Order of Judge Jackson on DOJ Motion to Compel Discovery.
Re: DOJ v. Microsoft, Case No. 98-1232, 1233.

Date: September 3, 1998.
Source: U.S.  District Court, Clerk of the Court.

[caption omitted]


In accordance with the proceeding at the September 3, 1998, status and discovery conference, it is this 3rd day of September, 1998,

ORDERED, that the motion of plaintiff United States to compel Microsoft Corporation to comply with discovery is granted in part; and it is,

FURTHER ORDERED, that Microsoft Corporation is ordered to promptly respond to Requests for Production Nos. 3, 4, and 5 of plaintiff's Third Joint Request for Production of Documents; and it is

FURTHER ORDERED, that the motion of Microsoft Corporation to limit issues for trial is held in abeyance, and will be addressed at the September 17, 1998 pretrial conference.


Thomas Penfield Jackson
United States District Judge