House Republicans' e-contract 2000.
Date: May 10, 2000.
Source: Rep. Dick Armey.

eContract 2000

Whereas, the high-tech revolution has permanently changed the way we live, the way we work, and the way we learn, providing Americans with more freedom, prosperity, and flexibility;

Whereas, the fast-paced innovations of technology have increased productivity throughout the economy;

Whereas, High Tech America continues to be the engine of our economic prosperity, creating new jobs and new opportunities for all Americans;

Whereas, Internet access must expand into urban, rural, and suburban communities, as new technologies create new Digital Opportunities for more Americans;

Whereas, the global high-tech revolution has been derived from private sector creativity, innovation, and competition rather than government direction;

Whereas, consumer confidence in the privacy and security of the Internet is essential;

Whereas, excessive government intervention - through taxes and regulations - threatens future growth and prosperity of this nation;

We hereby pledge to continue our legislative and oversight efforts to remove the barriers to future innovation, competition, and growth. We assert that freedom is the answer, not government intervention. The benefits of the high-tech future can be best delivered to all Americans by:

Reducing Taxation, Regulation, and Litigation Promoting Free Trade and E-Commerce Building a Prosperous High-Tech future