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Amendment to SEC Rule 17a.  (17 CFR § 240.17a-5)
Re: Requiring Certain Brokers and Dealers to Make Year 2000 Preparedness Reports.

Date of Report of Final Rule: July 2, 1998.
Effective Date of Rule Change: August 12, 1998.
Deadline for Filing: August 31, 1998.
Source: Securities and Exchange Commission.  See, SEC Release No. 34-40162, File No. S7-7-98 (copy of report).

Summary contained in report:

"The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") is amending Rule 17a-5 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act") to require broker-dealers to file with the Commission and their designated examining authority ("DEA") at designated times two separate reports regarding their Year 2000 compliance. The reports will increase broker-dealer awareness that they should be taking specific steps now to prepare for the Year 2000; facilitate coordination with self regulatory organizations of industry-wide testing, implementation, and contingency planning; supplement the Commission's examination module for Year 2000 issues and identify potential Year 2000 problems; and provide information regarding the securities industry's preparedness for the Year 2000. The reports are designed to be available to the public which will enable broker-dealer counterparties and others to assess the risks of doing business with a broker-dealer that may not be Year 2000 compliant."

(e) Nature and form of reports

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(5)(i) For purposes of this section, the term Year 2000 Problem shall include problems arising from:

(A) Computer software incorrectly reading the date "01/01/00" as being the year 1900 or another incorrect year;

(B) Computer software incorrectly identifying a date in the Year 1999 or any year thereafter;

(C) Computer software failing to detect that the Year 2000 is a leap year; or

(D) Any other computer software error that is directly or indirectly caused by the problems set forth in paragraph (e)(5)(i)(A), (B), or (C) of this section.

(ii) (A) No later than August 31, 1998, every broker or dealer required to maintain minimum net capital pursuant to § 240.15c3-1(a)(2) of $5,000 or greater as of July 15, 1998, shall file Part I of Form BD-Y2K (§ 249.618 of this chapter) prepared as of July 15, 1998, and no later than April 30, 1999, every broker or dealer required to maintain minimum net capital pursuant to § 240.15c3-1(a)(2) of $5,000 or greater as of March 15, 1999, shall file Part I of Form BD-Y2K prepared as of March 15, 1999.

(B) Every broker or dealer that registers pursuant to section 15 of the Act between July 16, 1998 and December 31, 1998 or between March 16, 1999 and October 1, 1999, and that is required to maintain net capital pursuant to § 240.15c3-1(a)(2) of $5,000 or greater, shall file Part I of Form BD-Y2K (§ 249.18 of this chapter) no later than 30 days after its registration becomes effective. Part I of Form BD-Y2K shall be prepared as of the date its registration became effective.

(iii)(A) No later than August 31, 1998, every broker or dealer with a minimum net capital requirement pursuant to § 240.15c3-1(a)(2) of $100,000 or greater as of July 15, 1998 shall file Part II of Form BD-Y2K (§ 249.618 of this chapter). Part II of Form BD-Y2K shall address each topic in paragraph (e)(5)(iv) of this section as of July 15, 1998.

(B) No later than April 30, 1999, every broker or dealer with a minimum net capital requirement pursuant to § 240.15c3-1(a)(2) of $100,000 or greater as of March 15, 1999 shall file Part II of Form BD-Y2K (§ 249.618 of this chapter). In addition, each broker or dealer subject to paragraph (e)(5)(iii)(A) of this section shall file Part II of Form BD-Y2K pursuant to this paragraph (e)(5)(iii)(B) regardless of its minimum net capital requirement. Part II of Form BD-Y2K shall address each topic in paragraph (e)(5)(iv) of this section as of March 15, 1999.

(C) Every broker or dealer that registers pursuant to section 15 of the Act between July 15, 1998 and December 31, 1998 or between March 16, 1999 and October 1, 1999, and that is required to maintain net capital pursuant to § 240.15c3-1(a)(2) of $100,000 or greater, shall file Part II of Form BD-Y2K (§ 249.18 of this chapter) no later than 30 days after registration becomes effective. Part II of Form BD-Y2K shall address each topic in paragraph (e)(5)(iv) of this section as of the effective date of its registration.

(iv) Part II of Form BD-Y2K (§ 249.618 of this chapter) prepared pursuant to paragraph (e)(5)(iii) of this section shall identify a specific person or persons that are available to discuss the contents of the report and shall include a discussion of the following:

(A) Whether the board of directors (or similar body) of the broker or dealer has approved and funded plans for preparing and testing its computer systems for Year 2000 Problems;

(B) Whether the plans of the broker or dealer exist in writing and address all mission critical computer systems of the broker or dealer wherever located throughout the world;

(C) Whether the broker or dealer has assigned existing employees, hired new employees, or engaged third parties to provide assistance in addressing Year 2000 Problems, and if so, a description of the work that these groups of individuals have performed as of the date of each report;

(D) The current progress of the broker or dealer on each stage of preparation for potential problems caused by Year 2000 Problems. These stages are:

(1) Awareness of potential Year 2000 Problems;

(2) Assessment of what steps the broker or dealer must take to address Year 2000 Problems;

(3) Implementation of the steps needed to address Year 2000 Problems;

(4) Internal testing of software designed to address Year 2000 Problems, including the number and a description of the material exceptions resulting from such testing that are unresolved as of the reporting date;

(5) Point-to-point or industry-wide testing of software designed to address Year 2000 Problems (including testing with other brokers or dealers, other financial institutions, and customers), including the number and a description of the material exceptions resulting from such testing that are unresolved as of the reporting date; and

(6) Implementation of tested software that will address Year 2000 Problems;

(E) Whether the broker or dealer has written contingency plans in the event, that after December 31, 1999, it has problems caused by Year 2000 Problems;

(F) What levels of management of the broker or dealer are responsible for addressing potential problems caused by Year 2000 Problems, including a description of the responsibilities for each level of management regarding the Year 2000 Problems;

(G) Any additional material information concerning its management of Year 2000 Problems that will help the Commission and the designated examining authorities assess the readiness of the broker or dealer for the Year 2000.

(v) The broker or dealer shall file an original and two copies of Form BD-Y2K (§ 249.618 of this chapter) prepared pursuant to paragraph (e)(5) of this section with the Commission's principal office in Washington, D.C. and one copy of Form BD-Y2K with the designated examining authority of the broker or dealer. The reports required by paragraph (e)(5) of this section shall be public.


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