Loudoun County Public Library Internet Use Policy.
Date adopted: December 1, 1998.
Source: Loudoun County Public Library Board of Trustees.

Loudoun County Public Library
Internet Use Policy


1.  The Loudoun County Public Library's mission is to provide knowledge, inspiration, and enjoyment for all.

2.  Our Mission is based on fundamental principles of public library service in the Commonwealth of Virginia, which include: providing information, as broadly and as completely as possible, to as many citizens as it can; individuals should be held accountable for their actions; and parents have the ultimate responsibility for deciding what their children read and what library services they receive.

3.  In support of its mission Loudoun County Public Library offers Internet access to library customers to offer the widest possible diversity, views and expressions, insuring access to all avenues of ideas, to as many library customers as it can.

The Internet

The Internet is an unregulated medium connecting people and information sources from around the world, forming a constantly changing community.  Not all sources on the Internet provide information that is current, accurate, unobjectionable or complete.  Some materials on the Internet are obscene and/or are harmful to minors.  The library system is unable to control or monitor the content of materials on the Internet.

Internet Access Service

1.  The Loudoun County Public Library offers its customers access to the Internet.   The Library System does not provide electronic mail accounts, Usenet newsgroups, or real-time discussion/chat.

2.  "Filtered" and "unfiltered" forms of Internet access are provided.  Filtered access attempts to screen out content deemed obscene or harmful to minors.  It is by no means foolproof and may inadvertently allow content intended to be blocked or block unobjectionable content.

3.  All monitors may have privacy screens installed.

4.  An adult decides which form of access to use.  The parent or legal guardian of a minor will decide if the minor may access the Internet and (a) whether access is to be filtered or (b) if the decision to use filtered or unfiltered access is to be left to the minor.

5.  There may be times when the user may not be able to access a given site on the Internet due to circumstance beyond the control of the Library System.

6.  Library staff will be glad to assist our customers in using the Internet.   In the event library staff is not familiar with specific programs or capabilities, the customer will be responsible for learning the needed skills.

Guidelines for Internet Use

1.  All users of Internet access in Loudoun County Public Libraries are expected to act responsibly, consistent with these guidelines.  The viewing or downloading of obscene materials is not permitted. Any violation of these guidelines, the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and/or Federal statutes may result in the suspension of Internet access privileges and/or reporting to an appropriate legal authority.

2.  It is the intention of the Loudoun County Public Library to provide its customers with tools that will enable them to manage their own use of the Internet access provided by the library system.  The library system will make available unfiltered and filtered access to the Internet, subject to the following provisions:

3.  Data downloaded from the Internet may contain computer viruses.  Every user is responsible for maintaining virus-checking software on his or her home computer.   The Loudoun County Public Library is not responsible for damage to any user's disk or computer, or any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from the customer's use of Library computers.

4.  Customers may not load or use their own software on library computers.

Conditions Governing Internet Use

1.  An adult must sign a Loudoun County Public Library Adult Internet Use Agreement, indicating they have read this library policy and agree to abide by it and future versions of the policy as a condition of using the library's Internet Access Service.

2.  A minor's parent or legal guardian must sign a Loudoun County Public Library Minor Internet Use Agreement, indicating they have read this library policy, agree that the minor may use the Library's Internet Access Service, that the minor will abide by it and future versions of the policy as a condition of the minor using the library's Internet Access Service and elect whether the minor's access is to be filtered or unfiltered.  A signed agreement without an election is not a valid agreement and the minor will not be allowed to use the Library's Internet Access Service.

3.  Reservations will be accepted.  Each Internet session will be for time blocks.  Appointments will be held for fifteen (15) minutes after the assigned time and then given on a first come, first serve basis, if someone is waiting.

4.  Minors must present their library cards at the time of use.