure
has also changed with the mergers of local and long distance providers."
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David Carney,
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