Story Titles from the Tech Law Journal Daily E-Mail Alert, by Issue.

Alert No. 2,760, Monday, July 27.
 • Senate Appropriations Bill Approves Funding Bill for FCC and Other Agencies
 • ICT Related Provisions in the Senate Appropriations Committee's FSGC FY16 Appropriations Bill
 • Senate Appropriations Bill Bars Rate Regulation Under FCC BIAS Order

Alert No. 2,759, Wednesday, July 22.
 • DOJ OLC Obstructs OIG Investigations
 • Treasury Department Seeks Comments Regarding Online Marketplace Lending
 • FTC to Hold Workshop on Online Lead Generation
 • Senate Appropriation Committee Approves FCC Appropriations Bill
 • More News

Alert No. 2,758, Tuesday, July 21.
 • Senate Finance Committee Votes to Extend R&D Tax Credit
 • Senate Appropriations Committee to Consider Draft Funding Bill for FCC and Other Agencies
 • Rep. McCaul Says that Terror Has Gone Viral
 • IT Procurement News

Alert No. 2,757, Monday, July 20.
 • Negotiators Announce Breakthrough on WTO ITA Expansion
 • Wheeler Announces that FCC Will Approve AT&T Directv Transaction Subject to Conditions
 • Senators Introduce Bill to Regulate Privacy and Cyber Security Related Practices of Auto Makers
 • BSA Urges Passage of Cyber Threat Information Sharing Bill
 • More News

Alert No. 2,756, Friday, July 17.
 • Arizona District Court Enjoins Enforcement of Revenge Porn Statute
 • ITIF Urges Congress to Criminalize Revenge Porn

Alert No. 2,755, Thursday, July 16.
 • Senate Passes E-Warranty Act
 • EFF States That US Is No Longer Insisting on DMCA Style Notice and Takedown Requirement in TPPA
 • Rep. Blumenauer Addresses TPPA and TPA
 • More Trade News
 • Patent Reform Bills and Venture Capital
 • More News

Alert No. 2,754, Wednesday, July 15.
 • DOJ Charges Participants in Darkode Cyber Crime Forum
 • TLJ Commentary on DOJ Darkode Prosecutions

Alert No. 2,753, Tuesday, July 14.
 • Senate Takes Up Education Bill With Tech Provisions
 • Senate Passes IPAWS Modernization Act
 • DHS IT Duplication Bills Advance
 • Senate Committee Holds Over Bill Regarding Public Access to Government Funded Research
 • More News About Federally Funded Research

Alert No. 2,752, Monday, July 13.
 • Senate Confirms Stoll for Federal Circuit
 • Judiciary Appointments in the 114th Congress
 • More Judicial Appointments News
 • Rep. Massie Speaks Against Innovation Act

Alert No. 2,751, Wednesday, July 8.
 • OPM Raises Its Estimate of the Scope of Its Cyber Breach from 4 to 21.5 Million
 • OPM Director Archuleta Resigns
 • Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing on Criminal Code Provisions Related to Cyber Crime
 • House Science Committee Holds Hearing on OPM Data Breach
 • US China Commission Holds Hearing on Commercial Cyber Espionage
 • More Cyber Security News

Alert No. 2,750, Tuesday, July 7.
 • 9th Circuit Rules on Application of Trademark Law to Search Results
 • TWC's Reckless Autodialing to Collect Debts Leads to $229,500 TCPA Judgment
 • Supreme Court Applies 4th Amendment to Police Access to Hotel Records

Alert No. 2,749, Monday, July 6.
 • House to Take Up Patent Bill in July
 • Rep. Rohrabacher States Case Against the Innovation Act
 • Supreme Court Declines to Overturn Brulotte

See also:
 • Story Titles From January - June, 2014.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2013.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2013.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2012.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2012.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2011.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2011.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2010.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2010.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2009.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2009.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2008.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2008.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2007.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2007.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2006.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2006.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2005.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2005.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2004.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2004.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2003.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2003.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2002.