Story Titles from the Tech Law Journal Daily E-Mail Alert, by Issue.
July - December, 2008

Alert No. 1,876, Thursday, December 18.
 • RIAA to Phase Out Litigation Against P2P Infringers
 • Public Knowledge Argues that Short Codes and Text Messaging are Title II Services

Alert No. 1,875, Wednesday, December 17.
 • 4th Circuit Rejects AT&T's Effort to Remove Class Action
 • 9th Circuit Rejects Challenge to Backdated FCC Forbearance Denial
 • FCC OIG Reports Find E-Rate and USF Low Income Fund Fail Federal Standards for At Risk Programs
 • FCC Issues Another ARMIS Forbearance Order

Alert No. 1,874, Tuesday, December 16.
 • 2nd Circuit Rules on National Security Letters

Alert No. 1,873, Monday, December 15.
 • FCC Cancels December 18 Meeting
 • Google and Network Neutrality Proponents Defend Edge Caching and Colocation Agreements
 • BSA Offers Policy Recommendations
 • Federal Circuit Rules in iLOR v. Google
 • Federal Circuit Affirms in Netcraft v. eBay and PayPal

Alert No. 1,872, Friday, December 12.
 • Gutierrez Opposes Martin's Plans for AWS-3 Band
 • FCC Releases December 18 Meeting Agenda
 • DOJ and FTC Fine Sony BMG $1,000,000 for COPPA Violations
 • ITIF Releases Report on Broadband Network Management Practices

Alert No. 1,871, Thursday, December 11.
 • House Passes Limited Analog Broadcast Extension Bill
 • House Passes Auto Maker Bail Out Bill
 • Rep. Gordon Will Seek Passage of Nanotech Bill
 • Intel Challenges Korea FTC Order
 • Whole Foods Files Complaint Against FTC
 • FTC Shuts Down Scareware Sellers

Alert No. 1,870, Wednesday, December 10.
 • House Commerce Committee Releases Report on FCC Chairman Martin

Alert No. 1,869, Tuesday, December 9.
 • DOJ Alleges FBI Wiretaps Caught Illinois Governor Selling Obama's Senate Seat
 • Athena Alliance Advocates Government Support for Virtual Worlds and Cloud Computing
 • Supreme Court Denies Cert in Greenberg v. National Geographic
 • SCUS Denies Cert in Case Regarding Internet Based Personal Jurisdiction
 • SCUS Denies Cert in Case About Local Taxation of Cell Phone Companies

Alert No. 1,868, Monday, December 8.
 • Obama Discusses Technology at Schools and Hospitals
 • Open Internet Coalition Writes Obama on Appointments Related to Network Neutrality
 • US and PRC Hold SED Meetings
 • SEC and DOJ Pursue Del Biaggio III
 • FRB Governor Discusses IT and Financial Markets
 • EFF, PC and PK File Amicus Brief in Support of eBay in Tiffany Trademark Case

Alert No. 1,867, Thursday, December 4.
 • Martin Wants FCC to Adopt Free Wireless Broadband Order
 • Martin Discusses FCC Agenda
 • 7th Circuit Considers Fake MySpace Identities
 • 7th Circuit Rules in Illinois Unbundling Case

Alert No. 1,866, Wednesday, December 3.
 • Bush Signs Child Safe Viewing Act
 • FCC Commissioner Tate Wants Schools and Universities to Fight Piracy
 • 5th Circuit Holds that Trademark Protects Universities' Color Schemes
 • PFF Files Amicus Brief in Challenge to Cable Ownership Cap

Alert No. 1,865, Tuesday, December 2.
 • Federal Circuit Affirms in Qualcomm v. Broadcom
 • Jury Returns Guilty Verdict in Lori Drew Case

Alert No. 1,864, Monday, December 1.
 • Obama Picks Holder to Be Attorney General
 • Google Data Collection on Flu Trends Concerns Privacy Advocates
 • NAF Paper Advocates Consumer Ownership of Fiber Connections

Alert No. 1,863, Tuesday, November 25.
 • FTC Files Cert Petition in FTC v. Rambus
 • NTIA Seeks Members for Online Safety and Technology Working Group
 • Obama Announces Economic Team

Alert No. 1,862, Monday, November 24.
 • FCC Files Petition for Writ of Certiorari in Broadcast Breast Case
 • Update on Greenberg v. National Geographic Society
 • Senate Passes Bill to Allow Select Analog Broadcasts for 30 Days After DTV Transition
 • Tate Discusses Advertising Issues

Alert No. 1,861, Friday, November 21.
 • MacArthur Foundation Study Finds Youth Use of Online Spaces is Valuable
 • Obama Picks Greg Craig to Be White House Counsel
 • More Obama Appointments
 • Rep. Boehner Criticizes Selection of Rep. Waxman to Chair Commerce Committee
 • Congress Considers Protection of U.S. Auto Makers
 • WTO's Lamy Analyzes Economics and Politics of Trade
 • Bush Warns Against Protectionism at APEC Conference
 • Paulson Argues That Financial Reforms Should Include Free Trade and Open Investment

Alert No. 1,860, Thursday, November 20.
 • Dingell Deposed by Waxman
 • Rep. Waxman's Record on Technology and Communications Issues
 • House Commerce Committee Democrats Write EPA Regarding E-Waste
 • PFF Paper Addresses Kafkaesque Cable Regulation at FCC

Alert No. 1,859, Wednesday, November 19.
 • FCC Commission Tate Addresses NARUC Convention
 • Cato Paper Argues Against Network Neutrality Legislation
 • Cuban Rebuts Some SEC Allegations
 • ITIF Releases State New Economy Index

Alert No. 1,858, Tuesday, November 18.
 • FTC Sues Seller of Spyware Software and Services
 • SEC Charges Mark Cuban with Insider Trading
 • Treasury & FRB Publish Internet Gambling Rules
 • Supreme Court Denies Cert in Doe v. MySpace

Alert No. 1,857, Monday, November 17.
 • Supreme Court Takes Challenge to McCain Feingold
 • Fed Vice Chairman Addresses IT, Innovation and Booms and Busts in Tech and Financial Sectors
 • Update on Capitol Records v. Thomas
 • 10th Circuit Considers Chevron/BrandX Deference

Alert No. 1,856, Wednesday, November 12.
 • FCC Sets Comment Deadlines for Intercarrier Compensation and Universal Service FNPRM
 • NCTA Complains Regarding FCC Letters of Inquiry

Alert No. 1,855, Tuesday, November 11.
 • DOJ Brings and Settles Criminal Price Fixing Actions Against LCD Makers
 • 4th Circuit Rejects Rep. Jefferson's Speech or Debate Clause Appeal
 • Former Intel Employee Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets
 • Counterfeit DVD Sellers Indicted
 • Verizon Employee Sentenced on Internet Child Porn Charges
 • More Online Porm Cases
 • Hacking Computer Systems
 • Other Tech Crimes

Alert No. 1,854, Monday, November 10.
 • 5th Circuit Addresses Damages Available for Violation of Privacy Act
 • Copyright Office Releases Interim Section 115 Digital Phonorecord Delivery Regulation
 • Copyright Alliance and Others File Amicus Briefs in Remote Storage DVR Case
 • Barnett to Leave Antitrust Division

Alert No. 1,853, Wednesday, November 5.
 • FTC to Hold Hearings on IP Law
 • State Prosecutors and NCMEC Enlist Craigslist
 • GNI Announces Effort to Resist Government Efforts to Censor Speech and Violate Privacy
 • 9th Circuit Considers Trademark Law and First Amendment

Alert No. 1,852, Tuesday, November 4.
 • Google and Yahoo Abandon Advertising Agreement Because of DOJ Objection
 • FCC Adopts White Space Order
 • Supreme Court Denies Cert in Verizon Wireless FCRA Case
 • DC Circuit Dismisses Cable Programmers' Petition for Review of Viewability Order
 • Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Fleeting Expletives Case

Alert No. 1,851, Monday, November 3.
 • 2nd Circuit Affirms Dismissal of TCPA Fax Case
 • District Court Issues Another Order Regarding Surveillance Records FOIA Action
 • DC Circuit Dismisses in Core v. FCC

Alert No. 1,850, Thursday, October 30.
 • Federal Circuit Curtails Business Method Patents

Alert No. 1,849, Wednesday, October 29.
 • FTC to Hold Series of Hearings on Resale Price Maintenance
 • Rep. Barton Urges DOJ to Investigate Both Competition and Privacy Issues in Google Yahoo Review
 • FCC Seeks Dismissal of Petitions for Review of XM Sirius Orders
 • 9th Circuit Dismisses Interlocutory Appeal of Order Regarding Inadvertently Disclosed E-Mail

Alert No. 1,848, Tuesday, October 28.
 • Jury Returns Guilty Verdict in Sen. Stevens' Case
 • 6th Circuit Opinion Impacts Internet Wine Sales
 • GAO Reports on Regulation of Export of Semiconductor Equipment to PR China

Alert No. 1,847, Monday, October 27.
 • FCC Adopts VOIP 911 Rules
 • Rep. Dingell Writes FCC Regarding Unlicensed Devices in the White Space
 • Broadcasters Seek Delay in White Space Proceeding
 • Federal Circuit Rules Antitrust and Patent Case

Alert No. 1,846, Wednesday, October 22.
 • DHS Releases New No Fly List Rules
 • Reps. Eshoo and Deal Write FCC and NTIA Re Quiet Period
 • CDT Reports on Privacy Features of Web Browsers

Alert No. 1,845, Tuesday, October 21.
 • DOJ Issues Business Review Letter to RFID Consortium Re Patent Licensing
 • FTC Authorizes Rambus to Receive Withheld Royalties
 • GAO Reports on Personal Identifying Information in Electronic Public Records
 • Tate Discusses Benefits of Network Management Practices
 • Paulson Discusses Trade with PR China

Alert No. 1,844, Thursday, October 16.
 • Bush Discusses Trade Bills
 • FCC Releases White Space Report
 • Adelstein Addresses Child Obesity and Restricting Interactive Ads Targeting Children
 • FCC Releases Order On Program Carriage Complaints

Alert No. 1,843, Wednesday, October 15.
 • 11th Circuit Addresses Personal Jurisdiction in Web Site Based Trademark Case
 • FTC Obtains Sweeping Ex Parte TRO in Civil Spam Case
 • McCain Palin Campaign Writes YouTube Regarding Video Take Down Procedure
 • Copyright Office Proposes to Raise Registration Fees

Alert No. 1,842, Tuesday, October 14.
 • Supreme Court Grants Cert in Carlsbad Technology v. HIF Bio
 • 5th Circuit En Banc Grants Mandamus To Transfer Venue Out Eastern District of Texas
 • 9th Circuit Holds §§ 402 and 2342 Provide Exclusive Means of Review of FCC Orders

Alert No. 1,841, Thursday, October 9.
 • Hacker of Palin E-Mail Account Indicted
 • PFF Paper States FCC Imposes Common Carrier Regulation on ISPs
 • CEA Responds to Martin on Battery Powered DTV Receivers
 • 11th Circuit Affirms in MCI WorldCom v. Mastec
 • Federal Circuit Reverses in Predicate Logic v. Distributive Software

Alert No. 1,840, Wednesday, October 8.
 • CCIA Petitions FCC to Expand Universal Service Subsidies to Include Broadband
 • 1st Circuit Considers Whether Patent Lawyers Can Claim Lien in Client's Bankruptcy Proceeding
 • Bush Addresses Judicial Appointments
 • DOJ Forum Shopping

Alert No. 1,839, Tuesday, October 7.
 • Copyright Office Announces 4th Triennial Review of DMCA Exemptions
 • SCUS Denies Cert in Case Regarding State Regulation of Cable and Video Services
 • SCUS Denies Cert In Case Regarding Personal Jurisdiction Over State Regulator of Online Commerce
 • SCUS Denies Cert in Cases Regarding Enforceability of Arbitration Clause in Wireless Service Contracts
 • SCUS Denies Cert in Case Regarding Whether a Signal is Patentable Subject Matter
 • SCUS Denies Cert in Song Sampling Case
 • SCUS Denies Cert in Case Regarding Application of Copyright Act's Time Limitation
 • SCUS Denies Cert in Washingtonienne Case

Alert No. 1,838, Monday, October 6.
 • DOJ Releases Guidelines for FBI Operations
 • 9th Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Establishment Clause Case Involving State Funded Web Site
 • DHS's Garcia Addresses Cyber Security
 • FCC Sets Comment Deadlines for 3rd Further NPRM Regarding D Block Auction
 • NTIA and DOT Announce Proposed ENHANCE 911 Rules
 • Book: Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws 2008

Alert No. 1,837, Thursday, October 2.
 • Martin Discusses NMP Order and Open Wireless Platforms
 • Senators Ask USTR Not to Negotiate Too Broad an ACTA
 • Bush Signs Bill to Extend LOC's Film and Audio Preservation Boards
 • Public Knowledge and Wireless Carriers Dispute Threat of Text Messaging Spam

Alert No. 1,836, Wednesday, October 1.
 • Martin Names Comcast Critic FCC Chief Technologist
 • Congress Passes IPR Enforcement Bill
 • Rep. Lofgren Addresses PRO-IP Act and Direction of Copyright Law
 • Book: A Manifesto for Media Freedom

Alert No. 1,835, Tuesday, September 30.
 • Movie Companies Sue RealNetworks for Selling DVD Copying Software
 • EFF and Others File Amicus Brief in Lime Wire Case
 • Music Industry Groups Propose Regulations on Compensation for Interactive Streaming and Limited Downloads
 • IIPA Outlines PR China's Non-compliance with WTO Obligations
 • Bush Signs Section 1030 Bill
 • US and Estonia Sign Crime Fighting Agreement

Alert No. 1,834, Monday, September 29.
 • FCC Releases Order Regarding Cable TV Carriage of Digital Broadcasters
 • USPTO Enters Into Agreements with IP Agencies in Korea and Australia
 • New WIPO DG Argues IP Issues Should be Addressed at International Level
 • Google Argues IP Issues Should be Addressed by Congress and Courts, Not Treaties
 • GAO Releases Report on FBI IT Deployment Project

Alert No. 1,833, Friday, September 26.
 • FCC Seeks Comments on Wireless Location Tracking Rules
 • 9th Circuit Upholds Customs Penalty for Importation of Products with Counterfeit Marks
 • 9th Circuit Addresses Piracy of Satellite Television Signals
 • District Court Grants New Trial to P2P Infringer

Alert No. 1,832, Thursday, September 25.
 • Google's Larry Page Meets with FCC Commissioners Regarding White Space
 • NAF Paper Argues Against White Space Auction
 • Google Launches Web Site Regarding Ad Agreement with Yahoo
 • DOJ's Barnett Addresses Single Firm Conduct
 • FCC Receives Comments on Regulation of Advertising
 • Federal Circuit Affirms in Lucent v. Gateway
 • Federal Circuit Rules in Broadcom v. Qualcomm
 • FCC Adopts Further NPRM Regarding Public Safety Broadband Network

Alert No. 1,831, Wednesday, September 24.
 • American Antitrust Institute Comments on Google Yahoo Ad Deal
 • Martin Wants Market to Provide Battery Powered DTV Receivers
 • M2Z and CTIA Dispute AWS-3 Interference
 • Comcast Files Network Management Plan

Alert No. 1,830, Tuesday, September 23.
 • Negotiations Launched for US to Join Trans Pacific Trade Agreement
 • US and PRC Discuss IPR and Other Tech Issues
 • OUSTR Holds Meeting Regarding ACTA
 • CCIA Paper Decries Belgian and French Internet Protectionism
 • Cato Paper Argues for Free Trade

Alert No. 1,829, Monday, September 22.
 • Public Citizen Urges Court to Dismiss Frivolous Jones Day Trademark Complaint
 • Federal Circuit Rules in WLAN Patent Case
 • Sen. Baucus and Sen. Hatch Introduce International IPR Protection Bill
 • Canadian Academics Propose a New Era in Biotech IP

Alert No. 1,828, Friday, September 19.
 • FCC Releases Agenda for September 25 Event
 • FCC Reports on Numbers of Phone Lines and Subscribers
 • OUSTR to Hold Meeting on Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
 • CDT Releases Paper on Behavior Advertising

Alert No. 1,827, Wednesday September 17.
 • FTC Requires Reed Elsevier to Divest Certain Electronic Public Records Services
 • Antitrust Division Releases Report on Single Firm Conduct
 • Select TLJ Articles Related to the US-EC Divergence on Single Firm Conduct
 • Summary of Single Firm Conduct Report
 • Three FTC Commissioners Criticize Single Firm Conduct Report
 • Commentary: Single Firm Conduct and the FCC

Alert No. 1,826, Tuesday, September 16.
 • House Passes Section 1030 Bill
 • AT&T Complains to FCC About Cox's Refusal to License San Diego Padres Games

Alert No. 1,825, Monday, September 15.
 • Solicitor General Files Amicus Brief in Pacific Bell v. Linkline
 • Rep. Sanchez Introduces Bill Regarding Customs Searches of Laptops
 • FCC Releases Tentative Agenda for September 25 Event

Alert No. 1,824, Friday, September 12.
 • Senate Judiciary Committee Approves IP Enforcement Bill
 • Fair Copyright in Research Works Act Introduced

Alert No. 1,823, Tuesday, September 9.
 • Judge Sullivan Denies Several of Sen. Stevens' Pre-Trial Motions
 • Bush Nominates Judge Preska for 2nd Circuit

Alert No. 1,822, Monday, September 8.
 • FCC Grants Carriers Forbearance From ARMIS Reporting Rules
 • ANA Writes DOJ Regarding Google Yahoo Agreement
 • NCTA Intervenes in Comcast's Challenge to FCC Network Management Practices Order

Alert No. 1,821, Thursday, September 4.
 • Comcast Files Petition for Review of FCC's Network Management Practices Order
 • PFF Paper on FCC's Comcast Order Invokes Kafka
 • FCC Provides Exemption for Small Cable Systems

Alert No. 1,820, Wednesday, September 3.
 • FTC Amends TSR Regarding Prerecorded Messages and Call Abandonment
 • CTIA Seeks Declaratory Ruling Regarding State and Local Wireless Siting Reviews
 • FCC Receives Petitions for Reconsideration of IP Enabled Services Order
 • NIST Withdraws 10 FIPS

Alert No. 1,819, Thursday, August 28.
 • FTC To Hold Public Workshop on Section 5 and Unfair Methods of Competition
 • Department of Commerce Announces National Medal of Technology Awards

Alert No. 1,818, Wednesday, August 27.
 • DOJ Prosecutes Botnet Seller

Alert No. 1,817, Thursday, August 21.
 • FCC Releases NPRM on Wireless Microphones Operating in 700 MHz Band
 • 9th Circuit Holds eBay Sale Does Not Create Personal Jurisdiction Over Out of State Seller
 • 7th Circuit Considers Use of Video Surveillance Cameras

Alert No. 1,816, Wednesday, August 20.
 • 9th Circuit Remands in Warrantless Surveillance Case
 • News Publishers Move to Unseal Records in AMD v. Intel
 • 9th Circuit Rules in ADA Cases

Alert No. 1,815, Tuesday, August 19.
 • US, Japan and Taiwan Request WTO Panel on EU Duties on Tech Products
 • Federal Circuit Affirms in Cygnus Telecommunications Patent Case
 • Bush to Nominate Dempsey for Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board

Alert No. 1,814, Monday, August 18.
 • FCC Revises Schedule for August 22 Event
 • FCC Awards Authors of Papers on Media Ownership and Spectrum Licensing

Alert No. 1,813, Thursday, August 14.
 • Federal Circuit Addresses Open Source Copyright Licenses
 • 2nd Circuit Rules on Pseudonymous Plaintiffs
 • Doe Plaintiffs File Second Amended Complaint in AutoAdmit Case

Alert No. 1,812, Wednesday, August 13.
 • NAB Adopts Resolution Regarding DTV Transition Quiet Period
 • Tiffany Appeals in Case Regarding eBay Auctions of Counterfeits
 • CAP and CDT Urge State AGs to Do More to Fight Online Fraud
 • Georgia Sues Russia

Alert No. 1,811, Tuesday, August 12.
 • 7th Circuit Rules in Wine Sales Case
 • T3 to File Antitrust Complaint Against IBM with EC

Alert No. 1,810, Monday, August 11.
 • Law Professors Argue for Dismissal of MySpace Section 1030 Prosecution
 • Groups Argue E-Mail System Hacking Violates Wiretap Act

Alert No. 1,809, Friday, August 8.
 • 9th Circuit Rules in Peck v. Cingular
 • FCC Adopts Third Commercial Mobile Alert System Order
 • PFF and CDT File Amicus Brief in FCC Fleeting Expletives Case

Alert No. 1,808, Thursday, August 7.
 • DOJ Announces Cyber Crime Indictments
 • H1B Visas, Tech Sector Jobs, and Visa Fraud

Alert No. 1,807, Wednesday, August 6.
 • FCC Grants Qwest Forbearance Previously Deemed Granted to Verizon
 • FCC Releases XM Sirius Merger Order
 • FTC's Chief Administrative Law Judge Will Leave FTC
 • US and Korean Presidents Urge Approval of FTA

Alert No. 1,806, Tuesday, August 5.
 • 2nd Circuit Reverses in Remote Storage DVR Copyright Case
 • Devices That Interfere With Cable TV's Pay Per View Billing Violate Both DMCA and Section 553
 • FCC Announces Tentative Agenda for August 22 Event
 • House Commerce Committee Leaders Send Interrogatories to Internet Companies Regarding Advertising Practices

Alert No. 1,805, Monday, August 4.
 • FCC Asserts Authority to Regulate Network Management Practices
 • FCC Approves RCC Transfers to Verizon Wireless, Subject to Conditions

Alert No. 1,804, Thursday, July 31.
 • Senate Approves Section 1030 Bill
 • House and Senate Pass Bill that Addresses P2P Infringement at Colleges

Alert No. 1,803, Wednesday, July 30.
 • Bush Amends Executive Order 12333
 • DOJ Violated Federal Law by Political Hiring of Career Employees

Alert No. 1,802, Tuesday, July 29.
 • DC Circuit Reverses in FTC v. Whole Foods
 • WTO Doha Talks Fail Again
 • NTIA Seeks Amendment of 1090 MHz Rules
 • DOJ Obtains Indictment of Sen. Stevens in DC

Alert No. 1,801, Monday, July 28.
 • Senate Takes Up Consider Omnibus Bill with Tech Provisions
 • WTO Doha Talks Continue in Geneva
 • Trade Bills Introduced In House

Alert No. 1,800, Friday, July 25.
 • FCC Approves XM Sirius Merger
 • FCC and Comcast
 • FCC Denies Forbearance Petitions

Alert No. 1,799, Thursday, July 24.
 • Bush Extends Export Control Regime
 • FCC Files Brief in Judicial Challenge to Viewability Order
 • House Subcommittee Holds Hearing on FCC Forbearance Procedures

Alert No. 1,798, Wednesday, July 23.
 • 3rd Circuit Holds COPA Unconstitutional
 • Doha Round Trade Negotiations Continue in Geneva
 • EC Releases Paper and Request for Comments on Exceptions and Limitations to Copyright
 • Orphan Works Bills Discussed

Alert No. 1,797, Tuesday, July 22.
 • 3rd Circuit Overturns FCC's Breast Broadcast Fine
 • DOJ Obtains Guilty Pleas in E-Gold Case

Alert No. 1,796, Monday, July 21.
 • 11th Circuit Rejects First Sale Doctrine As Defense to Illicit Software Label Trafficking
 • 3rd Circuit Rules on First Amendment and Video Speech
 • PFF Releases Media Metrics Report
 • Senate Appropriations Committee Approves Bill for Many Tech Related Agencies

Alert No. 1,795, Friday, July 18.
 • FCC Announces Tentative Agenda for August 1 Meeting
 • NCTA and NCMEC Announce MOU Regarding Porn on Cable Company Controlled Servers
 • Sen. Stevens Touts Bill to Give FCC Authority to Enforce Online Porn Statutes
 • FRB Reports on Economy

Alert No. 1,794, Tuesday, July 15.
 • 6th Circuit En Banc Panel Holds Warshak Case Lacks Ripeness
 • 4th Circuit Affirms Summary Judgment for New York Times in Hatfill's Anthrax Libel Action
 • 9th Circuit Affirms DMCA Criminal Conviction

Alert No. 1,793, Monday, July 14.
 • Yahoo Rejects Latest Microsoft Proposal
 • GAO Reports on FCC's High Cost Subsidy Program
 • Treasury's McCormick Addresses Protectionism and CFIUS
 • WTO Releases Negotiating Texts for July 21 Doha Round Meeting
 • Former Hewlett Packard VP Pleads Guilty to Theft of Trade Secrets

Alert No. 1,792, Thursday, July 10.
 • FTC Releases Annual Report on Do Not Call Registry
 • Senate Passes and Bush Signs FISA Reform Bill
 • FCC Releases Report and Order in CMAS Proceeding
 • National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center Dedicated

Alert No. 1,791, Wednesday, July 9.
 • DC Circuit Orders FCC to Explain Intercarrier Compensation Rules for ISP Bound Traffic, Under Pain of Vacatur

Alert No. 1,790, Tuesday, July 8.
 • 11th Circuit Affirms in CBS v. Echostar
 • Report Addresses Regulatory Reform in US and Japan
 • Federal Reserve Board's Mishkin Addresses IT and Financial Markets

Alert No. 1,789, Monday, July 7.
 • Copyright Office Releases Section 109 Report
 • 9th Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Complaint for Malicious Prosecution Based on Failed Patent Infringement Action
 • 11th Circuit Issues En Banc Opinion in Greenberg v. National Geographic

Alert No. 1,788, Tuesday, July 1.
 • Antitrust Division Chief Reflects on Oracle PeopleSoft Merger
 • 4th Circuit Construes Class Action Fairness Act in Wireless Case
 • 1st Circuit Upholds Warrantless Wiretap of Attorney with Consent of Client
 • US to Pay Hatfill in Anthrax Case

See also:
 • Story Titles from January - June 2008.
 • Story Titles from July - December 2007.
 • Story Titles from January - June 2007.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2006.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2006.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2005.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2005.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2004.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2004.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2003.
 • Story Titles from January - June, 2003.
 • Story Titles from July - December, 2002.